Starfinder: Tripled Xeno-necro

The epidermal layer of the mutant exudes a glowing substance. The light produced is strong enough to give opponents a better chance of striking the mutant in dim or poor light, but on the other hand have a more difficult time striking the mutant during the day, as the same substance makes the mutant appear fuzzy or slightly out of focus. In low-light conditions opponents gain two plus the power score modifier to hit, but in light suffer the same as a penalty instead of a bonus. This produces the same level of torch-light.
Glowing Secretion (drawback)
Type: Plant
Frequency: Rare
Power Score: Yes
Range: Power score in feet
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: +2
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Aging Field
Type: Plant
Frequency: Rare
Power Score: Yes
Range: Power score in feet
Duration: Power score in minutes. Effect is permanent.
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: One plus power score modifier per 72 hours.
Acute Dyslexia (drawback)
Type: Mental
Frequency: Very common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Acute Hyper Healing
Type: Mental
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: One plus power score modifier per day.
Atrophied Natural Weapon (drawback)
Type: Physical
Frequency: Very common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: +1
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Acute Lysosomal Function
Type: Physical
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Dietary Requirement Change (Drawback)
Type: Physical
Frequency: Very common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Roll on the chart below for the type of dietary change:
Dietary requirement change table
Roll |
Dietary Requirement |
Effect |
1 |
Blood |
The mutant must consume the power score in hit points of blood, or 2 quarts. |
2 |
Bone |
The mutant requires bone (or calcium) to survive, and has to consume the power score in hit points (or 1 pound) of bone per feeding. |
3 |
Cannibal |
The mutant must consume the power score in hit points (or 1 pound) worth of flesh of its own species per feeding. +6 to reaction if this is discovered. |
4 |
Carrion |
Any type of clearly rotting flesh will do, one plus the power score modifier to Charisma due to the scent of decay that surrounds the mutant. The flesh to be consumed must be at least seven days old. Anything less and the mutant will not gain any benefit. The mutant must consume the power score in hit points (or 1 pound). |
5 |
Cerebellum |
The mutant has a horrible need to consume the nervous centers of sentient creatures. This requires the mutant to kill and eat the brains of sentient creatures, which will make it an outcast in almost every society. |
6 |
Chitin |
The mutant needs to consume the power score in hit points (or 1 pound) of chitin or crustacean shells per feeding. |
7 |
Fungal |
The mutant must consume the power score in hit points (or 1 pound) of fungal matter per feeding. |
8 |
Living Flesh |
The mutant cannot consume dead flesh. The food must be consumed right off the still living creature. The mutant must consume the power score in hit points (or 1 pound) to a living creature. Flesh more than the power score in minutes old provide no nutritional value. |
9 |
Metal |
The mutant must consume at least one pound of metal. Most mutants will be forced to ‘shave’ down metal into filings or something it can consume easily. Rust will do as well. |
10 |
Parasite |
The mutant must physically attach itself to another living creature. It will drain the power score in hit points per day from the creature in order to survive. Another drawback is that the mutant with this dietary requirement cannot heal naturally; it has to be attached to another creature in order to regain hit points via feeding, or use the host’s natural healing capability. When this is happening, the host cannot heal damage naturally! |
11 |
Petroleum |
The mutant must consume one plus the power score modifier in quarts of any type of petroleum. This can be raw oil, refined fuel, propane, any type of petroleum product. |
12 |
Plastics |
The mutant must consume one plus the power score modifier in pounds worth of any type of plastic. |
13 |
Poison |
The mutant must consume at least two plus the power score modifier of destructive poison per feeding. The upside is the mutant is also immune to destructive poison. |
14 |
Radiation |
The mutant must bathe in radiation for 10 hours minus the class of radiation (so class 5 radiation would require the mutant to bathe in the radiation for 5 hours), with the mutant always having to spend at least one hour in the radiation. The mutant is likewise immune to the effects of radiation. |
15 |
Silica |
In order to survive the mutant must consume one plus the power score modifier in pounds of sand, crystals, glass, quartz or any other similar substance. |
16 |
Textiles |
The mutant has to eat artificial fabrics such as cotton, polyester or other such fabrics. One plus the power score modifier must be consumed to gain any nutritional benefit. |
17 |
Vegetable |
The mutant must consume the power score in hit points (or 1 pound) of vegetable matter per feeding. This can be anything from grass to wood to sentient plants, it does not matter. |
18-20 |
Choose |
Choose one type of dietary requirement change from the above list. |
Adhesive Sap
Type: Plant
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Power score in feet
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constitution score, see description.
