Kickstarter Project Update #27: 'Encounters,' 'Return to the Necropolis,' and More!

Kickstarter Project Update #27: 'Encounters,' 'Return to the Necropolis,' and More!


Skirmisher Publishing is proud to announce the release of "Encounters," the fourth volume of the highly-anticipated Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting! This 88-page book was written by game developers Michael O. Varhola, Brendan Cass, and William T. Thrasher and contains illustrations by fantasy artists Amanda Kahl, Philip Shade Kightlinger, and Lucas Puryear. It contains 17 system-free encounter tables for general and specific areas on the island of Kos and the lands surrounding it. All of them can be used either individually or in conjunction with each another, and within the context of the Kos campaign setting or as part of any other milieu. "Encounters" is available for $4.99 as a PDF download through online venues that include DriveThruRPGRPGNow, and WargameVault

Skirmisher Publishing is proud to announce the release of "Encounters," the fourth volume of the highly-anticipated Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting! This 88-page book was written by game developers Michael O. Varhola, Brendan Cass, and William T. Thrasher and contains illustrations by fantasy artists Amanda Kahl, Philip Shade Kightlinger, and Lucas Puryear. It contains 17 system-free encounter tables for general and specific areas on the island of Kos and the lands surrounding it. All of them can be used either individually or in conjunction with each another, and within the context of the Kos campaign setting or as part of any other milieu. "Encounters" is available for $4.99 as a PDF download through online venues that include DriveThruRPGRPGNow, and WargameVault. We have sent free downloads of it to everyone entitled to receive the complete campaign setting sourcebook, so if you should have gotten a copy of it but did not let us know and we will make sure you do!


d-Infinity Online has posted Chapter 24 of Michael O. Varhola's serialized swords-and-sorcery novel Return to the Necropolis! You can check it out at and, if you have not yet started reading this story or have missed chapters of it, you can find links to all of its sections at  In this chapter, our heroes are confronted with a series of logistical and moral challenges and figure out how to both reconcile and use them to solve each other ... Join alchemical rogue Paros, Elven barbarian Parthenia, transmuting wizard Pumayo, and moon priestess Selene in their Return to the Necropolis! This story is the sequel to Swords of Kos: Necropolis, the first novel set in the world of Kos, and both contain numerous characters, places, and events that appear in the campaign setting volumes. 


* We are almost there with the Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting and have just two more volumes to go, "Lives of Kos" and "World of Kos," both of which are well in hand! Once they are done and released we will combine them into a single consolidated volume, release it in PDF format, and then send it to print. We hope you have enjoyed the volumes we have released thus far, "Kos City," "Kos Island," and "Lands Beyond Kos," as well as bonus content like custom Cardstock Characters miniatures. Thanks for your support and confidence! 

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