Starfinder: Hunter's Hound

One more creature to add, which will be in the next couple of days. This should be a give-away what it will be.
In the shared-world I have going based in D101 Games awesomely Hyborian The Savage North, we have a new player joining. Wanting to use that opportunity to add more depth to the campaign, I decided to let him play a new race, that is actually a very old race reawakened in the current time of troubles.
I mentioned above that The Savage North was awesomely Hyborian. As I have previously reported, The Savage North has brooding CImmerianeque Bogdannans, rampaging Northerners reminicent of the natives of Hyboria's Asaheim and Vanaheim, an acquisitive empire much like Aquilonia, savage Wodelanders who work well as the Hyborian version of Picts, and more.
And just as the Hyborian Age was the "current" age for Conan the Cimmerian, with the Age of Atlantis (remember King Kull) in its ancient past, The Savage North is the current age of this setting. And it too has an ancient world in its distant past - in which the the rise of the Blood Gods enslaved races and reordered the world, only to be brought low by other powers of that time. The Blood Gods of old were worshipped by - yesssss - The Serpent Folk, who used their eldritch powers to create vampires and blood magic and blood beasts with which to rule and terrorize that ancient age.
And in the Savage North of the present day, the Serpent Folk have arisen from a sleep of ages, seeking to return the North to the seething, steaming jungle of their time. Encouraged by this, blood creatures, hiding in the shadows, nooks and crannies of creation, have slithered, slunk and stalked onto the stage of the world once more.
As have heroes to stop them.
Thus far, these heroes have been people of the younger world:
Aquila - A young sorcerer of the Gatan Empire who, unbeknownst to her, follows in the footsteps of her sire to become the White Dragon Knight, reawakening the only dragon of the Savage North and freeing the chief god of the Nord pantheon from where Imperial Blood sorcery locked him away.
Donnan - A Bogdannan/ Sonderlander barbarian halfbreed dunning away from his life of family torment, to pierce the magical Veil and discover the ancient Vampire Kingdom of Altanen, even as he aids the next Queen of Sonderland to topple the puppet-tyrants of the Serpent Folk from her throne, then to rebuild the ailing kingdom.
Evander - A blood sorcerer and brother to Aquila, rescued and cleansed of Blood taint. Now he hunts the scions of the Blood Gods, hoping to keep other young sorcerers from falling prey to the lure of the Blood, but never able to redress the balance for the dark deeds of his past.
Tova - The Sonderlander witch who made a bad deal with the Fey Gods, only to spend three lifetimes as a Hound of the Wyld Hunt, now returned to Sonderland as the Vampire Kingdom crumbles, and the Serpent Folk stir from their lairs.
Since there were so many heroes of the current age, and so many perils and Elder Races from the ancient world, it seemed time to allow for an Elder Race as a player option. Enter the Athalanta - the Stone Children. When the Blood Gods and Serpent Folk ruled the ancient world, there were other races who opposed them. Some, like the Scyllata or the Basterae, were no better than their foes, and they have perished or hidden themselves in the intervening centuries. Others fought the corruption of Blood Sorcery and the Gods who taught it because to do otherwise was to be destroyed or corrupted in turn. So it was the Athalanta, who would survive or fall as the earth of which they were a part did.
The Athalanta of the Savage North recall little of their origins, or their ancient past. The ones who have survived, did so because they slept, interred in the earth by their own magical arts, for the past two thousand years and more. Now some are rising from this sleep of ages, dragged from it by fell sorcery, or because they the spreading corruption of Blood Sorcery as of old. As an Elder Race, the Athalanta are magical by their nature. They unlocked the power inherent in the earth and can channel it via their innate Stonesinging ability, which allowed them to fight the Blood Gods, sense the Corruption, and secure themselves against it. Yet it did not save them. The Athalanta who rise now, do so with the knowledge that they did not destroy the Blood Gods, only weaken them - at great cost. The Athalanta that rise now are few, and they have forgotten so much of the past.
So without further ado:
Athelanta - The Stone Children
You are one of the Athalanta, called by those few sages who know of you, the Stone Children. You have slumbered for ages in the earth, awaiting the call to defend it, and something now has awakened you. You have an instinctive understanding of your role as a protector of the earth from corruption and feel a sense that you must reawaken more of your kind. Currently, you do not know how to do that.
When slumbering in the earth you are subsumed into it. Otherwise you attain a humanoid form, and many of the limitations and abilities of it. Athalantans appear like solidly built men and women, with sandy or grey complexions. Some have hair that is often metallic in colour, others are hairless. Eyes are various shades of gray or brown.
When in human form, you must eat and drink to sustain yourself. If you do not, you will pass into the earth for sustenance, and may have difficulty awakening. In this way, many stone children have passed centuries unaware of the world around them.
Stone Child Abilities:
- Stone Children do not breathe, and are unaffected by inhaled gasses, etc.
- Darksight: Stone Children can see in even absolute darkness up to 30 feet.
- Stonesinging: This magical form is a natural ability of the Athalanta.
Stonesinging is a skill and a magical tradition of the Athelanta, in which one communes with the earth, occasionally shaping it to one’s will. Stonesinging produces a resonant humming that changes in pitch (hence the name of the skill) and is audible to those around you – the greater your Stonesinging attempt (which is to say the great the Magnitude and POWer of the incantation), the louder the sound. Stonesinging is as natural to you as breathing is to men, but you are aware that there are drawbacks to so vocal a tradition.
To Stonesing, you must succeed at a skill check.
Stonesinging grants a number of abilities:
- Earth Sense: You can, with a Skill check, detect voids, pits, tunnels or other openings in the earth or stone around you, to a distance up POW x5 Yards. If there are earth-aspected spirits or elementals within that area, you also will know of them. You may also detect any wrongness in the area’s earth at the same time.
- Resilience: Stonesinging determines your form’s Resilience. You gain 1 Armor Point to all locations for each full 20% in Stonesinging to a maximum of your Manipulation Limit. If you wish, you may expend temporary POWer to inprove your Resilience as if you had the spell Protection. You may not increase your total Resilience past your Manipulation Limit. Stone Children may wear armor instead of enhancing their Resilience, but few would choose to do so, because they cannot carry it into the earth with them.
- Stonesinger Incantations: Though inherently magical, Stone Children practice the art of Stonesinging and cannot learn sorcery or witchcraft. Indeed, these arts are human attempts to codify and regularize the inherent natural abilities of the Elder Races like the Stone Children. Stone Children begin play with two or more Incantations and 4 Magnitude to divide between them.
Range, Duration and Manipulation Limit:
Like Sorcery and Witchcraft, Stonesinging can manipulate aspects of incantations for greater effect. Two of the most common manipulations are of Duration, and Range. Note that the increments of range and duration in Stonesinging are different from those in Sorcery or witchcraft. Sorcery and Witchcraft are in fact, human attempts to emulate and codify the natural and magical abilities of the Elder Races.
Incantations have a listed Duration, which may be manipulated upward on the Duration Track by dedicating ranks of Manipulation (and Magic Points) to doing so. To determine how much Manipulation is required, find the increment listed in the incantation, and count a rank of Manipulation per increment until you get to the increment you want. You cannot cast an incantation with more Magnitude + Ranks of Manipulation than your Manipulation limit. To get a longer lasting variable incantation, it may be necessary to cast it at a lower Magnitude.
