Projects Locked Down and the Usual Information

This week I have decided on which projects I am going to complete before I start anything new. I tend to be all over the board and it is about time I put an end to that.
So – ongoing projects for the next 40 weeks will be my novel ‘Buck Who?’ It will not end at chapter 52… at this point in time it will end at chapter 54, or later. I am two chapters ahead right now, and it also comes down to how long it takes me to tell this epic.
Also, my next project is almost finished. Originally it started out as five individual issues for Wisdom from the Wastelands. Of course with the new format, it was supposed to be a single issue, but it was too big. Now I am working on adding entries from my Creatures of the Tropical Wastes (which I am currently 50% finished). On top of that I will be adding more rules to pad the book and make it all that much more useable.
When I think about it, I will probably have to create a master list, which will also include the value of the various materials.
If I don’t add that last bit, I am well on track to my goal of having the book complete by the end of the month.
After I am finished with that book, I have to make sure I have the skills, alternate advancements, androids and animal genotypes complete and ready for Greg to edit. Those will cover the next four months for the newly expanded Wisdom from the Wastelands.
However, no matter what, once those are finished (and they are all pretty much done, just need a little tweaking), I will be finishing the Robot, Powered Armor and Vehicle books. My goal is to have them come out pretty much at the same time, or with only a slight delay between, due to the fact they will all be usable together.
The other ideas I have will have to stay on the back-burner. The only project which will change this is my Mutation book, although at this point in time I have so many additional ideas, I might as well get it all written up and do some serious padding to the rules section.
Odds are pretty good I will put out the rules section as a Wisdom from the Wastelands book.
Speaking of the Harvesting book, I was waffling with the idea of taking Derek Holland's Creatures of the Wastelands and treating it to the same work. He has far more creatures than I do, however and that would require a great deal of time on my part. Probably at the very least several long months.
So that will be put on the back-burner until all the other projects I have on the go are finally completed.
This week I posted my top five favorite authors list. Anyone who has been following my blog and my top five lists will recognize most, if not all of the names on this list. The good news is I still have enough topics to cover the next three months as well.
And I also posted another mutant for ‘New Mutant Monday’s’ – The Brute. This one is based on the old Gamma World creature but updated and modified for my novel, Buck Who?
I have also written two additional entries, just to keep ahead so I’m not scrambling to write up a new creature. They will be posted later.
And I have also decided that for the foreseeable future, all the creatures I write will be based upon the flora and fauna living in British Columbia. That way I can have them published in a single volume next year!
Sneaky, aren’t I?
Now, Buck Who? Chapter 12 has been posted, and I’ve already completed the first edit of chapter 13. I need to make sure I finish the edit for it soon, maybe even tonight, due to the fact Thursday is day one of the 2015 Calgary Expo!
That means I will be posting chapter 13 LATE (unless I take care of it in the morning, before I go to the expo) and I will not have much time to work on the chapter. I will do my damn best to get it posted on Friday!
Hell, I might not even get a blog up next week, due to the expo. It’s a lot of fun for me, and I am always wiped by the end of the weekend.
Only managed to read one book in time to post about it here. I finished the first book in a series called The Merkiaari Wars by Mark E. Cooper. This book is called ‘Hard Duty’. It was not a bad SF military novel, although to be honest the two portions of the novel dealing with the ‘Viper’ were quite confusing. In my opinion, that should have been left out, although I am quite sure this will play an important role in upcoming books in the series.
I’d have to give it an average rating, as none of the characters really stuck out to me. I found I really did not give a damn about any of them, and that’s not a good thing. The action was okay, and the concepts, albeit done to death, were still well written.
I’ll continue with the series.
I picked up the Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of Corruption. This was a book I normally would not have purchased, although I decided to do so after some deliberation. I would not play an evil character. It goes against my nature to do something like that. I do find the book useful though for creating villains and the like. This book, albeit quite small, has enough information to explain the motives and how to play such a character, or more importantly, an NPC.
Along with the usual, magic items, feats, this book also covers evil locations, organizations, influence and so forth. One very interesting aspect was the ‘piercings’. I found it odd that such would be considered evil, but hey, adds flavor!
Depending on where your campaign is located in the Golarion world, this could prove to be quite the useful tool!
And that pretty much covers this blog. As I mentioned earlier, next week I will be attending the expo, so there is a pretty good chance I will not be posting a blog. We shall see, though. It all depends on just how tired I am at the end of the day!
Oh, and I don’t know what I did right, but in less than four days I went from 5 followers on Twitter to 13. I know that is not many, but consider I have had the same 5 followers now for almost a full year. So please, follow me on Twitter and I will return the favor!
I hope this trend will continue!
The end result is I am now posting far more frequently on Twitter and will continue to do so, increasing the amount of posts I produce.
Finally, as always, please feel free to follow me on Facebook as well.
Until next time, peace!