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Burrow Bomb: An Explosive Item for 5e

Burrow Bomb

Wondrous item, common

These specially shaped alchemical explosives resemble conventional bombs with a flat bottom. To differentiate them from more conventional offensive explosives in the heat of battle they are often marked with brightly colored eyes and teeth or painted to resemble moles, groundhogs, or other burrowing creatures.

When a burrow bomb detonates it directs the entirety of its explosive force downward, instantly digging a pit 10 feet wide and 1d4 x 10 feet deep. All creatures standing within this area must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or fall to the bottom of the pit, landing prone. On a successful save a creature grabs the edge of the pit. Unlike a portable hole, burrow bombs can be used to open passages.

As an action, a character can light a burrow bomb and throw it at a point up to 30 feet away. A creature proficient with alchemist’s supplies can attempt to set the bomb for maximum effectiveness. An attempt takes 1 minute of work and a successful DC 15 Intelligence (nature) check. If successful, the bomb detonates one minute later and you may roll twice to determine the depth of the pit it digs, keeping the result you prefer. On a failed roll you may try again after another minute of work. If your roll fails by 5 or more the bomb detonates, digging a pit beneath you.

Uncommon burrow bombs exist in two varieties. The first digs pits 20 feet wide, and the second digs puts 1d6 x 10 feet deep. If in either case, the DC to grab the edge of the bomb’s pit is 15. Rare burrow bombs dig pits 20 feet wide and 1d8 x 10 feet deep and the DC to grab the edge is 18.