Some Old School Minis

During my recent trip to Washington, D.C., the end destination for the Skirmisher Publishing roadtrip from Chicago, I stayed at my parents' house for a few days and checked out some of the miniatures that we used to use in our very earliest Dungeons & Dragons games, starting in 1982. Some of the are still displayed in a shadowbox that we picked up for these purposes during that era and it appears in two parts below. They include a bunch of Ral Partha and Grenadier miniatures, a branded line of Lord of the Rings, and a number of models from other companies and collections.
Below, in left side of the top row are a couple of Hobbits from the LotR collection, and toward the right are five Wulfhudnar clad in wolf skins that my father painted for a game he was running. He was, in any event, the best painter out of all of us, followed by my brother Christopher and our friend Mac McLaughlin; I painted some as well, but was not generally as good at it as the rest of them.