King Zombie (Expert) CR 5 XP 1,600
Chaotic neutral, medium undead
Init; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +16
Defense HP 65
EAC 17; KAC 18
Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +10
Immunities undead immunities, un-living, zombie immunity
Speed 35 ft.
Melee Survival knife, +10, (1d4 S)
Ranged Sonic rifle, +10, (1d10+5 S0, Crit deafen)
Offensive Abilities Control zombie, controlling bite, modify zombie behaviour
Str +0; Dex +2; Con -; Int +5; Wis +3; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +11, bluff +11, diplomacy +16, sense motive +16, stealth +11
Feats Deadly aim, small arms proficiency, long arm proficiency
Languages Common, Eoxian, Kasatha, Shirren, Vesk
Gear None
Environment Any
Organization Solitary
Special Abilities
Control Zombie (Sp) The King zombies are fully capable of controlling other zombies. Any zombie they encounter automatically falls under their control, and they can command a total of 10 CR levels worth of zombies (and only zombies). Any intelligent zombie is allowed a Will save (DC 14) to resist. Mindless zombies are automatically controlled. The intelligent zombies are allowed a new saving throw once every 5 days, and if they succeed, they are able to wrest control away from the King. They can still stay and follow his orders if they so desire. If the King takes levels in any type of class, the number of CR levels in zombies they can control increases by 2 per level. So if the King has three levels in Mystic, they will be able to control a total of 16 CR levels in zombies. This ability can be used at will.
Controlling bite (Su) Any living humanoid bitten by a King Zombie must make a Will save (DC 14) or fall under the control of the creature. They are still able to act and think, and can even work against the creature that bit them and can even (eventually) break the control. The creature maintains control by biting the victim at least once every 48 hours, or forcing the victim to consume its blood. The victim is allowed a new saving throw every 48 hours to attempt to break the control, unless the victim is once again bitten or forced to consume the blood of a King. If that happens, the victim automatically fails the saving throw.
Modify zombie behaviour (Su) Whenever the King encounters large groups of zombies, he can choose to control some, or make attempt to sway the hoard. All zombies within 100 feet of the king can be forced to turn another direction, stand perfectly still or other simple actions. If any of the zombies in the area of affect are intelligent, they gain a Will save (DC 14) to ignore these simple commands. This can be used once per hour. The King may attempt to force the zombies to turn on one another and attack. The group is allowed a collective Will Save (DC 14). If it fails, they will instead turn on the king and attack him instead! They will be immune to this ability for 24 hours.
Zombie Immunity (Ex) If the King ever encounters zombies, they will ignore him entirely, even if he attacks them – with one exception (see Modify zombie behaviour). Intelligent zombies are able to ignore this by making a Will save (DC 14). If the will save succeeds, they are fully capable of taking any action against the king they so desire.
Acute Distraction (drawback)
Type: Mental
Frequency: Very common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Wrapped (Combatant) CR 4 XP 1,200
Neutral evil medium undead
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +10
Defense HP 50
EAC 16; KAC 18
Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +5
Immunities undead immunities, un-living
Weaknesses staggered
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Bite, +12, (1d6+5 P Crit automatic grapple and regenerative feeding), or two fist bashes, +8 (1d4+5 B)
Offensive Abilities Possession, regenerative feeding, rejuvenation
Str +5; Dex +3; Con -; Int +0; Wis +1; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +15, Athletics +10, disguise +10 (+20 when fully rejuvenated)
Feats None
Languages None
Gear None
Environment Any, although typically deserts or wastes
Organization Solitary
Special Abilities
Permanent Death (Su) The only way to be sure the creature is dead is to fully destroy the body, which requires disintegration, acid, fire and so forth. The creature can regenerate, even if the hit point total is dropped to zero, although this is a very slow process. It will automatically regenerate 1 hit dice per day until it has achieved its full hit point total. Until this, the creature is incapable of movement or action, including the mental possession.
Possession (Sp) The creature, as a full round action, is able to attempt to take possession of a target. The victim is allowed a Will save (DC 13) to resist. If the save fails, the creature will take complete control of the victim for 2d4 hours. Anyone possessed by the creature will not be able to control their actions, and they will not be able to speak if spoken to. Mental communication such as telepathy will still work, but the victim cannot take any actions. If a one is rolled on the saving throw, the creature takes permanent control of the victim. While in possession of the victim, the creature is still fully capable of acting on its own, and can still act as normal. The Wrapped can only use this ability once per day. If the Wrapped is destroyed, the victim is automatically freed of control.
