Wisdom from the Wastelands Index

I have compiled a complete list of all the Wisdom from the Wastelands issues and I will continue to update as every issue comes out. I hope that people who have purchased the individual issues of the magazine will find this useful!
I have compiled a complete list of all the Wisdom from the Wastelands issues and I will continue to update as every issue comes out. I hope that people who have purchased the individual issues of the magazine will find this useful!
Issue #1: Artifact, Manual, and Toolkits
- Bonuses to figuring out artifacts
- Manuals
- Tool Kits
- Item Saving throws
- Item Strength.
- Bonus Content
Issue #2: Monsters That Improve with Age
- Standard age chart: Grape Mass
- Variant age chart: Lazra
- Multiple age chart: Giant green crayfish
- Metamorphic age chart: Dekodec Larva
- Flamers
- Micro Missile Gun
- Nerve Ripper
- Rail Gun
- Sliver Caster
- Scrambler
- Bonus Content
- Ancients
- Aquatics
- Body Masters
- Exotics
- Humans
- Insectoids
- Mind Masters
- AI Recognition
- Bonus Content
Issue #5: Domesticated Creatures
- Big Tooth
- Dangling Gourds
- Hydrorose
- Jellybird
- Lemming Grass
- Monitor Serpent
- Philly’s Stone
- Rana
- Leafy Sandstone
- Tarry Maple
- New Mutations
- Alter Physical State
- Alter soil consistency
- Gaian
- Legion
- Uplifted
- Xenophobe
- Bonus Content
- Broken Seal
- Broom of doom
- Hairy Star
- Kettle
- Zander
- New Mutations
- Aberrant form (xenochemistry)
- Alter Flavor
- Chemical Gland
- Chemical Gland, Adaptive
- Filter Food
- Filter Light
- Filter Sound
- Imprint Data
- Induce Mutation
- Inflict Pain
- Mental Phantasm, Species Specific
- Modify Mutations, Other
- Modify Mutations, Self
- Restore Life
- Summon Ghost
- Unique Sense, Cosmic
- View Descendants
- Webbing
- Wormhole
- New Energies
- Animator
- Biocide
- Brain Twister
- Gravity Ripples
- Magic
- Mental Parasites
- Timeslip
- Transformation
- Translocation
- Transmutation Field
- Modified Constitution Table
- Negative Hit Points
- Bonus to daily healing
- Medical Compatibility
- Disease Symptoms
- Audible ringing
- Blurred Vision
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Inflammation
- Irritated
- Lesions or Pustules
- Pain
- Nauseated
- Vertigo
- Weakness
- New Diseases
- Blood Melt
- Rhino’s Curse
- Ghost Flesh
- Predator’s Gift
- Rage
- Tailored Cure
- Universal Antibody Booster
- Transparent Skin
- New Medicine
- New Mutation
- Bonus Content
- Anti-Matter
- Bead
- Desiccator
- EMP Weapons
- Grenade Launchers
- Plasma
- Screamers
- Bonus Content
- Elder age charts: Gageling
- Kaiju age charts
- Sun Eater
- Smoking Ruin
- Plant age charts
- Slick Vine
- Tap Root
- Bad Juju Cow
- Chemical Gland
- Coherence Beam
- Energy Helix
- Oscillating Ray
- X-Ray Beam
- Loss of trait (drawback)
- Other age chart
- New Mutations
Issue #11: Optional Combat Rules
- All out attack
- All out defense
- Area Fire
- Bursts
- Combat Modifiers
- Cover
- Critical Hits / Misses
- Disarming
- Limb breakage or loss
- Firing off hand
- Firing two weapons
- Rate of Fire
- Grappling
- Grenade Scatter
- Injury
- Modifiers based on size
- Targeting specific body locations
- New Mutation
- Ambidexterity
- Bonus Content
Issue #12: Parasite Mutations/Transformations
- Parasite Mutations
- Black Hook
- Crimson Leaf
- Dusty Antenna
- Ghost Skin
- Glass Worm
- Red Tusk
- Red Eye
- Screaming Skull
- Skull Slug
- Scuzzy Skin
- Snothorn
- Spiny Scale
- Mutation Modifiers
- Accelerated
- Activated
- Crippled
- Environmental Dependence
- Transformations
- Ant colonization
- Ghost form
- Granit form
- Rad eater
- Roachling curse
- Shattered form plague