Serath, with Manipulation Limit of 5, could cast Crevass at Magnitude 3 and manipulate the duration by increasing the rank of the incantation to 5, paying 2 additional Magic Points and extending the duration by two increments. If further duration is desired, Serath could cast Crevass at Magnitude 1 or 2, settling for a smaller area of effect, but extending the duration from POW x Rounds to (for 3 ranks of Manipulation) POW x Hours or even (4 ranks) POW x Days.
Duration Track: Each Rank/Magic Point added increases by one increment
Instant: Instant spells are not subject to Duration manipulation.
1 Round > POW Rounds > POW Minutes > POWx10 Minutes > POW x Hours > POW x Days > double each further increment.
Each incantation spell has a set range, which may be manipulated ONLY if (and how) an individual spell description allows it.
Serath realizes that she needs to cast her Crevasse at a range beyond Touch, so she needs to Manipulate the Range as well as Duration, all within her Manipulation Limit of 5. She races forward to get within range, casts a Magnitude 2 Crevasse, using 1 Rank to increase Range to POW x Yards, and 2 Ranks to extend the Duration to POW 10 Minutes. She will Pay 5 POWer to cast, and hopes it will be enough.
Range Track: Each Magic Point added increases the range by one increment
Self only > Touch > POW x Yards > POW x 5 Yards > POW x 10 Yards > POW x 20 Yards > POW x 100 Yards > POW x 1000 Yards > POW x Miles > POW x 10 Miles.
Manipulation Limit:
A Stone Child can never learn an incantation at a higher Magnitude that her Manipulation Limit (which is POW divided by 3, rounding up). Her ability to manipulate aspects of an incantation (Range, Duration, etc) is also limited by the same number. So the total of Magnitude + manipulations can be no higher than her Manipulation Limit.
Serath’s Manipulation Limit is 5. Depending on the Magnitude of the incantation, he can manipulate it to a total of 5, and pay the same in POW. So if he knew Hurl Shard 3 and cast at full power (Magnitude 3), he could manipulate it by up to 2 further ranks, raising the POWer cost by 2. In the case of Hurl Shard, only Range is subject to Manipulation, but doing so could extend the range of the shard by up to two ranks, from POW x Yards, to POW x 10 Yards. Of course, should he need to reach further, he could reduce his Hurl Shard to Magnitude 2 or 1, to increase the range by another rank or two respectively. In any case, he cannot cast a spell of greater than 5 POWer.
Incantations may be Variable, in which case they can be cast at any Magnitude up to the highest known but the caster. Instead, an incantation may have a listed POW cost, in which case that is the Magnitude of the incantation. Either type may be manipulated as stated in each description. Once, many more incantations were known to the Athalanta, but they have forgotten so much in their long slumber. Perhaps they can now recover some of their former power and glory.
- Awaken Earth
- Burial
- Conjure Weapon
- Crevasse
- Deep Stride
- Earth Call
- Interment
- Hinder
- Hurl Shard
- Rock Wall
- Stony Grip
- Sure Step
Range: POW x Yards Resist: No Duration: POW x rounds
You imbue within a portion of earth or stone a certain amount of your will, effectively creating an earth elemental of ranks equal to your Magnitude. This elemental is in all ways identical with those created by sorcerers, and is not truly alive or aware, merely animate via your will. It has the abilities of, and behaves in every way, like a gnome of the appropriate magnitude. You have the same limitations and control over a gnome you create as a sorcerer would, such as spending a Major Action to order an elemental, the number of elemental you can imbue, etc.
See the Sorcery spell Conjure/ Dismiss Elemental for full details on Earth Elementals, and their interactions with other elemental beings. If you wish to use your gnome to build, you may make Work Earth and Stone rolls to determine effectiveness.
You may manipulate the range and duration.
Earth – The Gnome
The gnome always forms into a man-like shape. It can:
1. Hit physically for 1D6 damage per level of gnome at 15 x Level%.
2. Be damaged by physical weapons, but the attacker must make a roll of POW×5 or less on 1D100 or the weapon takes the same amount of damage back to itself.
3. Find the nearest source of metals or gems within POW in yards, as specified by the summoner.
4. Destroy an undine by comparing its level to the undine’s on the resistance table and making a successful attack.
5. Mutually annihilate hit points with a salamander until one is gone.
6. Move 12 Yards a round over or through the earth, which doubles when moving at full speed.
7. Excavate or move earth equal to 1 cubic foot per 3 SIZ of the gnome at its normal speed.
Range: POW x Yards Resisted: Yes Duration: POW x Rounds
This ability was in ancient times used as part of a funerary rite among mortals – in which a Stone Child would be called to lay the dead to rest by allowing their bodies to sink into the earth and return to the cycle of life. It can also be used to drive an enemy into earth, gravel, sand or similar, but not solid stone, for a time as well. You must succeed at a POW contest, although the target may elect to Evade instead if it prefers. If you succeed, or it fails to Evade, it is forced beneath the earth. It may then attempt to free itself by climbing out – each round making a single STR x3 Check. If this succeed, the target has climbed partially out of its burial place. The target must succeed at three such checks before it is free. After the first success, its arms and head are free and it can act accordingly, including casting spells, etc. If it does so, it cannot attempt to climb out that round. After the second success, the target is free to its knees, and can fight (at -20% to all rolls) but not move.
You can extend the duration of this spell.
Range: Self Resisted: no Duration: POW x Minutes
You can manifest a melee weapon of elemental stone. The weapon manifests in your hand(s) and does damage based on the magnitude of the spell. At Magnitude 1, you can manifest a single-handed weapon with all the attributes of that weapon) including adding your Damage Bonus if you have one), and doing +1 Magical Damage (Earth). If you lose contact with the weapon (by dropping it, being disarmed, etc) the weapon is dispersed. At Magnitude 2, you can manifest a two-handed weapon, with all the attributes of that weapon, but doing +2 Magical Damage (Earth). If you lose contact with the weapon (as under Magnitude 1), the weapon disperses but may be recalled by you spending a Major Action to do so, without any expenditure of POWer for the duration of the effect. Each Magnitude thereafter, increases the Magical Damage you do when you hit by 2. So if you have Blade 4, you might manifest a broadsword doing 1d8+7 (with +6 of that being Magical Earth Damage).
Your usage of the weapon you conjure is based on your skill with that weapon. You can manipulate Conjure Weapon to increase the range to Touch – thereby granting a weapon to another for the spell’s duration. You can also increase the duration.
CREVASSe - Variable
Range: Touch Resisted: No Duration: POW x Rounds
You rend earth and stone to create a crevasse in the ground over the course of a melee round. Any creature in the affected area can elect to move to one or the other side of it in time to avoid falling in. Your crevasse is 1 yard wide, 2 yards deep, and 3 yards long at Magnitude 1. Each further Magnitude doubles the size of the crevasse, though you need not use the full extent possible.
You can manipulate the range up to 2 Increments, and the duration as you choose.
Range: Self Resisted: No Duration: 1 Round
You can move through the earth (but not hard stone of any sort), finding your way with Earth Sense if necessary. You speed is equal to your Magnitude x2, but cannot exceed your Manipulation Limit. If you are trapped within the earth (when you spell ends), you suffer 4d6 damage to your total hit points.
EARTH CALL – Variable
Range/ Area: POW x 10 Yards Resisted: Yes Duration: Instant
You can extend the range and sensitivity of your Earth Sense (Stone Child ability). Each Magnitude may increase the rank, or grant you +10% to your Stonesinging skill for Earth Sense. You may also devote a rank of Magnitude to impart a message that will be understood by any earth-aspected being within the area. The message is not a command, and can be resisted simply by deciding to do so.