Regenerative Feeding (Ex) The only way the creature can regenerate from any damage is to feed. The creature must make a successful CM to grapple a target, and as long as it has the target grappled, it will feed, draining 1d2+1 points of Constitution per round. The creature will automatically heal 5 points of damage inflicted per point of Constitution drained through this manner. The lost Constitution can be regained through magic or by rest.
Rejuvenation (Su) If the creature is at full hit points when it begins to feed, it will begin to take on a more life-like appearance. Once it has consumed 4 points of Constitution, the creature will look as it had when it was still living. It also gains the benefit of losing the staggered ability and its speed is increased to 30 ft. per round. This condition will last for 1d3 days per point of Constitution drained, which includes the 4 points required to regain this appearance. Once the time has expired, the creature will revert to its undead appearance in only 1d6 rounds. If it can feed on at least 1 point of constitution per day, it can maintain this illusion indefinitely. When using this ability, the creature gains a racial bonus of +10 to disguise.
Staggered (Ex) These creatures can only perform only a single move action or a standard action per round.
Accumulated Resistance, Mental
Type: Mental
Frequency: Very Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: See description
Albinism (drawback)
Type: Physical
Frequency: Very common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: +1
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Radioactive Zombie (Combatant) CR 2 XP 600
Neutral medium undead
Init; Senses Darkvision 60 ft. blind sight (life-sense) 60. Ft.; Perception +7
Defense HP 25
EAC 13; KAC 15
Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +3
Immunities Undead immunities, unliving
Weaknesses Staggered
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bash, +7, (1d4+4), or bite, +7 (1d6+4)
Offensive Abilities Radioactive aura
Str +4; Dex +2; Con -; Int -4; Wis +1; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +7, athletics +12
Feats Stand still
Languages None
Gear None
Environment Any
Organization Solitary, small groups (1d4), or large groups (3d6)
Special Abilities
Infectious Bite (Su) The bite of the radioactive zombie carries the same virus that creates the typical zombie, and as such the victim must make a Fort save (DC 12) or contract the infection. Every 24 hours the victim is allowed another Fort saving throw (DC 12) or lose 1d3 points of Constitution. When the Constitution score reaches zero, the victim dies and will rise as a radioactive zombie. A cure disease or other similar spell, spell-like ability, or medical drug will cure the victim, and the lost Constitution score will return at the victims’ natural healing rate per day.
Radioactive Aura (Su) The radioactive zombie is surrounded by a wide field of radiation. This aura reaches out to 20 ft. surrounding the zombie and anyone entering it must make a DC 13 Fort save or suffer the effects of radiation poisoning (page 404 Starfinder core book).
Staggered (Ex) Like many different types of zombies, these are capable of only a single move action or a standard action per round.
Accelerated Natural Attacks
Type: Physical
Frequency: Rare
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: One plus Power score modifier in rounds
AI Recognition: None
Damage: Natural weapon damage plus Strength bonus, plus power score modifier (negatives will detract!)
Uses: One plus power score modifier times six hours
Cnidarian Deformity (drawback)
Type: Plant
Frequency: Rare
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Accumulated Resistance
Type: Plant
Frequency: Very common
Power Score: No
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Consult the following table to see what type of energy the plant is immune to:
Accumulated Resistance Table
Roll |
Type of Energy |
1 |
Cold |
2 |
Electricity |
3 |
Light |
4 |
Radiation |
5 |
Sonic |
6 |
Thermal |
Tyrannical Zombie CR 7 XP 3,200
Neutral large undead
Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +13
Defense HP 60
EAC 13; KAC 14
Fort +3; Ref +5; Will +7
Defensive Abilities DR 5 points against all physical attacks; immunities Energy immunity, undead immunities
Weaknesses Exposed heart
Speed 30 ft.
Melee One punch, +15 (1d6+5), or one claw +15 (2d8+5) or one bite +15 (1d10+5)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Offensive Abilities Infectious attack, rending claw
Str +5; Dex +2 ; Con -; Int -2; Wis +3; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +12, athletics +15, intimidate +10
Feats Cleave, climbing master, great cleave, improved initiative, lunge
Languages None
Gear None
Environment Any
Organization Solitary or small bands (1d4)
Special Abilities
Energy Immunity (Su) Due to the necromantic nature of the magic involved in creating this beast, the creature is completely immune to all types of energy.
