Is conventional wild magic not wild enough for you? One roll on this 1d100 table and it’ll be more wild than even the gods can handle!
All tagged Dungeons & Dragons
Is conventional wild magic not wild enough for you? One roll on this 1d100 table and it’ll be more wild than even the gods can handle!
This necklace is adorned with brightly colored glass beads that bear a striking resemblance to potion bottles.
This well worn 3 lbs tome is made from fine vellum pages bound in a cover of gleaming snakeskin with an image of a winding serpent emblazoned on the cover in hammered copper.
Skirmisher Publishing is pleased to announce its release of a revised, updated, and expanded edition of game developer Derek Holland's "Freshwater Monsters & Hazards"!
Spartan Hoplites are free-born heavy infantry soldiers who have been trained to fight in close formation and in conjunction with one another using long spears and large round hoplon shields and form the backbone of their nation’s armed forces.
This sturdy 6 lbs tome is made from interlocking brass plates with acid-etched High Dwarven text. Equal parts thaumaturgical treatise and practical spellbook, this book contains the foundational occult knowledge and spellcraft considered essential for Clan MakDruun’s arcanists, artisans, and priests.
Between the advent of the bucket and the fire hose there was the fire grenade. As better firefighting technology is a long ways off from being invented in most fantasy campaign settings, it’s high time the fire grenade made an appearance in your campaign!
In my Curse of Strahd campaign I was compelled to introduce new items, magical or otherwise. Sometimes this was to fill a specific story need, other times to reinforce the horror of the setting, and other times just to flex my creative muscles. Now that the campaign is ended, I’m sharing those items here.