INTERMENT - Variable
Range: Self Resisted: No Duration: POW x Minutes
You sink into the earth or stone at your current location, and enter a healing trance state. You are semiconscious but aware (you may use Earth Sense to perceive around you), and cannot act during this time without ending the trance. You may end the trance at any time, rising from the earth as a Major Action.
You are undetectable and all but impossible to affect by normal means while interred, though magical senses and any ability that can detect or affect earth, spirits, etc; will do so.
During Interment, you recover 1 HP per Magnitude per minute up to your Manipulation Limit in HP. You recover lost Magic Points normally while interred. You may manipulate the Duration to extend the duration of interment, which allows you to stay within the earth for longer periods, but it does not increase the amount of healing available. You may take with you into Interment up to your normal Encumbrance limit of material, none of which may be alive.
You are not invulnerable when interred, and can be affected by anything that affects the ground in which you have immersed yourself.
HINDER – Variable
Range POW x yards Resisted: DEX x 5% Duration: POW x Rounds
You invigorate the earth in an area, causing the stones and rubble to tremble and roll, making it difficult terrain to cross. Every round within the area, subjects must make a Dexterity x5 success on Percentiles or have the movement reduced by 3 per Magnitude. At Magnitude 1, you cover up to a five yard radius area. Each Magnitude thereafter can double the radius or increase the penalty to Movement by 3.
You can manipulate Range or Duration.
HURL SHARD - Variable
Range: POW x Yards Resisted: No Duration: Instantaneous
This spell is a specialized version of HURL ENERGY. You magically create a charged shard of stone, that you physically throw at a target. You gain the Skill Hurl Shard, at DEX x2% on casting the spell, which may increase via experience as any skill. If you hit, the shard does your damage bonus, + 1d6 damage. Each rank of the spell adds +1d6 damage to your shard. A success is a hit, and you should roll location to determine where your shard hit the target. If you succeed with a special, the shard may Impale. Targets may try to Evade. Armor in the location will absorb the damage. If the location is also shielded, it gains +6 AP. The spells: Protection, or Resistance: Earth will also impede Hurl Shard.
You may Manipulate this incantation increase the range by up to two Magnitude.
Range: POW x Yards POW Check – No Duration – POW x rounds
You summon a wall out of the ground or a stone floor. It appears as you decide within range with dimensions of 1×1×3 Yards. Each additional Magnitude add 1 Yard to one dimension of the wall. The wall has 30 hit points and 8 AP per cubic yard if any attempt is made to destroy it.
Wall may also be used to create a bridge or other such structure, if the Stonesinger can make a skill check.
Levels may be spent to increase Duration.
Range: POW x yards Resisted: Yes Duration: POW x Rounds
Cast upon the ground beneath a target, you raise rocky limbs to bind the individual. Make a POW contest. If you succeed, roll for the target’s immobilized Hit Location. The target cannot move from its current position, and the affected Hit Location cannot be used unless the stony limb can be destroyed. It has AP and HP equal to your Manipulation limit (ex: Manipulation Limit 5 = 5 AP/ 5 HP).
You can manipulate this spell to increase the duration.
Range: Self Resisted: No Duration: POW x Minutes
You are neither slowed nor affected by poor terrain resulting from rubble, soft sand, quicksand, or other “earth” related issues. Trees, buildings, hills, and other such things affect you normally.
You can manipulate this spell to increases the range to Touch, and to increase the duration.
Common Feat of Arms:
Aspect Power: Earth – POW 15, Magic Skill at 50%
Cost: 4 Hero Points, and you must train with a mage with the feat or an appropriate supernatural tutor for 1d4+1 weeks, paying what they demand.
When casting Earth spells or using Earth-based inherent abilities your Manipulation Limit is increased by 1 and your casting percentage is increased by 20%.
Using The Athalanta in your own games:
Because the Athalanta have forgotten so much of their past, they are perfect as mysterious strangers, semi-divine beings, or inhabitants of a "lost world". But they are just as good introduced as described, as beings from the ancient past of your world. And since the PC Athalantan has little memory of her own past, she will discover it along with the rest of your players, which means you don't have to info dump on any one, and need not worry if you have only partially fleshed out your world as it was a few thousand yerars ago.
Athelanta (Stone Children)
Avg |
Location |
Melee |
Ranged |
Armour |
Hit Points |
3d6+6 |
17 |
R. Leg |
1-4 |
1-3 |
3+ |
7 |
3d6+6 |
17 |
L. Leg |
5-8 |
4-6 |
3+ |
7 |
3d6+6 |
17 |
Abdomen |
9-11 |
7-10 |
3+ |
7 |
3d6 |
10 |
Chest |
12 |
11-15 |
3+ |
8 |
2d6+6 |
13 |
R. Arm |
13-15 |
16-17 |
3+ |
6 |
2d6+6 |
13 |
L. Arm |
16-18 |
18-19 |
3+ |
6 |
3d6 |
10 |
Head |
19-20 |
19-20 |
3+ |
7 |
Move |
6 |
SR |
11 |
HP |
17 |
Attacks Reach Attack Parry Damage Special
Stone Blade 2 60 60 1d8+2+1d4 Slash
Flint Shard POW x yards 60 1d6+1d4 Impale
- Flint Shard: costs 1 Magic Point to throw shard
Common Skills: Stonesinging 60%
Athletics 40%
Hide in Cover 30% (+20% in Rocky Terrain)
Speak Athalan 80%
Spot Hidden 50%
Lore: Earth 50%
Work Earth and Stone 50%
Stonesinger Incantations (4 Magnitude chosen from those below): Common: Conjure Weapon 1, Hinder 1, Hurl Shard 1, Interment 1.
Attribute Parasite
Type: Mental
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Touch
Duration: 1d6 plus power score modifier in hours
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Once plus power score modifier every 36 hours
Attribute Parasite Table
Roll |
Attribute |
1 |
Strength |
2 |
Constitution |
3 |
Dexterity |
4 |
Will Power |
5 |
Charisma |
6 |
Intelligence |
7-8 |
Choose the attribute to be affected |
Feralization (drawback)
Type: Physical
Frequency: Rare
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: See description
AI Recognition: +4 (only when mutation is active)
Damage: See description
Uses: Constant
Cerebellum Consumption
Type: Physical
Frequency: Rare
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: 1 plus power score modifier (minimum of 1) times per week.
Retains Leaves (drawback)
Type: Plant
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: No
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Chameleon Metamorph
Type: Plant
Frequency: Rare
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: 1d6 plus power score modifier hours
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: One plus power score modifier every 12 hours.
Dyscalculia (drawback)
Type: Mental
Frequency: Very common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Astral Projection
Type: Mental
Frequency: Rare
Power Score: Yes
Range: Power score in miles
Duration: Twice the power score in turns
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: One plus the power score modifier times every 48 hours.
Epidermal Susceptibility (drawback)
Type: Physical
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: 1d6 plus power score modifier (negatives will impact!) per round of exposure.