Exposed heart (Ex) The undead monster’s heart has increases in size, so much to the point it pushes through the chest. Although undead, these creatures still have a beating heart and blood runs through their mutated and altered bodies. The heart is located on the right side of the body, no longer centered or slightly to the left. Anyone striking at the heart will inflict an automatic critical (but only through the use of piercing weapons and bullets do count). This requires a -6 to hit, because even though the heart is greatly enlarged, it is still a difficult target to hit, since the creature is constantly on the move. Oddly enough, only physical attacks such as melee weapons, bullets, arrows, and so forth, will damage the heart. Attacking the exposed organ with energy-based weapons will only inflict normal damage.
Infectious Attack (Su) Anyone bitten or slashed by the creature must make a Fort save (DC 15) or become infected. This will inflict 1d4 points of Constitution damage and the victim must make a save every hour until two successful save have been made, at which point their body has purged the infection. Once the Constitution hits zero, the victim dies and they will rise as a regular zombie in 1d4 minutes. The effects of the virus can be reversed, requiring any medical drug which cures disease. The Constitution damage will heal at the victim’s natural healing rate.
Rending Claw (Su) Those who are struck by the claw are exposed to the infection, which can transform them into a zombie (see Infectious attack), but at the same time a Fort Save (DC 15) is required or they will bleed 1d6 points of damage per round due to the savage nature of the claw attack.
Acute Anxiety Attacks (drawback)
Type: Mental
Frequency: Very common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: 1d12 plus power score modifier turns.
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
The effects will vary each time the saving throw fails, so roll on the following chart to see what happens.
Acute Anxiety Attack Table
Roll |
Type of attack |
Effect |
1 |
Fatigue |
The mutant becomes heavily fatigued for the duration of the attack. |
2 |
Numbness |
The mutant’s extremities become numb. This makes it impossible for the mutant to hold any items, its movement rate is cut in half, and any natural attacks suffer a penalty of three plus the power score modifier. |
3 |
Palpitations |
The anxiety causes the mutant’s heart to race painfully and distractingly fast. The mutant suffers -1 plus the power score modifier to all rolls. |
4 |
Panic |
The mutant is under the effects of the incite fear mutation. |
5 |
Shortness of breath |
Whenever the mutant exerts itself (such as running or fighting), it must make a saving throw versus death. Failure indicates they fall unconscious for the duration of the attack. |
6 |
Sweat |
Copious amounts of sweat break out on the mutant, making it difficult for it to hold onto anything properly. All to hit rolls suffer a penalty of -1 plus the power score modifier. If a natural 1-5 is rolled on any held weapons, they are dropped. |
Aggravate Wounds
Type: Mental
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Line of sight
Duration: 1d4 plus power score modifier rounds
AI Recognition: None
Damage: 2d4 plus the power score modifier damage per existing wound!
Uses: Four plus power score modifier every 24 hours.
Deadly Spectral Remnant CR 4 XP 1,200
Chaotic Evil Medium undead
Init +6; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1 (+5 for sensing life)
Defense HP 17
EAC 11; KAC 12
Fort +1; Ref +4; Will +4
Defensive Abilities Invisible, life sense, reform; immunities All physical-based attacks except for iron, undead immunities
Weaknesses Compound blindness, iron vulnerability, physical body vulnerability, staggered
Speed 35 ft.
Melee Punch, +7, (1d4+3 and 3d6 cold damage, Crit 1d4 temporary Dexterity damage)
Offensive Abilities Bypass armor, touch from beyond
Str +3; Dex +2; Con -; Int -4; Wis +1; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +6, athletics +7
Feats Fleet, improved initiative
Languages None
Gear None
Environment Any
Organization Solitary, small packs (1d4), medium groups (2d6), or hoards (10d10)
Special Abilities
Bypass armor (Ex) Due to the nature of these creatures, they are capable of ignoring worn armor. When they attack a target, any bonus to its KAC from worn armor is ignored.
Compound blindness (Su) Anyone wearing iron or ceramic-based armor is effectively invisible to the creature, granting it total cover.
Iron vulnerability (Ex) The creatures are incapable of passing through iron. A simple barrier, made of iron filings, would be enough to prevent the creature from moving through. Of course it can choose to bypass the barrier, but typically it will not think to do this for 2d6 rounds. The creature will also take an additional 50% damage from iron-based weapons when attacked.
Invisible (Su) The creature is invisible to all except ultraviolet and infrared senses. A detect invisibility spell or spell-like ability will reveal it.
Life Sense (Ex) The creature gains a +4 to perception when trying to locate living beings. This has a radius of 250 ft.
