Sandal of the Titans (Wondrous Item)

Sandal of the Titans (Wondrous Item)

This hobnailed piece of footwear is four feet long and 18 inches wide and any creature of at least Huge size with humanoid feet can wear it. If used as a weapon, it is the equivalent of a heavy greatclub, dealing 4d3 points of base damage. Furthermore, it inflicts +6 damage against any monsters of the Vermin type, including centipedes, spiders, and scorpions. 

Sandal of the Titans

This hobnailed piece of footwear is four feet long and 18 inches wide and any creature of at least Huge size with humanoid feet can wear it. If used as a weapon, it is the equivalent of a heavy greatclub, dealing 4d3 points of base damage. Furthermore, it inflicts +6 damage against any monsters of the Vermin type, including centipedes, spiders, and scorpions. 

Strong evocation; CL 15th; Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Strength; Price 23,348 gp; Cost 13,348 gp + 640 XP; Weight 12 lb. 

Variant Size Giant Scorpions (D&D 5E Monsters)

Variant Size Giant Scorpions (D&D 5E Monsters)

Starfinder: Ass Blaster

Starfinder: Ass Blaster