Uses: Constant
Epidermal susceptibility table
Roll |
Type |
Effect |
1 |
Alcohol |
Any type of alcohol, be it drinking or medicinal in purpose. |
2 |
Cold |
3 |
Darkness |
This is a total lack of light. Even a flashlight will prevent damage. |
4 |
Energy |
On top of regular damage from any type of energy-based attack, the mutant will suffer 1d6 plus the power score modifier (per dice!). Negatives will not detract in this case. |
5 |
Kinetic |
Any type of kinetic attack inflict additional damage 1d6 plus the power score modifier per dice. Lowe power scores will not detract from this damage. |
6 |
Photon |
Any time the mutant’s flesh is exposed to light (sunlight or any source more powerful than a lantern) it suffers damage. If it is a light based attack - such as laser, the attack will inflict 1d6 plus the power score modifier (per dice!). Negatives will not detract in this case. |
7 |
Radiation |
All saves against radiation are made with a negative modifier equal to the power score modifier and any damage sustained will inflict an additional 1d6 plus the power score modifier (per dice!). Negatives will not detract in this case. |
8 |
Salt |
The mutant takes damage from coming into contact with salt. This could be the blood of another creature, salt water, or even common table salt. This includes if the mutant with this condition bites another creature, at the ML’s discretion. |
9 |
Slashing / Piercing Weapon |
Slashing and piercing attacks do additional 1d6 plus the power score modifier (per dice!). Negatives will not detract in this case. |
10 |
Thermal |
Thermal based attacks will inflict an additional 1d6 plus the power score modifier (per dice!). Negatives will not detract in this case. |
11 |
Water |
Any time the mutant’s flesh is exposed to water, it takes 1d6 plus 1 per point of power score modifier damage per round of exposure. The mutant still needs water to survive; it just can not come into contact with the skin. |
12 |
Choose |
Choose one type of susceptibility. |
Cannibalize Power Score
Type: Physical, Mental
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: See description
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: 3 times per week plus power score modifier.
Reduced Part (drawback)
Type: Plant
Frequency: Common
Power Score: No
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Reduced Part Table
Roll |
Body Part |
Effect |
1-2 |
Manipulative Limb |
Penalty of one plus power score modifier to hit in combat, and the plant also suffers a –20% plus –5% per power point modifier when attempting to figure out artifacts. |
3-4 |
Locomotion Limb |
Speed is reduced by 30’ (10’) |
5-6 |
Natural Weapon |
Damage is reduced by 50% |
7-8 |
Feeding Organ |
The plant has to take twice as long to feed as normal. |
9-10 |
Sensory Organ |
The plant is surprised on a 1-3, or loses a unique sense, if any. |
Chameleon Fiber
Type: Plant
Frequency: Very common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Dual Cerebellum (Defective) (drawback)
Type: Mental
Frequency: Rare
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Area Cynosure
Type: Mental
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Six times the power score in feet
Duration: Six plus twice the power score modifier in rounds
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Three plus power score modifier every 3 hours.
Epidermal Dependency (drawback)
Type: Physical
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Epidermal dependency table
Roll |
Type of Dependency |
Effect |
1-2 |
Air Currents |
The creature has to be exposed to moving air of at least 10 miles per hour. |
3-4 |
Cold |
The creature must be exposed to temperatures below 32 Degrees Fahrenheit (freezing). |
5 |
Darkness |
The creature has to be exposed to darkness. |
6-7 |
Earth |
The creature must cover itself in dirt, mud, soil etc. |
8-9 |
Metal |
The creature has to be exposed to any type of metal. |
10 |
Organic Material |
The creature has to be exposed to any type of organic material |
11-12 |
Plant Material |
The creature has to be exposed to any type of plant material. |
13-14 |
Plastic |
The creature has to be exposed to any type plastic. |
15 |
Sonic |
The creature has to be exposed to sound (normal conversation, etc.) |
16 |
Sunlight |
The creature has to expose its body to direct sunlight. |
17 |
Thermal |
The creature must be exposed to temperatures above 90 Degrees Fahrenheit. |
18-19 |
Water |
The creature must remain completely submerged. |
20 |
Choose |
Choose one of the above or creates a new type of requirement. |
Bio-Conversion Bolster
Type: Physical
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: ½ the power score in hours
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant.
Bio-conversion Bolster substance Table
Roll |
Substance |
1 |
Base Metal |
2 |
Blood |
3 |
Bone (calcium) |
4 |
Cannibal (flesh of mutant’s own species) |
5 |
Carrion |
6 |
Ceramic |
7 |
Chitin |
8 |
Cerebellum |
9 |
Fungal |
10 |
Living Flesh |
11 |
Meat |
12 |
Petroleum-based |
13 |
Plastic |
14 |
Poison |
15 |
Radioactive |
16 |
Rubber |
17 |
Silicon |
18 |
Vegetable |
19 |
Wood |
20 |
Choose one of the above. |
Reduced Fertility (drawback)
Type: Plant
Frequency: Rare
Power Score: No
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Infectious Xenomorph (Humanoid Combatant) CR 5 XP 1,600
Neutral Evil medium Aberration
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11
Defense HP 70
EAC 17; KAC 19
Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +6
Defensive Abilities Divide, regeneration;
Vulnerabilities Acid, fire and radiation, cold susceptibility
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Bite +14 (1d8+6) or one claw +14 (1d6+6) or both but at +10, or melee weapon +14
Ranged By weapon +11
Offensive Abilities: Infect, natural weapons
Str +2; Dex +3; Con +5; Int -2; Wis -2; Cha -2
Skills Athletics +11, bluff +16
Languages Common
Other Abilities Absorb, hive intellect, mimic
Gear One ranged weapon, basic armor (up to level 2)
Environment Any
Organization Solitary, small groups (1d4), medium groups (3d6), large groups (5d12)
Special Abilities
Absorb (Ex): The creature is able to use dead tissue to heal itself. As a full-round action, this creature can absorb the body – as long as it is organic, nothing inorganic will be absorbed - of any creature. The body absorbed will heal a number of hit points equal to the creature’s original Constitution score.
Cold susceptibility (Ex): This creature can still be affected by cold-based attacks, but instead of killing the creature, it will slow it down and eventually cause it to go into a state of hibernation. Once the creature has sustained half its hit points from cold attacks, it will be staggered, allowing only one action per round. When it is reduced to a quarter of its hit points, the creature will only be able to move, and at half its normal movement rate. Finally when reduced to zero hit points, it will appear to be dead, although it is in fact alive, but in a state of hibernation. As long as it is kept below freezing, the creature will remain in this state indefinitely. Once temperatures are above freezing, the creature will regain 5 hit points per round until it is up to at least half its total, at which time it can finally move and act, but it is still staggered. This will remain as such until it has regained its full hit points, at which time it will no longer be considered staggered.
Divide (Ex): When the creature is under attack, particularly from Acid or Fire, it will often cause its body to split apart in order to ensure that even part of it can escape to continue the cycle of infection. This is considered a full round action and the creature will attempt to hide what it is doing. When this happens, the creature will be considered to be small size, and will have one quarter of the infected total hit points. It will then attempt to flee the area, using stealth – if possible, otherwise it will move at its maximum movement rate in order to escape.
Hive intellect (Ex): The creature, once it has begun to infect an area, has what is considered to be a hive intellect or mind. This allows a single creature to be able to control all other infected hosts as if they were one in the same, although it allows each host to retain its own memories and intelligence – after all, it needs to maintain the charade that nothing has happened. Only those who have sprung from the original creature will work together however. If there are other infected, who came from a different host, they will often work against one another, even outright attacking each other, to ensure only one intelligence is in complete control. They will automatically recognize one another as for what they really are, no roll is required.
