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The Last Days of Anglekite: Prologue - A Dungeon World Story


Hello! This series is going to be a report of my semi-monthly Dungeon World campaign, based on the successfully-Kickstarted The Last Days of Anglekite, by Mark Diaz Truman. The campaign sessions are going to be told as a series of stories told as an epic, with each session being a chapter in the tales of the Last Days. This session was given over to character establishment, commentary, setting development, and character creation. As a result, it serves as an intro. Therefore, without further ado, The Last Days of Anglekite...

Hello! This series is going to be a report of my semi-monthly Dungeon World campaign, based on the successfully-Kickstarted The Last Days of Anglekite, by Mark Diaz Truman. The campaign sessions are going to be told as a series of stories told as an epic, with each session being a chapter in the tales of the Last Days. This session was given over to character establishment, commentary, setting development, and character creation. As a result, it serves as an intro. Therefore, without further ado, The Last Days of Anglekite:


A creeping rot festers in the bones of the world, and the one undead who has freed herself from its grasp seeks the freedom of all that can think and feel and sing. She has abandoned the Necropolis, denying reason and the repression of sensation in favor of the joy and laughter and warmth of denying death to live again - a second chance at existence. Her bard’s song will change the world - but will it end with the curtain drawn, or with an encore to raise the free races’ spirits once and for all? Is she powerful, or passionate, enough to stop the creeping rot from devouring the freedom of the world?


The politics of the Burning City are labyrinthine and impenetrable, fraught with death and peril. If one side wins over the other it could be the salvation of the Demon race, or the doom of all that lives. By throwing his lot in with the most inscrutable of all Pandaemonium’s court, a lone warlock has sealed his fate as a wild card in the demon city’s decaying machinations. Sworn to a nameless demon, he has sewn his flesh to his master’s and sealed a contract of servitude. Will his dedication to his steward be the push needed to save Pandaemonium, or will the Burning City be reduced to embers before blowing away forgotten in the wind?


The once-great empires of the Pesharyn Wolves are dying. Centuries of war with the denizens of the Woundwater have left both their empires shattered, and both threaten to face extinction. A Cold War wages between the two. Now, resurrected as a terrifying death knight, with the power of Gods too ancient to name and too powerful to deny, a mighty general of the Pesharyn vows to carry out the will of his new and mysterious masters - all They ask is that Their new worshipers, the Pesharyn, steal a mighty treasure from a truly peaceful people and fill it with all the malice and corruption their ancient decay has wrought. This, They say, will restore their moon and grant them at last the power to rule again. Will the mighty warrior fulfill his duty to his people and corrupt the Third Eye of the Ebon Prophet, or is there another way to restore their moon? And can these new Gods truly be trusted..?


Fire, endless and raging. A flame that could burn the land and allow nothing to ever live again in its wake. A clash between two dozen champions of fire and death ending in one survivor - the true Champion of the Pyrewyrm, the one destined to ride the Pyrewyrm and tame its fury, to harness its power to be used at its full potential in the final war with the Angelbone Blade. The one destined to die in pain, and whose death will drag the Pyrewyrm screaming from its slumber, its only truly loyalty ripped from it like a mother from her child. Its rampage will be unceasing, and its grief unknowable, a vital part of it gone, its master in ashes. Will she dominate the will of the Pyrewyrm and make it a tool of victory over the Angelbone Blade, or will her death be the catalyst that drives its bestial nature to the forefront and end the world in fire and pain, its uncontrolled fury destroying the Blade and itself as destined by the ancient prophecies?


She is Muerta, the last free Necropolite, the Bard that sings the songs of the dead.


He is Barton, the Warlock whose patron swears to unite Pandaemonium - but whether for good or for ill, he knows not.


He is Warrick, the unstoppable Death Knight whose loyalties lie with Unknown Gods.


She is Alice, Berserker and chosen of the Pyrewyrm to tame lead it into its final battle in a defiance of destiny itself.


This is the story of the four heroes whose very existence defies the way of the world - whose very purpose it is to defy destiny and save the world…or to destroy it and dance around its funeral pyre. These are the stories of heroes, of villains, of powerful men and women. These are the Last Days of Anglekite.