- Auto-Medic
- Auto-Injector
- Black Ray
- Disease diagnosis companion
- Genetic damage restorer
- Harmonic wand
- Medical compatibility computer
- NuSkin
- RadBeGone
- Regen Wand
- Resurrector
- Second Skin Suit
- Stasis Generator
- New Mutation
- Genetic Replication
- Bonus Content
Brain worm and brain lasher
- Greenhide and chicken wolf
- Shrimp and giant catfish
- Water mold and glue flower
- Water mold and kelper
- Water mold and null plant
- New Mutations (mental)
- Block light (drawback)
- Crawling claws
- Social chameleon
- Telepathic Ideal
- New Mutations (physical)
- Adaptive Egg
- Altered Chemistry
- Carrier (drawback)
- Crystal bones and spurs (drawback)
- Dragonfly wings
- Explosive organ (drawback)
- Hidden egg
- Peel skin
- Planar sight (drawback)
- Stable genetics
- Unstable genetics (drawback)
- Strangle Twigs
- New Mutations (plant)
- Animal Synth
- Basic Junkbot
- Collector bot
- Deathbot
- Destructor
- Dinerbot
- Educator
- Fabricator
- New Accessories
- Food Synthesizer
- Hardened Circuits
- Medical scanner
- Poison detector
- Remote
- Telepathic cables
- New Weapons
- Charge screen
- Death ray
- Force field
- Phase rocket
- Shock claw
- Flying Film
- Gravbot
- Lumber cutter
- Mad laboratory
- Medbot / Vetbot
- Marine Hunter
- Nightmare bot
- Nustar
- New locomotion
- Magnetic drive
- New Accessories
- DNA scanner
- Drug synthesizer
- Gravity manipulator
- Hardened circuits
- Medical scanner
- Polymorphic frame
- Charge screen
- New Weapon
Issue #17: Artifact Conditions
- Artifact Conditions
- Primitive Firearms Ammunition
- Primitive Firearms
- Advanced Melee Weapons
- Advanced Pistols and Rifles
- Armor
- Encasing Military Armor
- Power Sources
- Grenades / Bombs / Explosives
- Powered Gadgets and Gizmos
- Foodstuffs
- Repairing Items
- Cost of repair
- Cannibalizing items for repair
- Swapping similar items for repair
- Time to repair
- Bonus Content
- Pithing unit
- Powerbot
- Ranchbot
- Shatterbot
- Slave taker
- Testbot
- Training robot
- Transporter
- Thief
- Unreality bot
- Vacationing home
- New Accessories
- Animal call / lure
- DNA ccanner
- Environmental analyzer
- Matter / energy converter
- Medical scanner
- Self-analyzer
- New Weapons
- Force field
- Shock claw
- How technology condition effects robots
- Alternate energy sources
- Furnace
- Cables
- Solar Power
- Heat exchange
- Power leech
- Remora
- Nano enhancements
- Armor enhancements
- Computer enhancements
- New Locomotion
- Magnetic Drive
- Wormhole Drive
- Tractor Beam
- Animal call / lure
- DNA scanner
- Drug Synthesizer
- Environmental Analyzer
- Extra dimensional space
- Fabricator
- Food synthesizer
- Gravity manipulator
- Hardened circuits
- Matter / Energy converter
- Medical Scanner
- Poison Detector
- Polymorphic Frame
- Remote
- Seed
- Telepathic Cables
- Bouncing Bomb
- Bubble canon
- Caltrops
- Charge Screen
- Confusion Ray
- Darkness Field
- Drain
- Drill
- Energy Mirror
- Enlarge / Shrink Ray
- Fear Ray
- Force Field
- Invisible
- Life Ray
- Mist Cloud
- Mouth
- Necrotic Ray
- New Manipulator
- New Accessories
- New Weapons
- Modifiers
- Alternate Mutation Modifiers
Issue 21: High Tech Melee Weapons
- Alternate Construction Materials
- Dura-Aluminum
- Crystalline Obsidian
- Duralloy
- ConductAlloy
- Super dense
- Edging
- Carbon Filament
- Diamond
- Gamma Xenon
- Keen
- Laser-sharpened
- Molecular
- VibratingEnhancements
- Cyro
- Energenic Proton Blades
- Energized Weapons
- Harmonized Energy Weapons
- Laser Blades
- Laser Crystals
- Paralyzing and Stunning
- Radioactive
- Thermal
- New Melee Weapons
- Vibro Weapons
- Optional Combat Rules
- Throwing Melee Weapons