Infect (Ex): The easiest way for the creature to infect a possible host is through physical interaction. Just touching the unprotected flesh of another creature (and it has to be skin-to-skin contact, as even simple clothing will block this). A Fort saving throw (DC 10) is required to avoid being infected by the creature. If the monster physically attacks another creature, such as clawing or biting, then the DC is dramatically altered. The DC becomes 10 plus whatever damage the creature inflicted, so if it bit a target, inflicting 11 points of damage, the DC becomes 21! Once the victim has been infected, they do not know what is happening to them. For simple skin contact, the infection will take 7-12 (6+1d6) hours to completely assimilate the victim. During this time if the victim is treated to any sort of cure disease or something similar, the infection will be destroyed and the victim will survive. The more damage a victim has endured, the quicker the assimilation will occur. If the victim has suffered 1-4 points of damage, then the assimilation time will be 1-6 hours. If the damage is 5-10 points, then assimilation will occur in 1-2 hours. 10 – 20 points of damage, 10d6 minutes, and finally if more than 20 points of damage has been inflicted, the assimilation will take only 1d10 rounds. Once a victim has been assimilated, it is dead and becomes an NPC under control of the GM, although the GM is encouraged to take the player aside and inform them as to what happened, and have them continue to play, eventually changing and attacking other players to continue the cycle of infection and assimilation.
Mimic (Ex): Having assimilated a new creature, the infectious Xenomorph will use the creatures memories and skills to maintain the illusion everything is alright. The creature automatically gains a +10 to Bluff checks as a result, but it can make mistakes. Also there are other ways of detecting the infection – medical scans, detect evil, detect aberration and the like will reveal something is horribly wrong. Usually when this happens, the creature will then reveal itself and go on a rampage to kill and infect all targets near it. The creature can use all the skills and equipment possessed by the host, but unless in dire straits, will change its body to use natural weapons in order to infect.
Natural Weapons (Ex): as a move action, the creature can cause parts of its body to change, growing claws, teeth, or whatever is required, in order to gain a natural attack. It can create one natural attack per round, based on the overall CR. For every 4 CR, the creature will have an additional natural attack, so a CR 1-4 will have one attack, 5-8 will have two, 9-12 will have three and so on.
Regeneration (Ex): The very nature of the creature allows it to heal rapidly from any wound not inflicted by acid, fire or radiation. The creature will heal 5 points of damage per round and can only be destroyed by using acid, fire or radiation.
Vulnerabilities (Ex): The species is very susceptible to acid, fire and radiation. Whenever it encounters it encounters acid or fire, the creature automatically takes double damage. Furthermore the creature suffers -4 to any saving throw involving these particular types of attacks.
Type: Plant
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Power score in feet
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: 1d8 plus power score modifier
Uses: Constant
Draining Mutation (drawback)
Type: Physical, Mental
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: See description
Uses: Constant
Anti-Life Ray
Type: Mental
Frequency: Rare
Power Score: Yes
Range: 75 plus four times the power score in feet.
Duration: Instant
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: One plus the power score modifier per week.
Environment Sensitivity (drawback)
Type: Physical
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Environment Sensitivity Table
Roll |
Environment |
Effects |
1 |
Cold |
If the temperature drops below 50 degrees. |
2 |
Dry |
If humidity is below 10% (such as a desert) |
3 |
Heat |
Temperature is above 80 degrees |
4 |
Humidity |
Humidity is above 70% |
Attraction and Repulsion Force
Type: Physical
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: five times the power score
Duration: 1 minute per power score point, or instant (in the case of hurling objects)
AI Recognition: None
Damage: 1d4 plus power score modifier
Uses: Constant
Attraction and Repulsion force type table
Roll |
Material Composition |
1 |
Calcium |
2-3 |
Ceramic |
4 |
Composites (glassteel, Duralloy, etc.) |
5 |
Crystal |
6-7 |
Fiber (wood, plant fiber, etc.) |
8 |
Heavy Metals (iron, steel, platinum, etc.) |
9-10 |
Organic |
11 |
Plastic |
12 |
Rubber |
13-14 |
Silicon (glass) |
15 |
Soft Metals (lead, gold, etc) |
16 |
Stone |
17-18 |
Roll 2 types of material (re-rolling identical results or this and the following result) |
19-20 |
Roll 1d+2 types of material (re-rolling identical results or this and the previous result) |
New Weapons and Armor
Armor Table
Armor |
Level |
Type |
Price |
EAC Bonus |
KAC Bonus |
Max Dexterity |
Armor Check Penalty |
Speed Adjustment |
Upgrade Slots |
Bulk |
Ancestral Armor |
6 |
Heavy |
27,300 |
+9 |
+11 |
+4 |
-2 |
-5 ft. |
4 |
3 |
M3 Pattern Personal Armor |
4 |
Light |
2,800 |
+5 |
+7 |
+5 |
-1 |
- |
2 |
1 |
Hunter’s Assault Armor |
15 |
Heavy |
120,200 |
+21 |
+22 |
+3 |
-3 |
-10 ft. |
6 |
3 |
Hunter’s Combat Armor |
10 |
Heavy |
37,700 |
+15 |
+16 |
+2 |
-2 |
-10 ft. |
4 |
2 |
Hunter’s Initiate Armor |
1 |
Light |
575 |
+1 |
+2 |
+6 |
+0 |
- |
2 |
1 |
Hunter’s Recon Armor |
3 |
Light |
8,600 |
+3 |
+4 |
+5 |
+0 |
- |
2 |
1 |
Hunter’s Stalker Armor |
7 |
Light |
27,500 |
+8 |
+9 |
+4 |
-1 |
-5 ft. |
3 |
2 |
Xeno Armor |
10 |
Light |
18,700 |
+15 |
+17 |
+2 |
-4 |
-10 |
5 |
3 |
Heavy Weapons Table
2 Handed Weapon |
Level |
Price |
Damage |
Range |
Critical |
Capacity |
Usage |
Bulk |
Special |
Ancestral Rifle |
8 |
11,525 |
3d8 E |
100 ft. |
Possible death |
100 |
1-2 |
3 |
+2 to hit |
M5 RPG |
5 |
5,575 |
4d6 P |
100 ft. |
Explode 20 ft. |
1 |
1 |
2 |
+1 or +4 |
M56 Smartgun |
6 |
8,500 |
4d4 P |
60 Ft. |
Wound |
150 or 600 |
4 |
3 |
+4 to hit |
UA 571-C Automated Sentry Gun |
6 |
8,300 |
1d12 |
75 ft. |
Wound |
500 |
4 |
3 |
+2 or +4 |
Long arms Table
2 Handed Weapon |
Level |
Price |
Damage |
Range |
Critical |
Capacity |
Usage |
Bulk |
Special |
M4RA |
5 |
5,100 |
1d10 P |
90 Ft. |
- |
15 |
1-3 |
1 |
+2 to hit |
M37A2 Shotgun |
4 |
3,850 |
1d10 |
20 Ft. |
Knockdown |
8 |
1 |
1 |
-1 to hit |
M41A1 |
4 |
4,000 |
1d10 P |
50 Ft. |
1d6 Explosive |
99 |
1-5 |
1 |
- |
MK221 Tactical Shotgun |
