Wands of the Fungal Lord are not crafted so much as they are grown by myconid sovereigns and half-mad druids in lightless caverns suffused with mystical darkness and swirling luminescent spores.
All tagged Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition
Wands of the Fungal Lord are not crafted so much as they are grown by myconid sovereigns and half-mad druids in lightless caverns suffused with mystical darkness and swirling luminescent spores.
This necklace is adorned with brightly colored glass beads that bear a striking resemblance to potion bottles.
This page is dedicated to bonus content for In the Footsteps of Hercules, a system-free sourcebook devoted to a pilgrimage trail that can be used in conjunction with any fantasy role-playing games!
This complex astrological clock accurately reproduces the motions of all the heavenly spheres and celestial bodies, running ceaselessly despite its lack of motor or mainspring.
Attunement is a simple method of preventing characters from getting outside the parameters of bounded accuracy and a storyteller could modify the rules associated with it to make them more thematic or wondrous or to provide more adventure hooks. Attunement can also be used for other forms of magic and this article introduces the Mystical Location.
Produced by unscrupulous alchemists, these bombs are painted with grotesque laughing faces in garish colors to distinguish them from conventional explosives.
This pulsing leech is specially bred and chemically treated by alchemists. Though it hungers for blood, it also hungers for poisons and diseases that contaminate blood.
Floating within this thick red syrup is a single pin feather from an eagle. When consumed, this potion transforms you into an eagle!
Crafted from moth-eaten flour sacks, splintered broom handles, and other discarded odds and ends, no two mock goblin sticks are alike except in they way they almost but don’t quite resemble a goblin.
This mummified hand - once attached to the remains of a spellcaster - hangs from a bronze chain adorned with arcane sigils.