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Mock Goblin Stick for 5e

Mock Goblin Stick

Wondrous item, rare

Crafted from moth-eaten flour sacks, splintered broom handles, and other discarded odds and ends, no two mock goblin sticks are alike except in they way they almost but don’t quite resemble a goblinoid form. Mock goblin sticks are so shoddy in appearance they are all too often assumed to be trash and not true wondrous items. For those with the skill to recognize them for what they are, mock sticks are indispensable tools.

So long as you hold it in front of you and speak in a gravely high pitched voice, a mock goblin stick gives you advantage on all ability checks to pass as a goblin, provided these checks are made against goblins. If you are proficient with Performance you are proficient with this check. Likewise, goblins have disadvantage on ability checks made to see that you are not a goblin. The moment you are no longer holding the mock stick all goblins that can see you become aware that you are not a goblin unless you are disguised in some other way (e.g., a disguise kit, costume, illusion, etc.). You cannot use a mock stick to impersonate a specific goblin unless you take one minute dressing the mock stick up and altering its features to vaguely resemble the goblin you wish to impersonate.

Mock goblin sticks are just one of the many wondrous items seeded throughout the multiverse by the chaotic wizard known only as The Meddler.