- Weilding two weapons at once
- Weilding a Two-Handed Weapon in One Hand
- Bonus Content
- Shield Table Definitions
- Civilian Shields
- Security/Law Enforcement Shields
- Military/Government Shields
- Shield Modifications
- Repelling
- One Sided
- Multi-sided
- Switch Protection Mode
- Self-contained
- Activated
- Electrical
- Shield Offensive Damage
- Anti-Shield Devices
- Shield Leech
- Anti-Shield Pulsar
- Harmonic Equalizer
- New Weapon
- Phased Energy Blaster
- Bonus Content
- Candy Cod
- Glup
- Great Infernal Whale
- Shark King
- Shell Back
- Slaath
- Sticky Tree
- Stone Gull
- Striking Lump
- Rules
- Drowning
- New Mutations
- Animate Object
- Chemical Gland
- Loss of Trait
Issue 24: Weapon Modifications
- Ammunition
- Armor Piercing
- Bean Bag
- Cold
- Electrical
- Explosive
- Flechette
- High Velocity
- Hollow Point
- Incendiary
- Jacketed
- Jacketed Hollow point
- Rubber
- Slug
- Toxic
- Tracer
- Arrows and Bolts
- Blunt
- Bodkin
- Cold
- Electrical
- Explosive
- Hunting
- Incendiary
- Toxic
- Weapon Modifications
- Optional Firearms Ammunition Types
- Sights and Scopes
- Incremental Range
- New Drugs
- Unwavering Aim
- New Accessories
- Power Assist Holsters
- Quick Draw Holsters
- Bonus Content
- Dashing Seed
- Beach Needle
- Grub Bear
- Termite Bear
- Orbital Flora
- Cannon Tree
- Yellow Man
- Cave Slug
- Scaled Ape
- Clubtail
- Stone Eater
- Crystal Scorpio
- Arboreal Slug
- Racing Spider
- Larval Ewl
- Adult Ewl
- New Mutations
- Alter Atomic Composition
- Bud Sport
- Larval Form
- Disintegrators
- Disruptors
- Ion Blasters
- Microwave Emitters
- Sonic Disruptors
- Bonus Content
- Reptophant
- Elzard
- Gut worm
- Wing worm
- Megapede
- Horned Beetle
- Green Jellyfish
- Desert Dart
- Episcar
- Scar (Shrub)
- Shade Seeker (seedling)
- Shade Seeker (scorched)
- Soaring Stone
- Wandering Boulder
- New Mutations
- Bud Sport
- Larval Form
- Webbing
- Robotic and Organic Nanites
- Nanite Strength
- Hosting Nanites
- Mutants and Nanites
- Maximum number of swarms
- Nanite compatibility
- Nanites and parasite mutations
- Destroying Nanites
- Programming Nanites
- Example Nanites
- Augmentors
- Destroyers
- Oxycarriers
- Purgers
- New Drugs
- Immuno-suppressor
- Purge
- Bonus Content
- Active Coral
- Coral Eel
- Big Bass
- Shore Forager Shrimp
- Black Mush
- Harpy
- Wall Rat
- Slimy Skaken
- Earth Lord
- Cluck
- Sardine Fishermen
- Green Fuzzy Fly
- Ageless
- Assemblers
- Better-U Nanites
- Defender
- GenScram
- Heal Augs
- Hyper Antibodies
- Rad Scourers
- Regenerators
- Self-Meds
- Sterilizers
- Tough-U Nanites
- Traumalize
- New Equipment
- Nanite Ammunition
- Bonus Content
- Auto-Resinqs
- Boosters
- Charon
- Controllers
- Converters
- Converted
- Drainers
- Drinkers
- Memcorders
- Neural Intensifiers
- Scroungers
- Scrubbers
- Spreaders
- Bonus Content
- Bad Bunny
- Cheese Worm
- Desert Spark
- Forest Elephant
- Kelp Turtle
- Killer Palm
- Meat Fox
- Oartaker
- Rain of Death
- Rooting Cow
- Shell Root
- Swamp Sedge
- New Mutations
- Animal Form
- Metallic Bark
- Robot Form
- Bonus Content
- Optional Rules
- Time Delay
- Random drug form
- Adrenal Boost
- Agilize
- Better Body
- Braniac
- Burn Gel
- Chronological Accelerator
- Desensitize
- Edge
- Hyperoids
- Iron Mind
- Knitter
- Longevity
- Nighteyes
- Numb
- Quicken
- Racer
- Rad Resist
- Regrowth
- Stim
- Stitch
- Super serum
- Tailored Anti-Toxin
- Thermal Healing
- Bonus Content
- Howling Birch
- Knife Fly
- Sand Sprout
- Sea Elder
- Slime Wheat
- Cliff Chickweed
- Ice Lichen
- Master Maple
- New Mutations
- Drone
- Familiar
- Induce Mutation
- Valuable
- Acidic Blood
- Bio rot
- Cannibalize
