Runequest Thursday #166 - Five Sorcery Spells from Advanced Wizard!

This is another in the ongoing series of Sorcery spells inspired by the magic in Advanced Wizard, adapted to my own Sorcery System. Advanced Wizard is part of The Fantasy Trip, a wonderful RPG system from the early days of the hobby. Out of print for many years, you can find PDFs for Advanced Melee and In the Labyrinth. An up to date PDF of my Sorcery System is attached.
On to the spells:
Explosive Gem [Earth, Fire, Lightning, Disorder] Range – Touch POW Check- No
Duration – 1 hour
This spell invests sorcerous power in a gemstone, making it explosive when the trigger conditions of detonation are triggered. Each Magnitude causes an explosion of 1d6 and adds 1 yard to the Radius of the effect. The gem is charged until the duration expires. If it is not detonated in that time, the spell ends and the gem is no longer any different than it was previously. If the gem detonates, it is destroyed completely in the wave of potent destructive magic of the appropriate elemental type (if the accessing rune is an element). The Gem used in the spell must be worth at least 20 Lunars per Magnitude of the spell. Any target within the area of the effect, may attempt Evade, negating th effect on a success, or a Dex x3% roll for half damage otherwise. Armor or an appropriate Resistance will reduce the damage. Countermagic has no effect, because this is not a spell that target's the individual.
The “trigger” must be clearly stated, and cannot include specifics as to target or effect. So you could say, “The thing it hits when I throw it”, or “the next time it is touched.” But you could not say “The tiger over there in the corner.” You may spend a level to add a condition to the trigger, with approval by the Game Master. Then such triggers as “the next troll to touch it”, or similar are possible.
Levels may be spent to increase Duration.
Eyes Behind [Light, Beast] Range – Touch POW Check- NO
Duration – 15 minutes
This spell grants greater awareness of the area around a willing subject. If the accessing Rune is Light, the spell warps light and allows the target to see in all directions at the same time. If the accessing Rune is Beast, the spell increases the sensitivity of the subject’s senses to all stimuli, granting preternatural perception of areas that are behind or to the flanks of the target.
The subject of the spell gains +5% to all Perception checks for the duration of the spell. In addition, ehe effect of the spell negates any Advantage a single attacker gains from outnumbering the target per Magnitude of the spell.
Levels may be spent to increase Range or Duration.
Halt [Man, Beast, Mastery] Range – 30 Yards POW Check- Yes
Duration – 10 rounds
This spell reduces the Move of the target to 0, if it is overcome by a POW contest. Each turn the target may attempt a POW contest to Move. On a success, he can move freely for that turn. On a failure, he cannot leave the place in which he is halted, but may act normally otherwise, including casting spells, attacking, etc. The target is effected by this spell until the end of the duration, OR until it has succeeded in a POW contest a number of times equal to the Magnitude of the spell, at which point the spell is automatically dispelled.
Levels may be spent to increase Range or Duration. You may spend levels to add additional targets to the spell.
Persuasiveness [Man, Mastery] Range – Touch POW Check- No
Duration – 15 minutes
This spell increases the CHArisma of a willing target by 1, and grants +10% to Social interaction skill checks (Influence, Intimidate, etc) per Magnitude of the spell.
Levels may be spent to increase Range or Duration.
True Sight [Light, Mastery, Illusion] Range – Touch POW Check- No
Duration – 15 minutes
This spell renders a willing subject increased resistance to mirages, images, illusions or visual distortions like the Shimmer spell. Each Magnitude of the spell reduces the Level or Magnitude of such effects by 2. If the effect is reduced to 0, the effect is dispelled. Otherwise, it is perceptible, but the subject of this True Sight knows it for what it is, and cannot be affected by it.
Levels may be spent to increase Range or Duration.
Undoubtedly, there will be more to come in future!