This hobnailed piece of footwear is four feet long and 18 inches wide, if used as a weapon is the equivalent of a heavy greatclub, and inflicts extra damage against any monsters like centipedes, spiders, and scorpions.
This hobnailed piece of footwear is four feet long and 18 inches wide, if used as a weapon is the equivalent of a heavy greatclub, and inflicts extra damage against any monsters like centipedes, spiders, and scorpions.
The Ass Blaster is the third and final stage of the complex Graboid lifecycle.
Iä! Iä! CthulWho Fhtagn! If you have been following but not yet backed this campaign, or are looking at it for the first time, this would be an ideal time for you to come on board with it. Here are some great reasons to support it now:
Skirmisher Publishing is pleased to announce its release of a revised, updated, and expanded edition of game developer Derek Holland's "Freshwater Monsters & Hazards"!
Iä! Iä! CthulWho Fhtagn! Skirmisher Publishing is excited to announce that it has launched a Kickstarter campaign for “The Call of CthulWho,” a complete, self-standing, MythosPunk RPG adventure!
Hitting the $1,000 mark for this campaign will allow us to provide backers with a full set of electronic tokens and avatars for the character monsters and various guards, scientists, and other creatures associated with this scenario.
Iä! Iä! CthulWho Fhtagn! Thanks to all 31 of the great people who have backed Skirmisher Publishing’s campaign for “The Call of CthulWho” and funded it 100% in just two days!
Skirmisher Publishing is excited to announce that it has launched a Kickstarter campaign for “The Call of CthulWho,” a complete, self-standing, Mythos Punk RPG adventure!
Following is a writeup and stats for an Adult Brown Dragon, one of the creatures that appears in Skirmisher Publishing’s sourcebook on "Men & Monsters of Ethiopia"!
Skirmisher Publishing has launched a Kickstarter campaign for "Warning: Danger! A Children’s Guide to Mines & Unexploded Ordinance"!
From here you can get to any of the articles written by Clint Staples on Runequest for d-Infinity.
Spartan Hoplites are free-born heavy infantry soldiers who have been trained to fight in close formation and in conjunction with one another using long spears and large round hoplon shields and form the backbone of their nation’s armed forces.
This sturdy 6 lbs tome is made from interlocking brass plates with acid-etched High Dwarven text. Equal parts thaumaturgical treatise and practical spellbook, this book contains the foundational occult knowledge and spellcraft considered essential for Clan MakDruun’s arcanists, artisans, and priests.
Many adventures will lead a party of characters into the ruins of an ancient, or not so ancient, city! Here are some oddities designed to provide some interesting details or possible side-quests to your next scenario set in a place of this sort.
Skirmisher Publishing is pleased to announce the release of its “Maps for an Egyptian Tomb”!
Skirmisher Publishing is pleased to announce the release of its “Maps for the Creepy Old House”!
Whether your heroes are venturing into the deepest woods, a druid's sacred grove, or the wylds of the Fairy Realm, you can use the table below to roll up unique oddities to enhance your game and keep your players on their toes.
Shapeshift, howl at the moon, and run with the pack! Skirmisher Publishing is excited to announce its release of "Children of the Wolf," a beautiful set of highly-detailed cardstock miniatures by renowned fantasy artist Bob Greyvenstein.
Cetuses are massive, whale-like, marine creatures that typically live far beneath the surface of the sea or far out beyond the sight of land and are therefore only very rarely seen by people.
This post has a writeup on the Mansabdar, a 2nd Edition Dungeons & Dragons "Kit" that the author created for use with the "Indian Adventures" rules that he was developing in the early 90s!