6 |
7,000 |
1d12 P |
20 Ft. |
Knockdown |
8 |
1-2 |
1 |
-1 to hit |
M240 Incinerator |
2 |
800 |
1d8 F |
30 Ft. |
Burn 1d6 |
30 |
1 |
1 |
- |
NSG 23 |
5 |
4,600 |
1d12 P |
70 Ft. |
- |
30 |
1-3 |
1 |
- |
P9 S.H.A.R.P. Rifle |
4 |
4,300 |
2d4 P |
125 ft. |
2d6 explosive |
10 |
1-3 |
1 |
+2 |
Sawed off Double Barrel shot gun |
1 |
400 |
1d6 P |
15 ft. |
Knockdown |
2 |
1-2 |
1 |
- |
XM99A Phased Plasma Pulse Rifle |
6 |
5,000 |
2d8 F |
75 ft. |
Burst 10 ft. |
4 |
1 |
1 |
+3 |
Melee Weapons Table
Weapon |
Hands |
Level |
Price |
Damage |
Critical |
Bulk |
Special |
Chakram |
One |
3 |
450 |
1d4 S |
Bleed 1d3 per round |
L |
Can be thrown. |
Grandmasters Sword |
Two |
18 |
350,000 |
8d12 S |
Bleed 6d6 |
2 |
See description. |
Hunter’s Bola |
One |
6 |
5,000 |
1d8 B & E |
Trip |
L |
Stuns if Fort save failed. |
Hunter’s Glaive |
Two |
6 |
4,875 |
2d8 P |
Wound |
1 |
Save or suffer 1d4 bleed per round. |
Hunter’s Maul |
One |
10 |
17,800 |
4d8 S |
Bleed 1d12 per round |
1 |
- |
Hunter’s Spear |
One or Two |
2 |
700 |
1d6 P or B |
- |
1 |
Can be thrown. |
Hunter’s Whip |
One |
5 |
4,000 |
1d10 S |
Wound |
L |
Trip, and automatic bleed. |
Hunter’s Wrist Blade Dagger |
One |
2 |
375 |
1 d 6 S |
- |
L |
- |
Hunter’s Wrist Blade Long Sword |
One |
6 |
4,850 |
2d8 S |
- |
L |
- |
Hunter’s Wrist Blade Short Sword |
One |
10 |
15,000 |
4d8 S |
Wound |
L |
- |
Initiate Dagger
One |
1 |
100 |
1d4 P |
Bleed 1d3 per round |
L |
Cannot be damaged by acid. |
Power Glove |
One |
3 |
575 |
1d6 B |
Knockdown |
L |
Reduce breaking DC by 5. |
Smart Disk |
One |
10 |
15,000 |
3d12 S |
Wound |
L |
Can be thrown up to 75 ft. |
Small Arms Table
1 handed |
Level |
Price |
Damage |
Range |
Critical |
Capacity |
Usage |
Bulk |
Special |
88 Mod 4 Combat Pistol |
1 |
300 |
1d6 P |
20 Ft. |
- |
18 |
1 |
L |
+1 to hit |
M4A3 Pistol |
1 |
350 |
1d8 P |
30 Ft. |
- |
12 |
1 |
L |
- |
M39 SMG |
3 |
520 |
1d6 P |
30 Ft. |
- |
48 |
1-3 |
L |
-1 to hit |
Net Gun |
3 |
700 |
1d6 S |
20 ft. |
Bleed 1d4 |
1 |
1 |
L |
Bleed 3 damage after three rounds of entrapment. |
Plasma Caster |
10 |
35,500 |
2d10 E & F |
50 ft. |
Burn 2d8 |
20 |
1 |
L |
Line |
Plasma Pistol |
5 |
4,725 |
1d0 E & F |
50 Ft. |
Burn 1d8 |
10 |
1 |
L |
Line |
Plasma Vambrace |
2 |
800 |
1d6 E & F |
20 ft. |
Burn 1d6 |
10 |
1 |
L |
Line |
Spear Gun |
7 |
5,900 |
2d8 P & E |
20 ft. |
- |
3 |
1-3 |
L |
- |
88 Mod 4 Combat Pistol
This weapon is another 9 mm service pistol that is used by the USCM service. It is an 18-round, double action only, semi-automatic weapon that was typically issued to officers and civilian contractors, although it was also used by Synthetics and occasionally by ground troops.
The weapon is completely constructed of nano-bound hard-impact plastic and synthetic pistol and is manufactured by Weyland-Yutani. It is surprisingly light and highly durable when compared to the venerable M4A3 service pistol. The 88 Mod 4 is an updated and improved version of the H&K VP70 pistol, originally designed during the mid-20th century.
Rate of fire: Semi-automatic (1-2 shots per round -4 to hit if two shots fired)
Magazine capacity: 18 rounds (or 30 round extended magazine)
Inherit Accuracy: +1
Base Damage: 1d6 P
Possible Accessories:
- C43 Extended Magazine
- S91 Dot Reflex Sight
- Full-Auto Action Replacement
Ancestral Armor
The armor typically used by the Ancestrals appears to be organic in nature, almost bio-mechanical, giving it a similar appearance to the Xenomorphs. The simple fact the armor is grown, much in the same manner as the technology used by the race.
Overall the armor is uniformly dark grey to the point of being nearly black, and has a skeletal look, with thick bone-like ribs covering the torso and heavy plating on the arms and legs. The helmet gives the armor a very ‘alien’ appearance, hiding the true visage of the being wearing it.
The armor has several options already built into it, including a force field (black), filtered rebreather and strength augmentation. There is one additional slot remaining, as the filtered rebreather cannot be removed from the suit itself.
Overall AC Bonus: EAC +9, KAC +11
Level: 6
Price: 27,300 (includes the cost of the upgrades)
Max Dexterity Bonus: +4
Armor Check Penalty: -2
Slots: 3
Bulk: 3
Ancestral Rifle
Like all the technology employed by the Ancestral race, the rifle appears to have been grown, not manufactured, although it is not a living creature. The weapon is huge, being nearly as long as the Ancestral is tall (averaging seven feet in length), and is quite cumbersome to use – except for the Ancestrals themselves. The weapon is typically quite devastating, and when a critical hit is called for, the target must make a Fort save (DC 12 plus CR of the user) or be killed instantly as the weapon destabilizes the targets molecules, effectively blowing them up spectacularly. The beam fired by the weapon is ruby-red in color and there is a visible trail left in the air after the weapon has been discharged, tracing back to the wielder. This lasts only a single round.
Rate of fire: Semi-automatic (1-2 shots per round -4 to hit if two shots fired)
Magazine capacity: 100 rounds
Inherit Accuracy: +2
Base Damage: 3d8 E
This particular weapon is a thrown ranged weapon often employed by the hunters, when they wish to prolong the hunt. The plasma caster and other such weapons tend to kill a little too soon for the liking of many of the hunters, and more often than not, damage the prey to the point they cannot be used as trophies. This weapon can be used both as a ranged weapon, and as a melee weapon. The blades are also retractable, making it easier to carry and store. Since one of the main types of creature the hunters prey upon for trophies are the Xenomorphs, the weapon is completely immune to the effects of acid. What would be the point of having the weapon to use against Xeno’s if it melted as soon as it was used on one?
Grandmaster’s Sword
Given only to the most skilled and renowned of the hunters, the Grandmaster’s sword is not only a deadly weapon, but a work of art. The blade is constructed of the same type of alloy used in the Initiate’s dagger, but is reinforced with adamantine. The weapon’s hilt is always constructed of bone, which comes from the trophy of the grandmaster’s greatest kill. The weapon itself is etched with the clan symbols and icons, representing the most successful hunts ever initiated by the Grandmaster wielding the weapon. When a critical strike is achieved, the target must make a Fort Save (DC 10+ Grandmaster’s CR) or be decapitated. Even if the saving throw succeeds, the target will still suffer the bleed damage indicated.
