Amulet Armamentarium: An Alchemical Adornment for 5e

Amulet Armamentarium: An Alchemical Adornment for 5e

Amulet Armamentarium

Wondrous Item, uncommon

This necklace is adorned with brightly colored glass beads that bear a striking resemblance to potion bottles. While wearing the amulet, you can use an action to detach one of the beads, causing it to become the potion it represents. Once the last bead is removed, the amulet becomes an ordinary piece of jewelry.

The amulet has one of each of the following beads:

Red Potion of Healing

Orange Potion of Growth

Yellow Potion of Speed

Green Potion of Water Breathing

Blue Potion of Heroism

Purple Potion of Mind Reading

Variant Rules for 'Castle Risk'!

Variant Rules for 'Castle Risk'!