Wisdom from the Wastelands Issue 35: Terror Weapons Bonus Content

I am still planning on producing more issues based upon Terror Weapons in the future, but for now here are two items that were cut from Issue 35: Terror Weapons.
Enjoy or simply terrify your players with these horrific weapons.
Breathless is a chemical weapon that was designed to be inhaled and cause a horrible change that renders the victim incapable of processing oxygen.
It is a completely colorless and odorless gas and can be delivered through many different methods. The most common would be through a small aerosol canister that could easily be smuggled into a densely populated location such as a sports arena, a concert hall, mall or any location where hundreds or thousands of people would congregate in close proximity to one another.
For every round that the victim is exposed to the chemical, they must make a save versus poison or in 1d6 rounds their lungs will literally lose the ability to process oxygen. Making the saving throw once does not render the victim immune to the chemical effects; they have to save each round that they are exposed.
Once the chemical has taken effect, the victim will begin to suffocate (see issue 23 for rules on drowning). There is an antidote to the chemical but it has to be administered immediately, or the victim will die. Availability of this counter-agent is left up to the discretion of the ML.
Note that this only works on creatures that need oxygen to survive.
This was hideous biological weapon created to kill massive amounts of victims in a very quick and horrific manner. The weapon was delivered via an airborne agent and anyone who came into contact with the toxin would have to make a saving throw against poison every round that they are exposed to it.
If the saving throw fails, the body undergoes a rapid and deadly mutation. Within 4d6 rounds of exposure to the toxin, the skin begins to grow at an alarming rate over any opening (wounds, mouth, nose, eyes, ears, etc.).
Any wounds are automatically healed for 1d6 points of damage, but that is the only benefit. ALL openings in the body will seal over in 1d3 rounds, which means that the victim will end up suffocating (for simplicities sake, use the rules on drowning - see issue 23 for rules on drowning).
The only way to prevent a victim from suffocating is that the nose or mouth will have to be literally cut open, allowing the victim to be able to breath. The cuts will cause 1d3 points of damage, but then the wound will close over once again in 1d3 rounds.
There was a biological counter created to cure this toxin, but typically by the time it is discovered that someone has been exposed to it, and the counter agent has been located and used on the victim, it is far too late to help them.
Chris Van Deelen is the author of the Skirmisher Publishing LLC sourcebook Creatures of the Tropical Wastes sourcebook, co-author of its Wisdom from the Wastelands game supplement and contributor to the 'Sword of Kos: Hekaton' Anthology.