Expanded Wild Magic

Expanded Wild Magic

The thing about wild magic, what really sets it apart from domesticated magic, is that it’s wild. But if you ask me, and you did ask me and everyone saw it, the wild magic table presented in the core D&D rules isn’t wild enough. I present here a new wild magic table that pumps up the wild, the wacky, and the well-that’s-dangerous.

Using the Expanded Wild Magic Table

Those of you who cling to archaic notions of game balance can simply roll a d100 on the table below whenever a spell is cast where wild magic is in play. But for those who indulge in all the sensual arts of roleplayery, and who have noticed the table has results lower than 1 and higher than 100, can unlock wild magic’s full potential by modifying the result of the roll as follows: subtract the level of the spell from the wild magic result while adding the caster’s spell casting modifier to the result.

d100 Effect

-05 You are immediately incapacitated and reduced to 0 hit points

-04 Your spell swaps targets. If your spell targetted something other than you, it targets you or an appropriate target in your space if the spell does not target creatures. If your spell targetted you or something in your space, it now targets the creature nearest to you or an appropriate target in that creature’s space.

-03 A random item you are carrying becomes cursed.

-02 You blink out of existence and spend an endless few seconds in the darkest, most harrowing corner of the multiverse where you take 1d6 damage of every damage type. You blink back into existence at the start of your next turn.

-01 The spell fails and you lose the ability to cast the spell, removing it from your spell list. You can regain the ability to cast this spell and return it to your spell list with a Greater Restoration spell cast by someone other than yourself, or by re-learning the spell the next time a class ability allows you to learn new spells.

00 You cast Fireball at the highest level you can cast centered on yourself.

01 You cast Fireball as a 3rd-level spell centered on yourself.

02 You age 10x years. If this aging is not reversed with a greater restoration spell within the next 24 hours it is permanent.

03 The next damaging spell you cast within the next minute deals as much damage to you as it does to your target/targets.

04 Everything you are wearing except your undergarments teleport 5 feet to your left.

05 You cast Confusion centered on yourself.

06 You cast Hideous Laughter on yourself.

07 You and everything you carry shrinks as per the Reduce spell. This effect persists for 1d6x rounds and cannot be dismissed.

08 You slip into the ethereal plane as per the spell Etherealness. This persists for 1d6x rounds and cannot be .

09 The spell you cast has the opposite intended effect.

10 The spell you cast unexpectedly changes direction, effecting a random viable target within 30 feet of the intended target. If there is no other viable target the spell targets you.

11 You cast Silence centered on your current location.

12 A prismatic discharge blinds you for 1d10x rounds.

13 A thaumic boom deafens you for 1d10x rounds.

14 A hostile quasit appears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you. There is a 50% chance the quasit is invisible when it manifests.

15 Up to 1d4 random potions you are carrying turn to vinegar.

16 The weapon you are wielding decays. Metal weapons rust, wooden weapons rot, etc.

17 You cannot use reactions for 1d10x turns.

18 Your speed is reduced by 10 feet.

19 Can only speak and comprehend a single random language for the next 1d10x minutes. During this time any spells you cast with verbal components have a 20% chance of failure.

20 Briars of living crystal sprout from the ground at your feet, creating a 20 ft. area of difficult terrain. Any area effect that deals thunder damage clears the difficult terrain, inflicting 1d6 piercing damage to everyone within the area as the crystals shatter.

21 A psychic inversion makes you frightened of your spell’s target. This persists for 1d6x rounds.

22 You are petrified for 1d10x rounds as your body turns to pearwood.

23 You cast polymorph on yourself, turning yourself into a toad. There is a 20% chance this transformation is permanent until reversed with Remove Curse or similar magic.

24 You gain 1 level of exhaustion.

25 You are poisoned for 1d10x minutes.

26 You and a random hostile within 60 feet switch places.

27 You and a random ally within 30 feet switch places.

28 You cast Bestow Curse on yourself, bestowing a random curse effect.

29 You cast Bestow Curse on yourself.

30 Minimize the damage of the next damaging spell you cast within the next minute.

31 Creatures have advantage on their saving throws against the next spell you cast that allows a saving throw within the next minute.

32 You cast Faerie Fire centered on yourself.

33 The first potion you drink within the next minute has a random effect instead of its intended effect.

34 The scroll nearest to you casts itself, targeting a random viable target/targets within range. If there are no viable targets the scroll is destroyed.

35 One of your hands falls off and transforms into a hostile crawling claw. This crawling claw knows all the cantrips you know and its spellcasting ability is equal to your own. Your hand can be restored with a Greater Restoration spell provided the crawling claw or its remains are pressed to the site of amputation.

36 You drop everything you are carrying as your hands spasm uncontrollably. For the next minute you have disadvantage on melee and ranged attack, and spells you cast with somatic components have a 20% chance of failure.

37 Your shadow detaches from you and becomes monstrous. You do not cast a shadow, which many consider unnatural and ill-omened. Your shadow can be restored with Remove Curse or similar magic.

