Mental Mutation Drawback: Appendage Incapability

The mutant has a great deal of difficulty using any sort of weapon – any sort of item for that matter. If the mutant ever attempts to a gadget or item with its appendages, it must make a Dexterity check (roll under his Dexterity on a D20) or automatically drop it. Also activating or otherwise using the item if it somehow managed to keep hold of it always requires 1d6 plus the power score modifier in rounds. Furthermore using any weapon likewise suffers the same penalty, however, the mutant will suffer a penalty of three plus the power score modifier on any to hit roll. Oddly enough, the mutant has no issues using natural weapons, so these penalties do not apply in this case.
Mutation Index
Entertainment Mutant Index
New Mutant Monday Series One Index
New Mutant Monday Series Two Index
Chris Van Deelen is the creator and contributor to over half of the Wisdom from the Wastelands series, contributor to the Swords of Kos: Hekaton anthology. He also wrote Creatures of the Tropical Wastelands, and 100 Oddities found in a Car. As prolific as he is, Chris Van Deelen continues to write and produce material which will be in publication soon. Not only is he a prolific content creator, he also has a wide selection of fiction and stories! If you like his work, please follow his personal author page on Facebook and on Twitter to keep up with his latest news and game content.
Appendage Incapability (drawback)
Type: Mental
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant