Painted shields and devices, and later additions such as embroidered surcoats, crests, and horse trappings, were an important means of identifying fully armored — and therefore anonymous — friends and foes on the battlefield.
All tagged Dungeons & Dragons
Painted shields and devices, and later additions such as embroidered surcoats, crests, and horse trappings, were an important means of identifying fully armored — and therefore anonymous — friends and foes on the battlefield.
New rules for age progression, be it the normal progression of time, the abnormal progression of time in another plane, or accelerated aging caused by a curse of other supernatural effect.
Thirty years ago, two particular weapons made their first appearance in official materials for Dungeons & Dragons.
Recently, I came across a number of not just interesting but actually significant things, one being an old game notebook containing about 200 pages of printed material I developed for D&D during the period 1989-91, including hundreds of monsters, spells, and magic items.
These fetishes are made from wood chips, shells, tufts of fur, and whatever else goblins have on hand that can be stained with green dye. Each mostly lucky charm is unique because each is fashioned in the likeness of a recently deceased goblin.