Physical body vulnerability (Ex) The physical body of the creature is vulnerable to attack. It is always stored in a coffin-like structure, filled with strange necromantic fluids. The body can be harmed by any and all weapons and has the same hit points as the monster itself. If reduced to zero hit points, the body is destroyed and the creature lets out a scream as it dissolves into nothing – some believe it to be of pain, others of ecstasy due to being released from its torment.
Reform (Su) When the creature is destroyed in combat, it will automatically reform in 2d6 minutes. The only way to prevent this from happening is to destroy its physical body.
Staggered (Ex) Despite their speed, these creatures can only perform only a single move action or a standard action per round.
Touch from beyond (Su) Coming into physical contact with these horrors will inflict 1d3 temporary negative energy levels unless a Fort (DC 13) is made. The victim will still suffer 3d6 points of cold damage from such contact, even if the saving throw succeeds.
Acute Epileptic Seizures (drawback)
Type: Physical
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: 1d6 plus half the power score in rounds
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Roll on the following table to see what kind of condition will potentially cause the effect:
Epileptic Seizure Table
Roll |
Cause |
1 |
Bright or pulsing light |
2 |
Darkness |
3 |
Strong odor |
4 |
Loud sound (gunfire, explosions etc). |
5 |
Type of food |
6 |
Type of substance (specific mineral, type of fabric, harmless chemical etc.) |
Attraction Lure (drawback)
Type: Physical, Plant
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: One plus power score in miles
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Infector Zombie CR 2 XP 800
Neutral medium undead
Init +8; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3
Defense HP 17
EAC 14; KAC 15
Fort +1; Ref +7; Will +5
Immunities undead immunities
Speed 60 ft.
Melee One bite +8 (2d4 P), or One claw +8 (1d6 S)
Offensive Abilities Burst of speed, create spawn, infectious bite
Spell-like abilities (caster level here)
Str+0; Dex+5; Con -; Int+0; Wis+2; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +8, athletics +5, stealth +10
Feats Improved initiative, weapon finesse (claw)
Languages None
Gear None
Environment Any
Organization Small groups (2d4)
Special Abilities
Burst of Speed (Ex) Once per day, this creature can increase its speed. For 2d6 rounds, the creature’s speed is increased to 90 ft. per round. The sprinters AC increases by 3 points and it can make an additional claw attack, but if it uses both, the attack bonus is reduced to +4.
Create Spawn (Su) Anyone killed by an infector zombie will automatically rise in 1d6 minutes, The GM determines the type of zombie.
Infectious Bite (Ex) Anyone bitten by one of these creatures must make a Fort save (DC 13) or become infected. Each hour the victim is allowed another Fort saving throw (DC 13) or lose 1d3 points of Constitution. When the Constitution score reaches zero, the victim dies and will rise as a new undead. A cure disease or other similar spell, spell-like ability, or medical drug will cure the victim, and the lost Constitution score will return at the victims’ natural healing rate per day.
Abnormal Size
Type: Plant
Frequency: Very common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Consult the following table for the appropriate modifiers:
Abnormal Size Table
Height in feet |
Damage dice bonus |
Strength Bonus |
AC Penalty |
AI Recognition |
6-8 |
+1 |
+4 |
+1 |
0 |
9-12 |
+1 |
+8 |
+1 |
+1 |
13-17 |
+2 |
+12 |
+2 |
+2 |
18-22 |
+2 |
+16 |
+2 |
+2 |
23+ |
+3 |
+20 |
+3 |
+3 |
Absorb Disease
Type: Physical
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Power Score divided by two (round to nearest) in days.
AI Recognition: None
Damage: See description
Uses: See description
Burning Zombie CR 3 XP 800
Neutral medium undead (fire elemental)
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3
Defense HP 23
EAC 11; KAC 12
Fort +1; Ref +3; Will +5
Defensive Abilities Burning blood, burning bodies; immunities undead immunities
Weaknesses Cold vulnerability
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Bite, +6, (1d4+2+3d6 flame damage) or two bashes, +2, (1d3+2+3d6 flame damage)
Offensive Abilities Flame aura, flaming embrace, infectious bite.
Str +2; Dex +0; Con -; Int -4; Wis +1; Cha +0
Skills Athletics +2
Feats None
Languages None
Gear None
Environment Any except cold or vacuum
Organization Small packs (2d3)
Special Abilities
Burning Blood (Ex) Hitting one of creatures with a piercing weapon can have unexpected and horrific results. Any piercing attack (including bullets) will cause a jet of super-heated blood and viscera to spew from the wound. This will create a cone which is 5 ft. wide and has a distance of 20 ft. It will always hit in the direct from which the wound was inflicted, and anyone caught in the area of effect must make a Ref save (DC 12) or be hit by the stream. This inflicts 2d6 points of fire damage. A successful save will negate the attack.
