Going Postal Over Table Scraps While Dealing with Big Hero 6 in the Apocalypse

First week of November had come and gone. As I stated during my last blog, I decided to participate in the NaNoWriMo, or national novel writing month.
I am quite pleased to announce that at the end of the first full week of this competition, I am at 24,072 words. I could have topped 25,000 words today but my brain was seriously wandering so I didn’t bother.
But at this rate, I should break 40,000 words or more by my blog next weekend!
Oh and I blame this competition for my blog being a day late. I wanted to try and get it up last night but by the time I was able to sit down at my computer to write, it was almost bedtime!
Another downside to this competition is that I have not had a chance to work on anything else. No work completed on future issues of Wisdom from the Wasteland, no bonus material for my latest issue, nothing!
Sorry folks.
And as I stated last week, Wisdom from the Wastelands issue 46: High Tech Weapons 4 was released and it managed to hit as high as 40 on the top 100 small publisher best seller list. I have to be honest I was disappointed by that. My weapon issues have typically been excellent sellers and I had hoped it would have hit the twenties or even higher.
Alas it was not meant to be.
But hey, at least it’ already has a 4 star review! First review for one of my issues in a very long time.
Anyhow, back to my current novel. I know that my editor Michael Varhola will probably want it to be around 60,000 words, but I honest to god can’t see that happened. I have a lot planned out for this novel, and as I stated, I’m already nearly 25,000 words into the novel and quite literally less than an hour’s time has passed in the book!
According to the website, I will achieve the end goal of 50,000 words on the 19th. Yeah, I can really see that happening. No, I’m not being sarcastic either!
If I keep up at this rate, I do believe my final word count for the competition will end up being around 70,000 words in total. At the very least I will be about halfway finished the novel. When I have a story to tell, I will not end it until I have completed the story, no matter how long it is.
The real pain in my ass when it comes to this competition is that once I’m finished churning out the wordage, I will have to go back through it and begin the tedious job of editing and making changes.
There will be a LOT of changes made.
Anyhow, a few things I would like to make note of. First my wife and I went to see ‘Big Hero 6’ yesterday. It’s now my third favorite movie for 2014. Loved it! The humor was a little risqué in places, but of course that was aimed directly at the adults. Still it was a lot of fun, and in all honesty I have to admit that it did take me by surprise. The trailers had me thinking one thing, and it turned out to be only PART of the overall story.
And it did tug at the heart strings more than a few times.
This should not come as a surprise to anyone. My son had a couple of his friends over yesterday so we played several games of ‘Munchkin’. We played the basic game with ‘Game Changers’ and several of the packs of cards that have been released. After that we played and REALLY enjoyed ‘Munchkin Apocalypse’. That was a total ‘ahem’ blast!
If he brings his friends over next week, we’re probably going to play ‘Munchkin Zombies’.
Honestly, my favorite cards out of the Apocalypse set were the ‘Fridge’ (think the last Indiana Jones’ movie, ‘15 year supply of beer and toilet paper’, ‘Baby Seal’ and ‘The Anti-Chris’. Check the game out if you haven’t done so already. It’s totally worth it!
Once again I’m going to do something that I typically don’t do. I’m going to promote another writer’s work. I have mentioned ‘The Knotty Works’ in my blog before, since John writes up some excellent material for ‘Mutant Future’. His latest issue of ‘Going Postal’ was released earlier this week and adds some nasty villains to the game.
He even did a rendition of one of the weapons from WftW issue 46: High Tech Weapons 4.
So once again if you’re pining for the latest issue to be released, you can fill the gap by picking up his series of ‘Going Postal’ and ‘Table Scraps’. This material is excellent MF material and you will not be disappointed!
Now it’s time for my usual observation. When you were growing up, there had to be TV shows and movies that you loved and could watch over and over again, right?
Now jump forward twenty or more years and for the sake of Nostalgia you go back and watch that favorite movie or show and suddenly realize just how terrible it really is.
Don’t you just hate when that happens?
A few prime examples. Growing up I loved Godzilla. I couldn’t get enough of the city destroying monster! I watched the cartoon, read the comics by Marvel, and watched the movies every chance I got.
Only a couple of years ago I tried to watch some of the movies and found that I couldn’t get more than fifteen minutes into them.
As I grew up, I found that my taste in special effects and acting got more refined and what I once loved I could no longer stomach.
Another show was ‘V’ from the 80’s. Not the reboot from a few years back, but the original. Tried to watch it on Space a while back and had to shut it off after 10 minutes.
In a way, it’s a shame that I feel that way to things I loved as a kid and now I can’t stand.
I guess that is simply a sad part of growing up.
So that pretty much covers it for this week. Stay warm (if you’re in the great white north like I am) and until next Sunday, Peace!