38 For the next minute gravity is doubled for you. You are encumbered, have disadvantage on Strength-based saving throws and skill checks, and you take double damage from falling.

39 You are weightless for the next minute. This functions as if you cast the spell Levitate on yourself except you cannot alter your altitude or take a move or a dash action unless you have a fly speed. Additionally, you can be moved when acted upon by an outside force (e.g., a stiff wind, a melee attack, etc.). Resisting this involuntary movement requires a DC 18 Dexterity save.

40 A drizzle of acid falls from the sky in a 30 foot radius circle centered on you. Everyone within this area takes 2d6 acid damage or half as much on a Dexterity save against your spellcasting ability modifier.

41 Every creature that can see you is frightened of you until the end of your next turn.

42 A sperm whale and a potted plant are called into existence several miles above the surface of the planet. The two fall, landing at random locations within the wild magic zone at the end of the next round. Anyone at a point of impact must make a successful DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to clear the area at the moment of impact. The potted plant deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage to anyone in its point of impact, while the gargantuan whale deals 20d6 bludgeoning damage.

43 You are frightened of the creature nearest to you until the end of your next round.

44 You cast Stinking Cloud centered on yourself.

45 The weather changes randomly. There is a 50% chance the new weather conditions are extreme.

46 If you die within the next 1d0x days you transform into a random undead the following night.

47 You cast Magic Missile with a level equal to the level of the spell that triggered this Wild Magic roll. One of the darts must target you.

48 Your elemental polarity is reversed for the next minute. Any damaging spell you cast that deals elemental damage deals damage of the opposing element (e,g, Fireball inflicts cold damage, Finger of Death inflicts radiant damage, etc.). If you have any elemental resistances, immunities, or vulnerabilities, they are reversed as well.

49 You cast Reincarnate on yourself.

50 The spell you cast fails. The spell slot used to cast the spell is lost.

51 The spell you cast fails. The spell slot used to cast the spell is not lost.

52 Your speed is enhanced by 10 feet for one minute.

53 You and everything you carry grows as per the Enlarge spell. This persists for 1d10x minutes.

54 You grow younger by 1d10x years. If this reduces you to less than zero years of age you cease to be.

55 You disappear. At the start of your next turn you reappear at a location within 60 feet of where you disappeared from. Your memories of the past few seconds, or possible hours, are confused.

56 For the next minute there are two of you with identical hit points and a single pool of spell slots. If there are still two of you when this effect ends one of the two vanishes.

57 Your hair turns a random color. This change is permanent, but your hair grows out into its original color.

58 It rains herring. All terrain open to the sky is difficult terrain for the next 1d4 rounds. Afterwards, the herring expire and become rather pungent.

59 Any rope you are carrying transforms into a swarm of snakes. There is a 50% chance the swarm is hostile to you or your enemies.

60 A random weapon within 30 feet of you animates as per the spell Animate Objects. There is a 50% chance the animated weapon is under the control of its owner. Otherwise, the weapon acts independently and is hostile to its owner.

61 All unattended glass objects within 60 feet of your shatter, inflicting 1d6 slashing damage on creatures within 5 feet. A successful Dexterity save against your spell save DC negates this damage. On a failed save all carried class objects shatter, inflicting 1d6 slashing damage with no save allowed.

62 For the next minute one of your arms transforms into a writhing tentacle. Unarmed, grappling, and melee spell attacks made with your tentacle have a 10 foot reach. Attempts to initiate or maintain a grapple with your tentacle have advantage. Unarmed attacks made with your tentacle are magical. You have disadvantage on attacks made with non-magical weapons your tentacle wields. Your tentacle can supply a spell’s somatic component just like a normal hand.

63 For the next minute a thick swarm of butterflies with prismatic wings flutters around you. The butterflies give you half cover. However, you have disadvantage on all sight-based Wisdom (perception) skill checks and all targets have partial cover against your ranged attacks.

64 Time inverts! For the next minute within the wild magic zone it is the middle of the night, complete with natural darkness and a full moon. If it is already night then it is the middle of the day. It is also May 7th, on a Tuesday.

65 A pulse of mystic force pushes you 10 feet directly away from your target and knocks you prone.

66 For the next minute a coir of disembodied voices sings about everything you do. During this time you have disadvantage on Dexterity (slight of hand), Dexterity (stealth), and Charisma (deception) skill checks, and advantage on Intelligence (investigation), Charisma (performance), and Charisma (persuasion) skill checks.

67 For the next minute, a fully functional mouth sprouts from the palm of your hand. So long as that hand isn’t holding anything the mouth can speak, eat, drink, and simultaneously supply a spell’s verbal, material, and somatic components. Additionally, unarmed strikes made with your hand are magical attacks that deal 1d6 piercing damage.

