Robe of Useless Items

Robe of Useless Items

Robe of Useless Items

Nuisance item, uncommon

This robe is adorned with cloth patches of various shapes and colors resembling a normal robe of useful items in all ways, including the design of the patches. While wearing the robe, you can use an action to detach one of the patches, causing it to become the shoddy object or indolent creature it represents. Once the last patch is removed, the robe unravels into rags and tatters.

The robe has two of each of the following patches:

  • Dagger (dull and rusty)

  • Bullseye lantern (empty and unlit, without a wick and with leak in its oil reservoir)

  • Steel mirror (dented and warped)

  • 10-foot pole (made from brittle wood)

  • Hempen rope (50 feet, cut up into one-foot sections)

  • Sack (riddled with holes and the verge of unraveling)

In addition, the robe had 4d4 other patches. The GM chooses the patches or determines them randomly.

1d100 Patch

01-08 Bag of 1d100 wooden nickles

09-15 A sheet of chewed tinfoil

16-22 An iron cage 10 feet wide and 10 feet high, locked from the outside and with no key. When the patch is removed the cage forms around you, capturing you and any other creatures in the 10-foot square when the cage appears. Ironically, the cage is sturdy, well made, and secure.

23-30 10 bits if shattered glass.

31-44 Wooden ladder (no bigger than the patch itself)

45-51 A hobbyhorse that can barely support your weight.

52-59 A pit you can place on the ground within 10 feet of you. However, the pit has no substance and is merely painted on the ground.

60-68 A potion of healing that is in reality a bottle of vinegar dyed red.

69-75 A rowboat made of soda crackers.

76-83 A sheet of parchment covered in a child’s incomprehensible scribbles.

84-90 Mastiff (dead)

91-96 Window (2 feet by 4 feet) that appears in the back of the robe, obliterating 2d4 random patches in the process.

97-00 A portable ram that animates and attacks you. Use statistics of a small animated object.

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