Feat: Protective Bulk

Feat: Protective Bulk


A character with this Feat is so large that he is able to absorb more damage than others of his kind. 

Protective Bulk [General]

A character with this Feat is so large that he is able to absorb more damage than others of his kind. 

Prerequisite: Fat* or Obese*. 

Benefit: A  character with Protective Bulk receives either 5 additional hit points if he has the Defect Fat or 10 additional hit points if he has the Defect Obese. 

* "Fat" and "Obese" are Defects that appear in the Skirmisher Publishing LLC's sourcebook, The Jester Dragon's Guide to Defects and are two of more than 230 "anti-Feats" can be a fun way to give your player and non-player characters alike some interesting quirks and to add a new dimension to your game. Anyone wishing to use this Feat, of course, can simply apply it as they deem appropriate based on the weight they have decided to assign a creature or character. 

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