
It is said that these mutants were some of the very first to appear in the wastes across the globe. Unlike many other creatures that were bio-engineered, it turns out that this type of mutation was extremely common.
There are those who argue that this genetic anomaly was not caused by radiation or other mutagenic compounds, but instead may have been the result of a bio-weapon that was released during the final wars and that it somehow spread globally. As is the case with many of the creatures that inhabit the wastes, the origins of how they came to be is lost in time and will probably never be revealed.
Chris Van Deelen is the author of the Skirmisher Publishing LLC sourcebook Creatures of the Tropical Wastes sourcebook, co-author of its Wisdom from the Wastelands game supplement and contributor to the 'Sword of Kos: Hekaton' Anthology.
No. Enc: 2d6 or 16d10 in communities
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 120’ (40’)
AC: 4 or by armor
HD: 9
Attacks: by weapon or bite, claw, claw
Damage: by weapon or 2d6, 1d8 / 1d8
Save: L9
Morale: 11
Hoard Class:VI (100% coins), VIII, XIV, always 1d3 weapons (melee or primitive firearms), 75% if 1d2 high tech weapons, and 50% 1 artifact armor.
It is said that these mutants were some of the very first to appear in the wastes across the globe. Unlike many other creatures that were bio-engineered, it turns out that this type of mutation was extremely common.
There are those who argue that this genetic anomaly was not caused by radiation or other mutagenic compounds, but instead may have been the result of a bio-weapon that was released during the final wars and that it somehow spread globally. As is the case with many of the creatures that inhabit the wastes, the origins of how they came to be is lost in time and will probably never be revealed.
These particular mutants have an overall human appearance, and are typically about the same in height and weight as most normal humans that can be found. But there are several distinct changes in their physiology that sets them apart from many of the other mutants that inhabit the wastes.
First is they are scaled, and thus the name that they were stuck with. The scales are rather fine and the color and pattern of the scales is as varied as the many species of snake and lizard that live all across the globe. These scales have a unique reflective property that will re-direct (in a random direction) any light based attack they are subjected to 25% of the time, and even if they are hit, they have a natural damage reduction of 10 against light-based attacks. And these scales even provide a modicum of protection against all other attacks, thus the armor-class listed.
Second is that they are quite reptilian in nature. They are often considered to be cold and calculating and are often come across as emotionless. They do have emotions; it is just that they are often hidden from the majority of people that they interact with, even with each other. As a result, they also are essentially immune to the effects of any sort of mutation that would normally affect or alter the emotions of a target. When they encounter such an attack, they are considered to have a Will Power of 18, or if a saving throw is involved, they get a +6 to the save to resist any sort of emotion-based attack.
Like many reptilian species, they are capable of regeneration, albeit at a slower rate, but still they are able to heal from almost any type of wound, and will – given time – even regenerate lost limbs and the like. The result is that they gain their healing rate per hour instead of per day.
The downside is that once again, like reptiles, they are susceptible to cold-based attacks. When they are required to save against cold, they suffer a -4 and any weapon used against them that causes cold-based damage does triple damage.
Another disadvantage they suffer from is the need for live food. They must consume creatures that are still living. Something about dead flesh is toxic to them and acts as class 8 poison when they consume food that has been dead for more than 1d4 turns. As a result, they often keep masses of rodents and other small animals to eat when they require it, and often when they are engaged in combat, they will bite and eat whatever they can while they fight, even if it is from a member of their own species. This has given the creatures a very sinister reputation.
Females tend to outnumber the males at a rate of nearly five to one, and as such males are actively sought out and kept safe from the many dangers that plague the wastelands. Many males are treated like royalty and as such are kept hidden away to be used by the females for breeding purposes. Some accept this willingly, others are kept as virtual slaves, but the benefits certainly outweigh the disadvantages of such a life.
Unlike their reptilian counterparts, the females do not lay eggs. Instead they give birth to live babies like human women, although the gestation period is slightly shorter, and twins are the majority, not the exception. The children are raised collectively, and rarely know their birth-parents.
It should be noted that females will often actively hunt and capture Pure Human, Human and even human looking Mutant Humans as mates. They are fully capable of breeding with these and there is a straight 50/50 chance that the offspring will be of the mother’s species, and quite often due to the high number of twins that are produced, there will be one of the father’s species and the mothers. If the male pleases the female, she will treat him well, but will never allow him to leave. If he does not perform to her satisfaction, think of what happens when the Black Widow spider mates.
Like many of the mutants in the world, they go out of their way to hunt down and use artifacts and other such devices left over from the ancients. They have no issues in using armor or weapons, but due to the much stronger ‘lizard brain’ they do prefer to fight and attack with their natural weapons.
Due to the overwhelming number of females, they possess a matriarchal society and each community is governed by a body of thirteen of the eldest and wisest of their kind. They make all the decisions, decide who to go to war with, mete out justice and even choose who gets to mate with the more desirable of their males.
They are not above trading with outsider communities though, and despite their reputation – often rightly deserved – many communities will trade with them for their superior leather-working and other goods that they have.
One of their best skills is that of combat. They universally love unarmed combat and have become quite adept at it over the centuries, and they also are not above hiring out their skills as mercenaries to fight the wars of others. Many of these creatures have joined the ranks of the ‘Legion’ (see Wisdom from the Wastelands issue 6: Factions for more information) and have quickly climbed the ranks in that organization.
Lastly, they do and often fight among their own tribes. Each tribe has a distinct scale patter and color and often they simply do not get along, even if resources and men happen to be in abundance. Another strange quirk is that sometimes children are born with patterns and colors that are not the same as the parents; even with the linage is actually known. When this happens the children and taken and left with the tribe that they resemble, if they are known. If this is not possible, then the children are either accepted into the tribe or raised, or they are exiled and left to the tender mercies of the wastelands.
Mutations: Aberrant Form (natural weapons), bizarre appearance (d), dietary requirement change (living food) (d), natural armor (modified), regenerative capability (modified), vulnerability to cold (d)
Source: Deathlands series