68 For 1 minute you grow 1d10 fox tails. There is a 25% chance this transformation is permanent.

69 The spell you cast does not take effect. Instead, it transforms into a black egg with red speckles that settles to the ground halfway between you and your target, or at your feet if you are the target. Anyone holding the egg may crack it as a bonus action, casting the spell at a valid target of their choice.

70 The spell’s target and everything on the target’s person turns the same random color. This change is permanent unless removed by Remove Curse, Restoration, or similar magic.

71 For the next minute your education is scrambled. You lose proficiency in all skills you are proficient in, and gain proficiency in all skills you are not proficient in.

72 100+1d100x glittering gold coins stamped with the face of a jovial god fall like rain in a 20 foot space centered on you. There is a 50% chance these coins are fool’s gold and considered counterfeit.

73 For the next minute every time you speak a scrap of parchment falls from your lips with a transcription of your words written upon it. If you cast a spell with a verbal component during this time there is a 25% chance the scrap of parchment is a spell scroll of the spell you cast.

72 One random potion within 30 feet of you turns into a nourishing soup with rich broth that is always at the perfect temperature and supplies enough food and water for a day. If you consume this soup as part of a short or long rest you gain 2d6 temporary hit points.

73 You may immediately cast up to all your cantrips at once (minimum 1), but take 1d4 force damage for every cantrip you cast.

74 A surly chaos goat appears in an unoccupied space next to you. If you are moved by magic or other supernatural means, the goat moves with you. This goat acts at the end of your turn, moving to an unoccupied space next to you if it is not next to you. If there is a hostile creature engaged with you the goat uses its action to ram the hostile creature. If there is not hostile creature engaged with you the goat rams you. After 1d6x rounds the goat gets bored and wanders off to make its way in the world.

75 A random animal within 90 feet awakens as per the Awaken spell, but there is a 50% chance the creature is not charmed by you.

76 The next time you move your base speed is 5d12 feet.

77 Nothing happens. If you cast a spell before the end of your next turn any resulting wild magic roll is made with a -10 penalty. If you do not cast a spell before the end of your next turn you make your next wild magic roll with a +10 bonus.

78 You cast Hideous Laughter on yourself and one other target within range. When cast this way Hideous Laughter does not require concentration.

79 Eyes sprout all over your head. You cannot be surprised, you gain advantage on sight based Perception checks, and you have true sight and darkvision out to 60 feet. However, in 1d6x rounds all your extra eyes turn to marbles and pop out of you head, clattering to the ground as if a bag of ball bearings was emptied at your feet. These marbles look disturbingly like eyes.

80 For the next minute glorious dragon wings sprout from your back. During this time you have a fly speed of 60 feet and one use of a breath weapon. See the dragonborn draconic ancestry chart to determine wing color and breath attack.

81 You may immediately cast 1d4 cantrips.

82 For the next minute, the next time you cast a spell that allows a saving throw your targets have disadvantage on that saving throw.

83 Your spell is cast as if from a spell slot 1 level higher.

85 A random non-magical weapon within 60 feet of you becomes a +1 magical weapon for 1 minute. When this time elapses there is a 25% chance this is permanent.

86 You cast the spell you just cast again.

87 A surge of cleanliness passes through you, leaving you impeccably groomed and your clothes impeccably laundered and tailored. You have advantage on your next Charisma-based roll made within the next minute.

88 You may immediately cast another spell.

89 You cast Haste. If you target another creature there is a 25% chance you target yourself as well.

90 A soul coin appears in your pocket. The devil who owns it is highly displeased.

91 Maximize the damage of the next damaging spell you cast within the next minute.

92 A couatl appears within 30 feet of you. The couatl acts independently but aids anyone opposing the forces of evil and chaos or who seek to heal the wild magic zone. When the couatl casts spells there is a 50% chance they do not trigger wild magic rolls.

93 You cast Spiritual Weapon at a level equal to the spell you just cast (minimum 2nd level).

94 Your skin transforms into gleaming metal with a mirror-like finish for the next minute. You gain a +1 bonus to AC and advantage on all saving throws against spells.

95 Roll 1d6 for each level of the spell you just cast. Regain HP equal to the result. This cannot bring your total HP over your maximum.

96 Roll 1d6 for each level of the spell you just cast. Regain HP equal to the result. Any HP over your maximum become temporary HP.

97 You regain your lowest expended spell slot.

98 The spell slot used to cast this spell is not lost.

99 You regain an expended spell slot of any level you can cast.

100 You regain an expended spell slot of the highest level you can cast.

101 For the next minute your spellcasting ability increases by 2. When this time elapses make a DC 20 saving throw using your spellcasting ability. On a successful save this ability increase becomes permanent.

102 You are restored to full hit points.

103 Your maximum lifespan increases by 1d100 years and you gain advantage on saving throws made against effects that cause you to prematurely age.

104 You gain resistance to a random damage type. If you already have resistance to this damage type you gain immunity to it instead.

105A random IOUN Stone appears in a random location in the wake of your spell. You are automatically attuned to this stone and it does not count against the maximum number of wondrous items to which you can attune.

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