Wand of the Fungal Lord for 5e

Wand of the Fungal Lord for 5e

Wand of the Fungal Lord

Wand, rare (requires attunement)

Wands of the Fungal Lord are not crafted so much as they are grown by myconid sovereigns and half-mad druids in lightless caverns suffused with mystical darkness and swirling luminescent spores. This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can spend an action and a variable number of charges to produce one of the following effects:

  • Spend 1 charge to cause thick fungal growths to sprout from the ground within 60 feet of you, filling a contiguous area up to 20 square feet with mushrooms, toadstools, and mold. This area is difficult terrain for all non-plant creatures. A creature attuned to a Rod of the Fungal Lord is immune to difficult terrain created by the rod.

  • Spend 1 charge to cast speak with plants. However, you can only communicate with fungus while under the effects of this version of the spell.

  • Spend 2 charges to cause a giant mushroom to instantly grow from a point within 30 feet. You determine the size of the mushroom’s cap, which can be no greater than 15 square feet, and its overall height, which can be no more than 40 feet. The mushroom’s cap is a level surface capable of bearing 1000 pounds. The cap lifts up any creature or object within its area when this effect is produced. A creature that does not want to be lifted aloft can attempt a DC 15 Dexterity save to leap from the mushroom as it begins to grow, safely landing in a space adjacent to the cap on successful save or taking falling damage based on the mushroom’s full height on a failed save.

  • Spend 2 charges to fill a 15 ft sphere within 30 feet of you with a cloud of choking fungal spores. This functions as a stinking cloud spell, but fungus-based plant creatures and creatures attuned to a Rod of the Fungal Lord are immune to its poison effect.

  • Spend 3 charges to instantaneously cast awaken on a patch of fungus, turning it into a myconid adult. This myconid serves you until the wand next regains charges, at which point there is an equal chance the creature wanders away to pursue its own agenda or reverts back into a patch of mundane fungus.

A Wand of the Fungal Lord regains 1d6+1 charges at sunset. When attuned to a cleric in service to a fungal deity, a druid of the Circle of Spores, or a fungus-based plant creature such as a myconid, roll twice and keep the higher result.

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