All Nagfa artwork is in and final layout is in progress!

All Nagfa artwork is in and final layout is in progress!


Fellow adventurers and friends,

It is with great pleasure that I can announce that all artwork is IN for Rise of the Cult of Nagfa,  and is being placed into the final layout.  This will take about a week to complete to get it right.  Also, I had to wait on the counter order until the final art pieces were in as well.  I am emailing the files to the die cutter AS I TYPE THIS UPDATE!  Once he gets them, checks them over and gives them the ok (about a week) he will print and cut them and ship them to me.

I know this was a long process, but I think you will all be happy.  The book that was supposed to be about a 50 page module is now a 100+ page module with lots of extras.

Now I need to get the rest of the counter files emailed and go to bed.  More information to come. Thanks for your patience and NEVER stop rolling the dice!

John F Kadolph

Image artwork by Andy Hopp.  Please see my Facebook for William T. Thrasher's awesome artwork!

Rise of the Cult of Nagfa - Town Map and Bonus Handout received!

Rise of the Cult of Nagfa - Town Map and Bonus Handout received!

Reincarnation and Awaken Feats Expanded