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Charon (D&D 5E Epic Fantasy Monster)

Charon is a Lich-like undead monster who dwells on the banks of the Styx in the underworld and is tasked with ferrying the souls of the dead from one side of the gloomy river to the other. His vessel is an ancient Egyptian-style funerary barge that is propelled by a half-dozen animated oars on each side.

Oddities for a Ren Faire

What could be more amusingly odd than Renaissance Faires, whose quirkiness starts with that extraneous “e” that they somehow need to have? This post contains some of the weird things, some truer to life than we might like to admit, that one might find at places of this sort …

Starfinder: Ahl

Ahl are creatures who originate on an alternate plane of existence. The home of these creatures is pure black, where no light has ever reached. It is cold and anything that manages to find themselves in this dimension quickly succumb to the environment, dying a horrible, lonely death.