- Gargantuan Toothy Worm
- Last Generation
- Liquid Bane
- Sleepless
- Starver
- Vampire Flesh
- Bonus Content
- Bleeding Willow
- Crimson Yew
- Drool Grass
- Emerald Creeper
- Leather Tree
- Manna
- Tree Mound
- Waving Lettuce
- New Mutation - Alter Atomic Composition
- Bonevine
- Demon's walking stick
- Dizzy Weed
- Red Sack
- Sky Juniper
- Snow Cyclops
- New Plant Diseases
Bullseye Bark
Flaming Needle
Red Spot
Twitch - New Mutations
Alter Atomic Composition
Anthropod Deformity
Dazzling Display
Induce Mutation
Light to Mass
Luminous Gas
Unconscious Reaction
- Recovery
- Symptoms
- Aplastic Anemia Table
- Diarrhea
- Fatigue
- Hairloss
- Lesions/Pustules
- Migraine
- Nausea
- Pain
- Scarring
- Permanent Statistic Loss
- Tissue Damage
- Vertigo
- Optional Rule: Other Means of Gaining Mutations
- Bonus Content
Issue 39: Unique Superscience Artifacts
- Armor of the Flame Master
- Assassin Robot Right Head
- Blobber
- Bot Slayer
- Cat Marble
- Dark Juju Cup
- Data Link
- Demon Eye
- Eller's Eye
- Fiber Optic Bundle
- Golden Eater
- Avian
- Damaged
- LaGrangers
- Shifters
- Uploaded Intelligence
- New Mutations
Alter Appearance
Complete Wing Development
Skeletal Structure Modification - Bonus Content
Issue 41: Alternate Forms of Radiation
- Abyssium
- Alpha
- Beta
- Cobathorium
- Electromagnetic
- Epsilon
- Eitirium
- Gamma
- Mithrilium
- Neutron
- Omega
- Omnesium
- Phostlite
- Quantonium
- Radium
- Solonium
- Thaeserium
- Torasium
- X-Ray
- Bonus Content
Issue 42: Unique Superscience Artifacts II
- Green Stone
- Hazard Stone
- Jimmy's Tube
- Joe's Diner
- Hell's Kitchen
- Micro Sub
- Mining Rig
- Mining Staff
- Mutated Healing Gel
Issue 43: Optional Combat Rules 2
- Attacking While Grappling
- Bracing
- Charging
- Double Tap / Rapid Fire
- Excessive Bleeding
- Feint
- Firing Stances
- Heat & Primitive Firearms Ammunition
- Jumping on a Grenade
- Optional Sleep, Stun, and Paralysis Rules
- Pause
- Quick Reload
- Rapid Reaction
- Reading (Steadying) Weapons
- Recoil
- Snapshot
- Suppressing Fire
- Trip
- Using Firearms as Melee Weapons
- Watchful / Overwatch
- Bonus Content
Issue 44: Unique Superscience Artifacts III
- Mother Seed
- Oasis in a Pill
- Ooze Brain
- Orange Block
- Palace Of Bones
- Psion Shackles
- Sea Charm
- Silver Sphere
- Silver Twig
- Bloody Jaws
- Fire Eater
- King Bat
- Ship Spear
- Scaly Worm
- Sand Shark
- Twig Swarm
- New Mutation Modifier
- Chaos - New Mutation
- Loss of Trait (d)
- Atomic Modification System
- Beam Laser
- Dart Gun
- Micro Nuclear Warhead Launcher
- Warp Energy Blaster
- Cold-based weapons and mutations
- Condition level damage
- Deafened
- Depth
- Drowning & Suffocation
- Effects of water on high-tech weapons, electricity, explosives and concussion effects
- Light
- Melee weapons
- Mutations
- Projectile weapons
- Radiation
- Sonic weapons
- Swimming and slogging
- Thermal-based weapons & Mutations
Issue 48: Unique Superscience Artifacts IV
- Arena
- Bear Eye
- Golden Branch
- Skinshifter
- Snail Ring
- Snake Rifle
- Spark Putty
- Splatter Gun
- New Mutation
- Environmental Adaptation
Issue 49: Unique Superscience Artifacts V
- Hands
- Ice Fountain
- Master Remote
- Bear Mask
- Big Al's Horn
- Cat Mask
- Chef Cube
- Crown of Ultimate Power
- Dome of Fire
- Armor
- Weapons
- Primitive Firearms
- Advanced Firearms
- Powered Devices
- Medical Drugs
- Power Sources
- Explosives
- Personal Shields
Chris Van Deelen is the author of the Skirmisher Publishing LLC sourcebook Creatures of the Tropical Wastes sourcebook, co-author of its Wisdom from the Wastelands game supplement and contributor to the 'Sword of Kos: Hekaton' Anthology.