Burning Bodies (Su) Any physical contact with the creatures involving a melee weapon or natural weapon are forced to make an item saving throw versus thermal or the item will suffer an additional 1d6 points of thermal damage (on top of the damage sustained from the heat aura).
Cold Vulnerability (Ex) These creatures take 50% more damage when hit by cold-based attacks, and suffer a -4 to all saving throws involving cold-based spells or effects.
Flame Aura (Su) When they approach a potential victim, the creatures radiate a powerful heat aura out to 30 feet. Anyone caught in this aura will take 2d6 points of fire damage per round until they leave. It makes dealing with the creatures in a melee environment difficult, at best.
Flaming Embrace (Ex) The burning zombie will attempt to grapple anyone it encounters. This attack can be used once every two rounds, and does not count towards the movement or attack action. It is a free action and can be used against anyone in a 5 ft. range. The creature is allowed a Grapple attack, and if it succeeds, it will get an bite attack which will automatically hit.
Infectious Bite (Su) Anyone bitten by the creature must make a Fort save (DC 12) or become infected. This will inflict 1d4 points of Constitution damage and the victim must make a save every hour until two successful save have been made, at which point their body has purged the infection. Once the Constitution hits zero, the victim dies, their body bursting into flame, burning away all hair, clothing and gear and they will join the ranks of the burning undead. The effects of the virus can be reversed, requiring any medical drug which cures disease. The Constitution damage will heal at the victim’s natural healing rate.
Type: Mental, Plant
Frequency: Very common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Minimum of 24 hours
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Once every three days
Ability Reduction table
Roll |
Statistic Lost |
1 |
Intelligence |
2 |
Will Power |
3 |
Charisma |
4 |
Roll twice on this table, ignoring this result if it is rolled again. In the case of rolling the same statistic twice, either re-roll once again until a different statistic is rolled, or double the amount lost from that statistic. |
Ability Adjustment (Mental)
Type: Physical
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Power score in turns
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: At will.
Parasite Zombie CR 1 XP 400
Neutral medium undead
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
Defense HP 13
EAC 11; KAC 12
Fort +0; Ref +2; Will +3
Defensive Abilities spread parasite, still living; immunities undead immunities
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Bite, +2, (1d4 P)
Ranged Spit, +4, do damage (see below)
Offensive Abilities Infectious bite, infectious spit
Str +0; Dex +2; Con -; Int -3; Wis +0; Cha +1
Skills None
Feats None
Languages None
Gear None
Environment Any
Organization Solitary, small groups (1d6), large groups 3d8), hoards (6d10).
Special Abilities
Infectious Bite (Su) The bite of the Parasite zombie is able to transmit not only the larval parasite but eggs as well. The victim must make a Fort save (DC 13) or become infected with the parasite and eggs. Each hour the victim must make a new saving throw, and if it fails, the victim will lose 1d4 points of Constitution. If the victim’s Constitution score reaches zero, they are fully infected and are now under the control of parasite. Technically the victim is not dead at this point, and can still think, but they are nothing more than observers, trapped in their body as it seeks out living targets to bite and infect. If the victim is able to make three successful saving throws in a row, the parasite and any eggs it has laid are purged from the body, and all lost Constitution will return at the victim’s natural healing rate per day.
Infectious Spit (Su) The zombie is able to spit at any target within a 20 foot range. This is considered a ranged attack with a +4 to hit. If the target has any open wounds, see the effects of spread parasite (below).
Spread Parasite (Su) Anytime the creature is hit with a slashing weapon, there is a chance the blood, which is infected with the larva and eggs, will hit those nearby. Anyone within 5 feet of the creature must make a reflex save (DC 13) or be splashed by the blood. If the victim has any open wounds, they must then make an additional fort save (DC 13) or become infected.
Still living (Su) The victim is still alive, although has taken on the traits of an undead. Once the victim has been reduced to zero hit points, the creature is dead, but will not remain as such. After 1d4 rounds, the creature will arise once again, with full hit points and will have to be destroyed a second time. If the victim is treated to a cure disease or similar such magic, or is treated with any type of drug which will destroy parasites or diseases, the victim can be still saved. It should be noted that once the victims Constitution has reached zero, any type of restoration will have no effect unless the disease is first cured. As long as the victim’s Constitution remains at zero, they will act like a zombie. If at this point the parasites and eggs have been destroyed, their bite will no longer infect. Once the Constitution score reaches at least 1, then the victim regains control of their body and have to live with the consequences of what they may have done.
