
Surviving scientist and wasteland scholars cannot seem to come to an agreement on the origin of these moscovian creatures. Like many of the mutants that inhabit the ruins of the Moscow megapolis, these monsters appeared only a few short years after the end of the final wars. They appear to be the mutant descendants of roaches or another common type of insect, and yet they bear a striking resemblance to dragonfly nymphs. Out of all the unique creatures that have sprung from the radioactive and toxic ruins of Moscow, these creatures have only managed to spread throughout parts of Russia. They are locked in place and incapable of reaching other land-masses as they need to be near water all the time. Mountains, deserts and other natural barriers keep them in check.
No. Enc: 1 (male), 2d8 (common) 10d6 (young)
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 90’ (30’)
AC: -3 (males), 0 (common), 4 (young)
HD: 25 (males), 8 (common) 1 (young)
Attacks: 1 charge, 1 acid spit, 1 bite and two claws, 1 bite (young)
Damage: 6d6 (males), 3d6 (common), 5d6 (see description), 2d12 (males) 2d4 (females), 4d6/4d6 (males), 1d8/1d8 (common), 1d3 (young)
Save: L20 (males), L8 (common) L1 (young)
Morale: 11 (males), 6 (common), 1 (young)
Hoard Class: None
Surviving scientist and wasteland scholars cannot seem to come to an agreement on the origin of these moscovian creatures. Like many of the mutants that inhabit the ruins of the Moscow megapolis, these monsters appeared only a few short years after the end of the final wars. They appear to be the mutant descendants of roaches or another common type of insect, and yet they bear a striking resemblance to dragonfly nymphs. Out of all the unique creatures that have sprung from the radioactive and toxic ruins of Moscow, these creatures have only managed to spread throughout parts of Russia. They are locked in place and incapable of reaching other land-masses as they need to be near water all the time. Mountains, deserts and other natural barriers keep them in check.
There are three types of Shrimp that are commonly found. The common shrimp, which is found not only on the surface but beneath the ruins in flooded tunnels and swamped metro stations. These are the females of the species and are by far the most common. They are quite large, typically being about ten feet in length and weighing around 600 pounds. Their bodies are covered with a very thick chitin hide that is exceedingly difficult to damage.
The second type of shrimp is the young. These vary in size from only a foot in length up to three feet. They are found everywhere, as the common shrimp lay massive amounts of eggs. The large number of young is required due to the predations of many of the Moscow mutants on these creatures. The shells have not hardened and as such they are relatively easy to kill.
Lastly are the Males. They are around three times the size of the females and weigh in excess of 7000 pounds. These massive monsters only live on the surface and they stake out swathes of territory that can be many blocks in size. The females in the territory travel to the male in order to mate before they return to their homes on the surface or beneath in the underground rivers and swamps. They are incapable of traveling on dry land but can still attack creatures that venture too close to the water with their exceptionally long reach.
Oddly enough most of the creatures are quite docile and will generally leave travellers alone as long as the traveler does not make any loud noises, threaten the shrimp, or get near one of the numerous egg clusters. Only the males are aggressive but can be avoided fairly easily as long as one stays away from open water or swamps.
The meat of all three types of shrimp is nutritious, despite the fact that they live in toxic environments and is the staple of many a moscovian diet. Even the eggs are tasty if properly prepared, but often trying to get the eggs is a dangerous prospect at best.
In combat the common shrimp will first attempt to ram a creature by bull-rushing it. Whether on land or water, it does not matter. The creature will charge and make the standard to hit roll. If it succeeds, the victim must then make a saving throw versus stun or be knocked prone and stunned for 1d6 rounds. They will only use this attack once. After the charge, the creatures will then attack using a bite or their heavy limbs, and if the target is still alive after that, they will then shoot a stream of highly caustic acid at the victim. This acid does 5d6 points of damage and is treated like a ranged weapon. If the stream misses, use the grenade scatter table provided in Wisdom from the Wastelands issue 11: Optional Combat rules to see where the stream hits. Anything in that location may end up taking the damage instead. This acid will burn for a full five rounds, each round the damage is reduced by 1d6, so that on the second round it does 4d6, then 3d6 on the third, 2d6 on the fourth and finally 1d6 on the last round. Like the charge, this acid attack can only be used once, and it takes a full 24 hours for the creature to stock up enough acid to use it again.
Note that this acid is also highly corrosive and is likely to damage or destroy any items carried by the victim. For each item carried the victim must roll a saving throw versus death (or acid if the tables from Wisdom from the Wasteland issue 1: Artifacts, manuals and tool kits are used). If the save succeeds, the item is unharmed. If it fails though the item takes 1d3 condition levels damage.
The huge males will only charge in the water and never in the swamps or on land. They will first attempt to kill their targets using the acid spit. Unlike the smaller females, they can use this attack 1d4+6 times per day. Also due to their massive reach, these creatures do not have to be up close and personal to attack a target. They can easily hit anything that is up to twenty feet away from them and often will purposely strike short to try and lure a target into striking range.
The young shrimp can only bite and even that does little damage to the victim. These small creatures will simply try to flee anything that comes near unless they are cornered and incapable of escape.
Like many of the creatures found in the ruins of Russia, these creatures are immune to radiation and other toxins and as such cannot be mutated or harmed by toxic weapons.
It should be noted that the Shrimp are completely dependent on water and moisture. If they are out of water for more than an hour they will take 1d8 points of damage every turn until they are able to return to a source of water. Once they are back in a source of water, they will no longer take any damage.
Mutations: Aberrant form (xenomorphism), immunity to toxins and radiation, gigantism, toxic weapon.
Source: Metro 2033