Hunter’s Armor
The species known as the hunters typically do not use armor, or when they do, they wear light armor only. When they are faced with powerful opponents, or creatures which can potentially kill them with little effort, these creatures will wear heavier armor, but this is rare, and only the oldest and hunters with the most renown will ever consider wearing it. This applies to clan elders only – young, especially those who have not accumulated much in the way of renown (read trophies) will often be punished or outright killed for such nearly unforgivable transgressions. All armor worn by the hunters is highly personalized – but typically they share the same properties. The armor typically covers the chest, arms and thighs, except for the heavy armor which all but encases the wearers body completely. There are several categories of actual armor – initiate, recon, Stalker, combat and assault. It is considered to be dishonorable to wear anything except initiate, recon or stalker armor, but will be allowed in certain circumstances. All types of armor (except for initiate) have three basic upgrades – infrared, camouflage cloaking, and filtered rebreathers. Initiate armor does not gain the camouflage cloaking. It should also be noted that armor of hunter and better render the wearer completely immune to acid. Stalker and above armor also come with built-in self-destruct, to ensure the amour or technology does not fall into the wrong hands. Note the prices of the armor seem abnormally high, but that is because the upgrades are included in the price.
Hunter’s Bola
A weapon designed to trip targets, while inflicting damage at the same time. The weapon is typically a series of 3-5, two foot ropes ending in heavy metal balls. They are coated with the same alloy used in the majority of the Hunter’s weapons, making them immune to the effects of acid. The hunter can choose to just use it to injure the target, or they can use a CM check to attempt to trip the target (KAC +8). If used to damage the target and a natural 20 is rolled, then the trip is automatic. The weapon is electrically charged, and when it strikes the victim, the target must make a Fort save (DC 10+CR of the hunter) or be stunned for a single round. Typically this weapon is used by mid-level hunters, who are tracking prey which is known for speed and agility. It’s easier to take down a prone prey-creature than to try and run it down, after all. The weapon can be thrown at a maximum range of 25 ft. plus 5 ft. per +1 of the hunter’s Strength bonus.
Hunter’s Glaive
This long weapon is another staple of the Hunter’s arsenal. The weapon is approximately six feet in length, and is constructed of light-weight alloys, which are of course acid resistant. The weapon is almost evenly divided into three sections, the middle being the haft, while both ends are incredibly sharp and the blades are serrated in order to cause potential bleeding from the wounds inflicted. The weapon can be used by a trained and experienced combatant to strike twice per round. Like many of the weapons used by the hunters, individuals often personalize the weapon by etching clan exploits and the greatest hunts engaged by the user. When a target is struck by the weapon, they must make a Fort save (DC 10+ CR) or suffer 1d4 points of bleed damage per round.
Hunter’s Maul
Not as common a weapon as one might think, the Maul is used by mid-range Hunters when they wish to get up close and personal with their prey. The weapon is – as always – constructed of light-weight alloys and the edge honed to a near molecular-thinness, making it incredibly dangerous to both the hunter and the prey. Thus the reason it is typically used only by more experienced hunters. The weapon has a single handle located approximately a third of the way down its shaft, where the hunter can hold it and use it effectively. This weapon is known for causing horrible bleeding wounds and can be quite effective for decapitation or disembowelling attacks.
Hunter’s Spear
Another commonly used weapon among the younger and less-renown members of a clan, the spear is a collapsible weapon often employed in their trophy hunts. The weapon can collapse into a three foot long shaft, but when fully deployed, the weapon is nearly nine feet in length. Both ends are tipped with powerful piercing ends, and like many of the weapons used by the species, the weapon is completely immune to the effects of acid. This weapon can be used to strike twice per round with the usual penalties, but can also be thrown up to a maximum of 75 feet. When not in use, the spear ends can be retracted and the weapon can be used as a fairly effective club.
Hunter’s Whip
It is suggested this weapon is made by using the tail of a Xenomorph, although this could be purely a coincidence. The weapon is approximately 8 feet in length, and does have an uncanny resemblance to a Xeno tail. The whip appears to be segmented, and are sharpened to nearly molecular thinness along the edges. The weapons can inflict horrible wounds, which will automatically bleed for 1d4 points of damage per round if a Fort save (DC 10 + CR of the hunter). This weapon can also be used to trip an opponent when a successful strike takes place. See combat maneuvers for more information. This weapon is immune to the effects of acid.
Hunter’s Wrist Blade
The first weapon bestowed upon a recently blooded hunter is their wrist blade. This is a weapon no single hunter is ever without, no matter how much renown the hunter possesses. The weapon comes in three configurations. Dagger, short sword and long sword lengths. This is the only real distinction between the hunters, as the length of the weapon indicates the renown of the particular hunter. No matter the length of the blade, the weapon will always retract fully into the wrist unit of the hunter.
Initiate Dagger
Given to youngsters who are ready to begin their life as a hunter. They must track down and kill one creature with the weapon, typically a drone Xenomorph, but if none are available, any dangerous creature will count. The weapon is split down the center, and has serrated edges, so when it strikes, it can potentially cause deadly bleeding wounds. The weapon is also constructed of a material which makes it immune to acid – making it the perfect weapon for initiates to use on their first hunt. When the Grandmaster finds a foe truly worthy of his time and effort, once the chase has come to a close, the hunter considers it a great honor to dispatch the prey using this weapon – but only the strongest and deadliest of foes are shown this honor. To do so to lesser prey would sully the weapon and the Grandmaster himself.
M3 Pattern Personal Armor
The M3 Pattern Personal Armor is the standard ballistic protective armor used by the USCMC. Manufactured by Armat Battlefield Systems, it is specifically designed to be not only light-weight and relatively comfortable to wear, but provide excellent protection against ballistic damage. The armor is divided up into segments, with the majority of the armor protecting the wear’s torso. Throat guard, shin guard, groin guard and helmets complete the ensemble.
Unsubstantiated rumors abound that the armor was based upon the breast-plates worn by Roman Centurions, but this has never been confirmed nor denied. More likely is that the armor was based upon the French militaries Cuirasse de Combat – or in English, ‘Fighting Armor’. The armor is constructed using light-weight titanium-alumide alloy, which provides protection against ballistic and is ablative, adding additional protection against lasers. The armor was specifically designed that once it has stopped and re-directed the kinetic energy of a round, the damaged section can be quickly removed and replaced with a new section, making the armor as good as new.
Some thought had been put into the design to provide limited stealth capabilities. The armor itself can be painted in numerous camouflage patterns, to match the environment it is being used in. The compound making up the armor itself has a surprisingly small radar signature, and the armor is excellent at masking its user’s infrared signature as well.
The main chest-plate of the armor is where most of the electronic components are stored. This includes the bio-monitors which will transmit the wearer’s vital statistics, as well as the armors location PDT or personal data transmitter and IFF (Identification, friend or foe) transmitter. The condition of the armor itself is also monitored via this method, and will inform the user of significant wear and tear upon the armor and which portions need replacement.
Velcro-Lined heavy-duty nylon webbing and quick-release buckles are also used, allowing the wearer to drop the armor in a matter of seconds instead of minutes in the event of catastrophic damage. The webbing can hold up to 18 grenades in flexible elastic loops and other equipment can be added with ease, such as a bypass kit, first aid kit, respirator, cutting torch, personal hydration unit, knives, pistols or spare ammunition.
The helmet is equipped with a camera, transmitter / receiver assembly, and an infrared monocle that can drop down from the inside of the helmet, over the user’s primary eye to provide vision in the Infrared spectrum. This does not take up an upgrade slot.
