Spartan Hoplites are free-born heavy infantry soldiers who have been trained to fight in close formation and in conjunction with one another using long spears and large round hoplon shields and form the backbone of their nation’s armed forces.
All in Game Stats
Spartan Hoplites are free-born heavy infantry soldiers who have been trained to fight in close formation and in conjunction with one another using long spears and large round hoplon shields and form the backbone of their nation’s armed forces.
This sturdy 6 lbs tome is made from interlocking brass plates with acid-etched High Dwarven text. Equal parts thaumaturgical treatise and practical spellbook, this book contains the foundational occult knowledge and spellcraft considered essential for Clan MakDruun’s arcanists, artisans, and priests.
Whether your heroes are venturing into the deepest woods, a druid's sacred grove, or the wylds of the Fairy Realm, you can use the table below to roll up unique oddities to enhance your game and keep your players on their toes.
Cetuses are massive, whale-like, marine creatures that typically live far beneath the surface of the sea or far out beyond the sight of land and are therefore only very rarely seen by people.
This post is devoted to material that can be plugged into an existing game system and used to simulate the world portrayed in the cinematic and television versions of Logan's Run.
Following is an entry for the Giant Hippopotamus, one of the creatures that appears in Skirmisher Publishing's bestselling "Men & Monsters of Ethiopia"!
As written, the lowest two Challenge Ratings for Blue Dragons in the D&D 5E Monster Manual are CR 3 for a Blue Dragon Wyrmling and CR 9 for a Young Blue Dragon, so we have created five intermediate Blue Dragons to give storytellers greater flexibility!
Between the advent of the bucket and the fire hose there was the fire grenade. As better firefighting technology is a long ways off from being invented in most fantasy campaign settings, it’s high time the fire grenade made an appearance in your campaign!
Described here is an encounter area devoted to a relatively obscure monster from Indian folklore called a Dristivasa, which, by all accounts, would seem to be a primordial cousin of the more familiar Carrion Crawler!
This page is dedicated to D&D 5E bonus content for Skirmisher Publishing’s At the Shrine of Othrys project! Such material can also easily be used in conjunction with other fantasy role-playing settings, especially ones inspired by the history, myths, and legends of the Aegean.
Thanecros is a unique creature of elemental Earth and Negative Energy that looks like a small Gargoyle and which attempts to dominate whatever crypt he occupies.
A new Starfinder conversion of one of the numerous creatures from Dead Space!
This rod can be used to exert control over the various slimes, oozes, and jellies, with chances for success varying with the creature in question and loss of sanity being a possible consequence for failure.
Narasinhai are humanoid lions, fierce warriors who believe themselves to be the earthly descendants of a deity of the same form who laid waste armies of infernal opponents in ages past.
Hellios is a creature of elemental Fire and Positive Energy who looks like a brightly incandescent winged humanoid about the size of a large Halfling.
You're not really an alchemist unless you've survived a few laboratory explosions. But suppose you want to cause an explosion on purpose?
In my Curse of Strahd campaign I was compelled to introduce new items, magical or otherwise. Sometimes this was to fill a specific story need, other times to reinforce the horror of the setting, and other times just to flex my creative muscles. Now that the campaign is ended, I’m sharing those items here.
This page is dedicated to bonus content for In the Footsteps of Hercules, a system-free sourcebook devoted to a pilgrimage trail that can be used in conjunction with any fantasy role-playing games!
This post includes stats for two typical sorts of Myrmidons, both an Infantrymen and a Corporal, just in case they need supervision.
This complex astrological clock accurately reproduces the motions of all the heavenly spheres and celestial bodies, running ceaselessly despite its lack of motor or mainspring.