'The Call of CthulWho' Preview Video

'The Call of CthulWho' Preview Video

Iä! Iä! CthulWho Fhtagn!

Skirmisher Publishing is excited to announce that it has launched a Kickstarter campaign for “The Call of CthulWho,” a complete, self-standing, MythosPunk RPG adventure!

You can see this Kickstarter at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/skirmisherpublishing/the-call-of-cthulwho-a-mythospunk-rpg-adventure/

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'Freshwater Monsters & Hazards' Released by Skirmisher!

Skirmisher's ‘The Call of CthulWho’ First Stretch Goal Unlocked!

Skirmisher's ‘The Call of CthulWho’ First Stretch Goal Unlocked!