Ability Reduction (temporary) (Drawback)
Type: Physical, Mental, Plant
Frequency: Very common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Minimum of 24 hours
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Once every three days.
Ability Reduction table
Roll |
Statistic Lost |
1 |
Strength |
2 |
Dexterity |
3 |
Constitution |
4 |
Roll twice on this table, ignoring this result if it is rolled again. In the case of rolling the same statistic twice, either re-roll once again until a different statistic is rolled, or double the amount lost from that statistic. |
Aberrant Form
Type: Physical, Plant
Frequency: Very Common
Power Score: Yes (some)
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: +1 to +4 (see description)
Damage: See description
Uses: See description
This mutation covers a wide array of effects over the entire bodily structure of the mutant. Roll 1d8 to determine the nature of the mutation.
User Xeno-necro CR 5 XP 1,600
Neutral Evil medium undead (Xeno-necro)
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
Defense HP 39
EAC 17 (22 in armor); KAC 19 (25 in armor)
Fort +6; Ref +6; Will +9
Defensive Abilities toughened hide; immunities Cold, undead immunities, vacuum
Weaknesses Energy vulnerability
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Two Hand Axes, +6, (1d6 P or S)
Ranged Zero pistol – Frostbite class, +10, (1d6 C Crit staggered)or Laser Rifle – Corona (2d6 F Crit Burn 1d6)
Offensive Abilities Ambush, command Xeno-necro
Str +2; Dex +3; Con -; Int +2; Wis +4; Cha +4
Skills Athletics +6, acrobatics +7 bluff +9, computers +6, engineering +7, intimidate +9, piloting +7, sense motive +8, stealth +11
Feats Concentrated shot, light armor proficiency, simple weapons proficiency, quick draw
Languages Gift of Language
Gear D-suit I
Environment Space, space ships, space stations, ruins
Organization Small groups (2d6), large squads (5d10)
Special Abilities
Ambush (Ex) The User is perfectly aware of the environment it inhabits, and as such it is able to use it to its advantage when hunting live prey to destroy. The Splitter gains a +4 racial bonus to Stealth as a result.
Command Xeno-necro (Su) The User is fully capable of commanding any type of Xeno-necro within earshot. The Xeno-necro will obey without question, no matter the number present, or the type of Xeno-necro, with the exception of the User. Other User Xeno-necros can choose to ignore the orders issued by a User
Energy Vulnerability (Ex) The User are particularly susceptible to energy attacks, such as lasers, plasma weapons, and other similar weapons. They suffer an additional +1 point of damage per dice when facing this type of attack.
Gift of Language (Ex) The User is capable of speaking any language it encounters.
Toughened Hide (Ex) The flesh may appear to be heavily damaged, but it has become infused with bone shards, giving the creature a natural armor bonus of +6.
Xeno-necro Subtype
These creatures are created through strange necromantic energies generated by an ancient artifact. The victims must be in the area of effect of the artifact for typically 7 plus 2d8 days. During this period, they suffer from strange and horrifying nightmares, and slip into depression and near the end become violent and suicidal. The energies released by the artifact (which can vary in size from a small decoration, all the way up to a massive monolith), cause a fundamental change deep in the victim’s genetic code, causing them to mutate upon death into literal undead monster. No one knows for certain as to the purpose of this, and why this happens, as the creators of the artifact have long since departed this plane of existence.
This subtype can be added to any humanoid corpse. The humanoid automatically becomes Undead (gaining all the traits) and the subtype becomes Xeno-necro, likewise gaining the traits from such. All previous skills and feats are lost, and the creature retains a bare-minimum intellect, although its only desire is to hunt and kill. It cannot be reasoned with, spoken to or interacted with in any way.
It should be noted these creatures will only attack living, organic targets. They will ignore robots, androids and the like unless they come under attack from the aforementioned types.
Required Creature Type: Undead
Suggested Array: Combatant (although it can vary)
Traits: Ambush, energy vulnerability, toughened hide, all undead traits, immunity to cold.
Suggested Ability modifiers: Strength and Dexterity
Ambush (Ex) The Xeno-necro is perfectly aware of the environment it inhabits, and as such it is able to use it to its advantage when hunting live prey to destroy. The creature gains a +4 racial bonus to Stealth as a result.
Energy Vulnerability The Xeno-necro, like all of this subtype, are particularly susceptible to energy attacks, such as lasers, plasma weapons, and other similar weapons. They suffer an additional +1 point of damage per dice when facing this type of attack.
