Entertainment Mutant Index

At long last I have compiled an index of all the creatures from Movies, Television, Comics, Novels and Video Games I have converted and posted over the years.
This list is alphabetical and will eventually include all the creatures for ease of location and reference.
- Abbies
- Absorber
- Acid Jelly Sack
- Adipose
- Amoeba, Giant
- Amorphous Blob
- Angler
- Ant, Controller
- Ant, Giant Fire Warrior
- Ant, Giant Fire Worker
- Ant, Gargantuan
- Aquan
- Arachnid Hominids
- Arachnid Hominids, Pureblood
- Arachno-Claws
- Arcadians
- Armored Ocean Dwellers
- Ash Dragon
- Ass Blaster
- Ass Blaster, African
- Barasp
- Basilisk
- Bear
- Beastmen
- Berserker
- Biomass
- Blind Dog
- Bloat Fly
- Bloodbug
- Blood Dragon
- Blood Suckers
- Blues
- Bodach
- Bone Oni
- Bone Snatcher
- Bone Wielders
- Bopper
- Brahmin
- Bull Men
- Burer
- Burrower
- Calcium Eaters
- Cannies
- Carnictis
- Carnivorous Grubs
- Carnivorous Vines
- Cassaobries
- Cave Dwellers
- Cazador
- Centuar
- Chew Wasps
- Chud
- City Killer Mark 1
- City Killer Mark 1 Drone
- City Killer Mark 2
- City Killer Mark 2 Offspring
- City Killer Mark 3
- City Killer Mark 4
- City Killer Mark 5
- Combat Drone
- Controller
- Coons
- Crimson Horror
- Crows
- Dark Ones
- Deadly Slug
- Deathclaw
- Deathclaw, Glowing
- Decarnocimex
- Deep Terror
- Demon
- Desert Dwellers
- Desert Scavengers
- Dimensional Dragon
- Dimensionalpede
- Doombringer
- Doppler
- Dragoon
- Dream Stalker
- Dregs
- Dren
- Feaster
- Feathered Serpent
- Ferals
- Flesh
- Flora Folk
- Flukeman
- Fly Hominid
- Flying Bison
- Flying Lemur
- Flying Piranha
- Flytrap, Gargantuan
- Fog Crawler
- Foo Dog
- Forest Lady
- Franks
- Frogmen
- Gaian Cactus
- Gargoyle
- Gargs
- Gecko, Gargantuan
- Gelf
- Gemini
- Ghosts
- Ghost People
- Gillmen
- Gobape
- Grabbers
- Graboids
- Graboids, African
- Gremlins
- Guardian Tree
- Guardians
- Gulper
- Gwolf
- Haemovore
- Hammerheads
- Hermit Crab
- Hiders
- Hopper
- Hunter
- Hunters
- Hybrids
- Hybrids, Enigma
- Hybrids, Generation 2
- Lavalantula
- Lekgolo Worm
- Leps
- Leviathan
- Liana
- Librarian
- Living Metal
- Lizard People
- Lobotomites
- Lurker
- Mamula
- Man-Bats
- Mantis, Giant
- Max, The
- Merfolk
- Mire Lurker
- Mire Lurker Hunter
- Mire Lurker King
- Mire Lurker King, Bostonian
- Mire Lurker Queen
- Mire Lurker Red Death
- Mist Spider
- Mole Rat
- Morwen
- Mothman
- Mutant Coelacanths
- Naga
- New Human
- New Human Behemoth
- New Human Brute
- New Human Master
- New Human Night Stalker
- New Human Overlord
- Night Fury
- Night Hunter
- Night People
- Night Stalkers
- Nocturns
- Nosalis
- Nova Hound
- Nubbins
- Pale Eaters
- Parasitic Metamorph
- Pauna
- Pittsburgh Troglodyte
- Piranhaconda
- Pixers
- Poltergeist
- Pripyat Chimera
- Pripyat Rodents
- Pseudo Dog
- Pseudo Giant
- Psy Dog
- Pumpkinhead
- Puppeteer
- Pyrogeist
- Sammael
- Sathra
- Satyrs
- Scalies
- Sea Angler
- Sea Demon
- Selkies
- Shadow Apes
- Shadow Spawn
- Shark, Levitating
- Shark, Sand
- Shark, Teleporter
- Shark, Thinker
- Sharktopus
- Sheeple
- Shifters
- Shrikers
- Shrimp
- Shuna Sassi
- Silent, The
- Skinshifter
- Slime Slug
- Skull Knockers
- Smoke
- Snu-Snu's
- Sphinxian Treecat
- Spider Bug
- Spore Beast
- Spore Spreader
- Spuds
- Snorks
- Squad Penguins
- Stickies
- Stingwing
- Sub Human
- Swamp Devil
- Swamp Folk
- Swamp Vine
- Temants
- Terrapusmordax
- Thale
- Tibetan Yeti
- Tick, Gargantuan
- Transadapt
- Tree Monkeys
- Troll
- Tube Worms
- Tundra Beast
- Tunnelers
- Vampire, Dessicated
- Vampire, Hive Mind
- Vampire, Life Stealing
- Vampire, Strigori
- Vampire, Van Helsing
- Vampire Ray
- Xenomorph, Boiler
- Xenomorph, Canine
- Xenomorph, Crusher
- Xenomorph, Drone
- Xenomorph, Egg, Facehugger, Chestburster
- Xenomorph, Human Xeno
- Xenomorph, Hybrid
- Xenomorph, Lurker
- Xenomorph, New Born
- Xenomorph, Queen
- Xenomorph, Praetorean Guard
- Xenomorph, Raven
- Xenomorph, Spitter
- Zenons
- Zombie, Burning
- Zombie, Exposed
- Zombie, Feral
- Zombie, Gas
- Zombie, Infector
- Zombie, Intelligent
- Zombie, Juggernaght
- Zombie, King
- Zombie, Living
- Zombie, Nazi
- Zombie, Nemesis
- Zombie, Neural
- Zombie, Parasite
- Zombie, Radioactive
- Zombie, Rotter
- Zombie, Screamer
- Zombie, Sprinter
- Zombie, Tyrant
- Zombie, White Walker
- Zone Boar
Chris Van Deelen is the creator and contributor to over half of the Wisdom from the Wastelands series, contributor to the Swords of Kos: Hekaton anthology. He also wrote Creatures of the Tropical Wastelands, and 100 Oddities found in a Car. As prolific as he is, Chris Van Deelen continues to write and produce material which will be in publication soon. Not only is he a prolific content creator, he also has a wide selection of fiction and stories! If you like his work, please follow his personal author page on Facebook and on Twitter to keep up with his latest news and game content.