This necklace is adorned with brightly colored glass beads that bear a striking resemblance to potion bottles.
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This necklace is adorned with brightly colored glass beads that bear a striking resemblance to potion bottles.
This well worn 3 lbs tome is made from fine vellum pages bound in a cover of gleaming snakeskin with an image of a winding serpent emblazoned on the cover in hammered copper.
This robe is adorned with cloth patches of various shapes and colors resembling a normal robe of useful items in all ways, except the items summoned from the patches are shoddy at best and dangerous at worst.
Wands of the Fungal Lord are not crafted so much as they are grown by myconid sovereigns and half-mad druids in lightless caverns suffused with mystical darkness and swirling luminescent spores.
Between the advent of the bucket and the fire hose there was the fire grenade. As better firefighting technology is a long ways off from being invented in most fantasy campaign settings, it’s high time the fire grenade made an appearance in your campaign!
As a GM I rarely take structured notes and almost never run prepackaged campaigns, but for Curse of Strahd I wanted to do something different.
Skyspells represents the life’s work of the legendary wizard and meteographer Fulmenica Levinholt, who dedicated her life to the scientific and esoteric study of weather phenomena and the potent elemental forces that rule the air.
The only thing differentiating this alchemical bomb from a conventional explosive is the crude image of a chicken painted onto its side.
Produced by unscrupulous alchemists, these bombs are painted with grotesque laughing faces in garish colors to distinguish them from conventional explosives.
Crafted from moth-eaten flour sacks, splintered broom handles, and other discarded odds and ends, no two mock goblin sticks are alike except in they way they almost but don’t quite resemble a goblin.
These small clockwork figures are traditionally craft in the likeness of myconids and painted with comical expressions.
Suspended in this thick, chalky potion is a living puffball mushroom. When you drink this potion your body transforms into a cloud of fungal spores.
Bearing the countenance of a grinning feline, this mask appears to be made from fire-blackened scrap wood that has been scratched by the claws of a hundred cats. The curving claws of a great cat, possibly a sabre tooth tiger, decorate its edge.
This fez made of rich red velvet has a ring of arcane runes stitched into its brim and an fiery agate bead hanging from its tassel.
The head of this oddly angled, oversized silver key is set with a blazing red gemstone and etched in extraplanar runes.
The charitably humanoid construct bobbing within the brine of this sturdy jar is made from the leavings and castoffs of alchemists who tried and failed to create proper homunculi.
This mummified finger wearing a simple brass ring set with a dull pearl is made from the digit of a long dead spellcaster.
These blessedly rare objects of power are crafted from the skulls of a great apes - typically a gorilla or yeti - inscribed with jagged runes that glow with the bestial ferocity of the gods of the jungle primeval.
The greatest of treasures is oft hide behind secret doors, but rare is the dungeoneer with the time to tap every wall and test every possible means of ingress. For those hurried adventurers the first phantom key was forged.
Carrying all the wonders of carnival and circus combined, the polkadot bag adds flair to your summoned allies.