Wands of the Fungal Lord are not crafted so much as they are grown by myconid sovereigns and half-mad druids in lightless caverns suffused with mystical darkness and swirling luminescent spores.
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Wands of the Fungal Lord are not crafted so much as they are grown by myconid sovereigns and half-mad druids in lightless caverns suffused with mystical darkness and swirling luminescent spores.
This necklace is adorned with brightly colored glass beads that bear a striking resemblance to potion bottles.
In my Curse of Strahd campaign I was compelled to introduce new items, magical or otherwise. Sometimes this was to fill a specific story need, other times to reinforce the horror of the setting, and other times just to flex my creative muscles. Now that the campaign is ended, I’m sharing those items here.
Attunement is a simple method of preventing characters from getting outside the parameters of bounded accuracy and a storyteller could modify the rules associated with it to make them more thematic or wondrous or to provide more adventure hooks. Attunement can also be used for other forms of magic and this article introduces the Mystical Location.
The greatest of treasures is oft hide behind secret doors, but rare is the dungeoneer with the time to tap every wall and test every possible means of ingress. For those hurried adventurers the first phantom key was forged.
Everything has a weakness, but it’s often hard to see. With this glass eye forged by unscrupulous glassblowers and enchanted by hidden societies dedicated to death you can find any creature’s fatal flaw with a glance.
Carrying all the wonders of carnival and circus combined, the polkadot bag adds flair to your summoned allies.
A bag of tricks is a wonderful thing, endlessly useful and full of surprises. But it’s a sorry handbag designer who only makes bags in gray, rust, and tan.