Old Game Notebook: Rod of Slime (Magic Item)
Following is one of the magic items that appears in the "old game notebook" from 1989-91 that I recently rediscovered. It was created during the era of 2nd Edition D&D, as the references to the Olive Slime Man and Deadly Pudding might indicate to astute old-school gamers, but could obviously be easily adapted for other editions or just about any other game (possibly even ones using science fiction or post-apocalyptic settings). I also make reference to Sanity and think this was likely part of some homebrew system I had in development, but it could readily be adapted for other games (e.g., with the application of conditions like "shaken" in d20 or Pathfinder games). My desire with items like this one is to approach them in a way that feels different from the norm. I also recall that one of my direct sources of inspiration was the Robert E. Howard short story "The Black Stone." I decided to post the Rod of Slime at this point because it ties in thematically with our feature on "50 Shades of Gray Ooze."
Rod of Slime
This rod can be used to control the various slimes, oozes, and jellies. It does not use charges. The range of the rod is 120 yards, assuming a clear line of sight. However, the control it provides is not always complete. When the creature is moving or performing simple tasks, successful control must be checked every turn. However, in a stress situation, such as combat, the chance for successful control must be checked each round. The chance for control varies with the creature in question.
Green Slime: The rod can always force up to 2 HD per round of green slime to fall from the ceilings or walls each round.
To attempt control, the user of the rod must make a saving throw versus wands. If he fails, the creature is not controlled, and will attempt to destroy the user. There will also be a loss of sanity. Once control has been lost, attempts at re–control may be made once per turn. If any insanities are gained from the use of this item, the initial one will be a phobia against slimes, et al. Mobile organisms are controlled as follows:
Creature Control Sanity
Grey Ooze 士0 1
Gelatinous Cube – 1 2
Ochre Jelly –3 4
Black Pudding – 7 8
Stun Jelly – 1 2
Olive Slime Man
Deadly Pudding