Toughened Hide (Ex) The flesh may appear to be heavily damaged, but it has become infused with bone shards, giving the creature a natural armor bonus of +6.
Tripled Xeno-necro CR 15 XP 51,200
Neutral Huge undead (Xeno-necro)
Init +7; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +10
Defense HP 125
EAC 16; KAC 18
Fort +10; Ref +12; Will +18
Defensive Abilities Tearing healing, toughened hide; immunities Cold, undead immunities, vacuum
Weaknesses Energy vulnerability
Speed 50 ft.
Melee Claw slash, +30 (2d8+10 S Crit 1d6 bleed and automatic knocked prone), tail strike +30 (2d10+10 Crit automatic knocked prone)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 20 ft.
Offensive Abilities Ambush, stench, tail slash
Str +10; Dex +3; Con -; Int -3; Wis +4; Cha +4
Skills Acrobatics +10, athletics + 15, stealth +6
Feats cleave, enhanced resistance (Kinetic, DR 20), fleet, great cleave, improved initiative, iron will, mobility, sidestep, spring attack, stand still,
Languages None
Gear None
Environment Space, space ships, space stations, ruins
Organization Solitary
Special Abilities
Ambush (Ex) The Tripled is perfectly aware of the environment it inhabits, and as such it is able to use it to its advantage when hunting live prey to destroy. The Splitter gains a +4 racial bonus to Stealth as a result.
Energy Vulnerability (Ex) The Triple are particularly susceptible to energy attacks, such as lasers, plasma weapons, and other similar weapons. They suffer an additional +1 point of damage per dice when facing this type of attack.
Stench (Su) The creature has a powerful stench of blood and rot. If anyone comes within 15 feet of the creature, they must make a Fort saving throw (DC 25) or become nauseated as long as they remain within the area of effect.
Tail Slash (Ex) This creature can spin in a circle, whipping its scorpion-like tail out to a radius of 15 feet. All creatures in the area of effect must make a Ref save (DC 25) or suffer the damage from the tail slash. Those who are hit are also knocked prone. Those who save manage to avoid the tail entirely.
Tearing Healing (Su) As a full round action, the creature can grab any corpse nearby and rend it apart. As it does this, the two legs will shove portions of the corpse into its own body, where they will fuse with the monster. This will automatically heal 5 hit points of damage per hit dice of the original corpse. So if the corpse was a 8 hit dice creature, it can use the remains to heal up to 40 points of damage it has sustained.
Toughened Hide (Ex) The flesh may appear to be heavily damaged, but it has become infused with bone shards, giving the creature a natural armor bonus of +6.
Xeno-necro Subtype
These creatures are created through strange necromantic energies generated by an ancient artifact. The victims must be in the area of effect of the artifact for typically 7 plus 2d8 days. During this period, they suffer from strange and horrifying nightmares, and slip into depression and near the end become violent and suicidal. The energies released by the artifact (which can vary in size from a small decoration, all the way up to a massive monolith), cause a fundamental change deep in the victim’s genetic code, causing them to mutate upon death into literal undead monster. No one knows for certain as to the purpose of this, and why this happens, as the creators of the artifact have long since departed this plane of existence.
This subtype can be added to any humanoid corpse. The humanoid automatically becomes Undead (gaining all the traits) and the subtype becomes Xeno-necro, likewise gaining the traits from such. All previous skills and feats are lost, and the creature retains a bare-minimum intellect, although its only desire is to hunt and kill. It cannot be reasoned with, spoken to or interacted with in any way.
It should be noted these creatures will only attack living, organic targets. They will ignore robots, androids and the like unless they come under attack from the aforementioned types.
Required Creature Type: Undead
Suggested Array: Combatant (although it can vary)
Traits: Ambush, energy vulnerability, toughened hide, all undead traits, immunity to cold.
Suggested Ability modifiers: Strength and Dexterity
Ambush (Ex) The Xeno-necro is perfectly aware of the environment it inhabits, and as such it is able to use it to its advantage when hunting live prey to destroy. The creature gains a +4 racial bonus to Stealth as a result.
Energy Vulnerability The Xeno-necro, like all of this subtype, are particularly susceptible to energy attacks, such as lasers, plasma weapons, and other similar weapons. They suffer an additional +1 point of damage per dice when facing this type of attack.
Toughened Hide (Ex) The flesh may appear to be heavily damaged, but it has become infused with bone shards, giving the creature a natural armor bonus of +6.