
Upon first glance, these Human Mutants appear to be either Pure Humans or Humans (see Wisdom from the Wastelands issue 4: New Races for more information). There is no outward sign that they are in fact mutants.
The physical shape is as varied as it is with all humans. They come in all sizes, shapes, hair and eye color and so forth. They grow at the same rate as regular humans and the women gestate for the same period of time.
Chris Van Deelen is the author of the Skirmisher Publishing LLC sourcebook Creatures of the Tropical Wastes sourcebook, co-author of its Wisdom from the Wastelands game supplement and contributor to the 'Sword of Kos: Hekaton' Anthology.
No. Enc: 1
Alignment: Any
Movement: 90’(30’)
AC: 6
HD: 8
Attacks: By animal or by weapon
Damage: by animal or by weapon
Save: L8
Morale: 4-8
Hoard Class: Varies
Upon first glance, these Human Mutants appear to be either Pure Humans or Humans (see Wisdom from the Wastelands issue 4: New Races for more information). There is no outward sign that they are in fact mutants.
The physical shape is as varied as it is with all humans. They come in all sizes, shapes, hair and eye color and so forth. They grow at the same rate as regular humans and the women gestate for the same period of time.
What sets these mutants apart is that they are capable of projecting their minds into the bodies of all manner of animal (regular and mutant), and some have even learned to control humanoids that are either very weak willed or have far lower than average Intelligence.
Young members of this race of mutants are only capable of projecting their minds while they are asleep. When they first manifest this ability, they often believe that this is nothing more than a vivid dream.
The reality is that they are slowly starting to make mental connections with various animals and mutant animals that are in the vicinity. This touch is always brief, lasting no more than a few minutes at first, but as the young mutant grows, the length of time that these ‘dreams’ last grows. Eventually the young mutant discovers that they can control the beast that they are sharing the mind with. At first it is typically only one creature that they can meld with, but as their power grows, so do the number of creatures they can use.
As the years go by, the mutant discovers that they do not have to be asleep to share the mind and body of the beast. They can be fully awake and aware of their surroundings as they ‘ride along’ or even control the animal they have melded with.
The only thing is that while they are sharing the mind of the creature, they are incapable of defending themselves and can only move at half speed. They rely on friends or other creatures to protect them while they are in this state.
Each member of this race can control a number of hit-dice worth of creatures based upon their Will Power. Each mutant has the standard 3-18 range when it comes to Will Power. Youngsters that have not hit puberty can only control a creature that has hit-dice equal to half (rounded up) of their Will Power. Those who have hit puberty but are not yet full adults can control up to 75% of their current Will Power (again, rounded up). Once they have reached full adulthood they can control up to their total Will Power score in hit-dice. Finally, the older they get, the more they can control. Once they hit middle age they can control twice their Will Power in hit-dice and if they survive to become old, they can then control up to three times their Will Power in hit-dice.
It should be noted that these mutants are able to retain control of their animal companion indefinitely. Some have been known to starve to death or die of dehydration if there is no one to help bring them back to their own body. Inflicting physical trauma on the body will alert the mind and bring the humanoid back to his or her body. Also, there is no range limitation. Once a bond had been established, the humanoid can ‘enter’ the mind of his or her companion creature, even if the creature is off-world or in another dimension.
Any creature they wish to control has to be of animal intelligence or lower. Although those with high Will Power (above 15) can control humanoids with lower than average Intelligence (no more than 7). Any creature they wish to control is allowed a Will Power versus Will Power check to resist. If they succeed, then they cannot be controlled by the mutant. If they fail, the mutant can use them as he or she wishes. Even if the mutant fails to control the creature, he or she cannot attempt to control it again for 24 hours. The creature is not obligated to stay with the controller, but the more often that the controller uses the creature, the more likely it is to stay and eventually become a companion. Each time the humanoid is able to control the creature; it is allowed a saving throw versus energy. If the save succeeds, then the creature is not obligated to stay with the controller. But each time it succeeds, the saving throw suffers a -1, which is cumulative.
Older members of this race can accumulate quite a few creatures to act as guardians or companions. A bond will develop between the humanoid and his or her companion, and eventually even if they do not control them outright, these creatures will become loyal. Any such creature will have a Moral of 11 when it comes to their companion.
If the animal companion is ever killed while they are mentally bonded, the mutant must make an immediate saving throw versus death or lose half of their normal allotment of hit-points. If this reduced the mutant to below zero, they die. No matter what though, the mutant will also be stunned for 3d6 rounds, being incapable of any action.
Conversely, if the mutant is killed while controlling one of his or her creatures, the mutant is allowed a saving throw versus death. If it succeeds, then the mutant’s mind is transferred to the animal and they are permanently stuck in that animal’s body, alive but no longer able to use their mental mutation that allows them to shift bodies.
Mutations: Possession (modified)
Source: A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin