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Finger of the Cautious Apprentice: A Wondrous Item for 5e

Finger of the Cautious Apprentice

Wondrous item, common

This mummified finger wearing a simple brass ring set with a dull pearl is made from the digit of a long dead spellcaster. The magic of a finger of the cautious apprentice becomes clear when its tip is pressed against an object. If the finger is pressed against a magic item or an object with magical properties its pearl glows with violet light. If the object is cursed or magically trapped the finger of the cautious apprentice crumbles to dust.

Fingers of the cautious apprentice have saved and lives and souls of countless dungeon delvers, and those who seek outrageous fortunes in forgotten tombs and monster-infested lairs are not above harvesting the digits of any slain wizards they should come across. Indeed, if a party’s spellcaster should perish on an expedition they may yet continue to aid their allies provided someone among them has the skill to craft their fingers into a few of these efficacious artifacts.

Due to the grisly origins of most fingers of the cautious apprentice few spellcasters are quick to trust those who carry more than one.

This wondrous item is inspired by an entry in The Jester Dragon’s Trove of Trinkets.