Overall AC Bonus: EAC +5, KAC +7
Level: 4
Price: 2,800 (includes upgrade cost)
Max Dexterity Bonus: +5
Armor Check Penalty: -1
Slots: 2
Bulk: 1
M4A3 Service Pistol
The M4A3 Service Pistol is a 9mm semi-automatic handgun manufactured by Armat Battlefield Systems and used primarily by the United States Colonial Marine Corps as their standard issue sidearm. The weapon weighs a paltry two pounds even when fully loaded. It is the standard issue for officers, medics and synthetics.
Rate of fire: Semi-automatic (1-2 shots per round -4 to hit if two shots fired)
Magazine capacity: 12 rounds
Inherit Accuracy: None
Base Damage: 1d6 P
Possible Accessories:
- A7 Suppressor
- Laser Targeting System
- A27 High Velocity Rounds
M4RA Battle Rifle
M4RA Battle Rifle is a compact bull-pup design. The weapon is chambered to take 7.62 ammunition that has been modified for greater range and stopping power. It is considered to be mid to long-range combat rifle and is manufactured by Armat Battlefield Systems. It is mainly used by the United States Colonial Marine Corps as the Colonial Marine's secondary infantry weapon. This weapon is very accurate and is often used as a sniper rifle.
Rate of fire: Single shot, semi-automatic
Magazine capacity: 15 rounds
Inherit Accuracy: +2
Base Damage: 1d10
Possible Accessories:
- U7 Tac-Shotgun
- Prox-Mine Launcher
- U1 Grenade Launcher: U1 Grenade Launcher
- A9 Sound Suppressor
- A14 Barrel Extension
- S4 2x Telescopic Zoom Sight
- Smart Targeting Scope
- A19 High Velocity Round
M5 Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG)
The M5 Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG). This weapon is a man-portable, shoulder-fired unguided anti-armor weapon designed to be reloadable. It is the standard issue RPG employed by the USCMC. There are other higher-tech versions available, but this model is the standard anti-armor workhorse that has been used for decades with little change.
The weapon is constructed of a high-strength yet light steel-alloy tube, designed to withstand a great deal of punishment. The weapon weighs only fifteen pounds, but it is doubled when loaded with a single shot. This RPG has both a computer controlled 4 power telescopic sight mounted on the left side, and uses a standard iron flip-up iron sight mounted on the top.
Rate of fire: Single shot
Magazine capacity: 1
Inherit Accuracy: +4 (computer controlled 4x power telescopic sight) or +1 with iron sight.
Base Damage: 4d6 P
Variant Warheads:
- The weapon can use any type of grenade as a basis, with the price of the round increased by 25%.
M37A2 Pump Shotgun
The M37A2 Pump Shotgun is a pump-action combat shotgun manufactured by Armat Battlefield Systems. It is used in conjunction with the MK221 Tactical Shotgun by the United States Colonial Marine Corps. The M37A2 is a simple and entirely effective pump-action shotgun. The M37A2 was based on the Ithaca Model 37.
The weapon uses light-weight alloys and is lighter and easier to handle than the MK221. It is not quite as sturdy and requires more maintenance than the other weapon and is frequently prone to jamming if not cleaned on a regular basis. Still with the discipline maintained by the colonial marines, the weapon rarely ever jams. A jam will occur if a natural 1 is rolled.
Rate of fire: Single shot
Weight: 5.5 lbs
Magazine capacity: 8
Inherit Accuracy: 0
Base Damage: 1d10
Possible Accessories:
- Grenade Rounds
- ARMAT R1 Flechette Rounds
- ARMAT B3 Barrel Choke Tube
- AMRAT C8 Custom Loading Port
- ARMAT M37A2 Stock Iron Sight
- Laser Targeting System: Laser Targeting SystemARMAT S11 Expanding Shot
M39 Submachine
The M39 Submachine Gun is a submachine gun (also known as SMG) which is manufactured by Armat Battlefield Systems. This weapon is primarily issued to the United States Colonial Marine Corps as their standard issue SMG. It is also carried by Weyland-Yutani PMCs.
The weapon is chambered to use the 9mm round, which is fairly low powered compared to other calibers available. As such, this weapon M39 is not as effective as heavier caliber weapons when engaged against armored opponents. That is why it is often used in civilian areas of operation because of the lack of penetrating power reduces the chance of collateral damage. It is especially effective when used during ship-board action as walls and other structures will effectively stop stray rounds, thereby minimizing the risk to civilians or non-combatants. It also greatly reduces or outright eliminates the potential for hull breaches.
Despite the fact that the weapon uses a smaller caliber round, the weapon has an issue with heavy recoil due to the high cyclic rate, making it difficult to control except for those who are stronger than normal and able to handle the recoil. The weapon is light-weight, as it is constructed mainly of high-tension and impact polymers. It gives up durability for lighter weight.
Rate of fire: Single shot, semi-automatic, full automatic.
Magazine capacity: 48 rounds or 72 (with extended magazine)
Inherit Accuracy: -1
Base Damage: 1d6
Possible Accessories:
- M5 Extended Magazine
- A4 Stabilizing Stock
- Laser Targeting System
- S6 Reflex Sight
- M41A Stock Iron Sight
- Magazine Accelerator
M41A Pulse Rifle MK2
The M41A Pulse Rifle is manufactured by Armat Battlefield Systems and is chambered to use 10mm Caseless ammunition. It is the standard infantry fighting weapon used by the United States Colonial Marine Corps in the late 22nd century.
Constructed of lighter weight alloys and designed to be slightly smaller and less cumbersome than the original M41A, the weapon also has mounts to add and change out various components, allowing for greater customization. The retractable stock can also be removed. The downside is that the weapon has a smaller magazine capacity (40 or 60 compared to the 95 rounds of the previous model).
It should be noted that despite the smaller size and weight of the weapon, it is more durable than its predecessors and able to withstand greater punishment.
Rate of fire: Single shot, burst and full auto
Magazine capacity: 99 Rounds
Inherit Accuracy: None
Base Damage: 1d12
Possible Accessories:
- U1 Grenade Launcher
- U7 Tac-Shotgun
- A9 Sound Suppressor
- M41A Stock Iron Sight
- S6 Reflex Sight
- Laser Targeting System
- Magazine Accelerator
M56 Smartgun
The M56 Smartgun is a heavy machine-gun that can be carried via a special harness and mount system, allowing greater mobility and the ability to carry the weapon into combat zones. This weapon fires the same 10mm round caseless round used by the M41A Pulse rifle, but at a much higher rate of fire.
The weapon system consists of four separate components that function together as a single unit. The harness, head mounted optical sight, a gyro-stabilized articulator arm and the weapon itself.
The harness, arm and weapon are constructed of light-weight carbon fibre and other metallic alloys, although the weapon also uses a great deal of heat-resistant, high-strength plastic compounds, resulting in a surprisingly light-weight weapon for its size and power. The entire system weighs 41 pounds.
The weapon is primarily air-cooled, although additional heat-sinks can be added in order to allow the weapon a heavy rate of constant full-automatic fire.
One of the greatest features of this weapon is the computerized automated tracking computer that is built into the system. This computer relies on an advanced infrared tracking system (which can be upgraded to incorporate different types of sensors). It typically works by receiving IFF or Identification Friend or Foe signals and is able to differentiate between marines and enemy combatants. This system also employs a motion tracker function, allowing for ease of tracking targets. This allows for unlimited tracking of targets within the weapon’s effective cone of fire (10 ft. wide and up to 300 ft.) and the weapon operator receives a +4 to hit.
A standard DV9 Lithium battery powers the entire unit, providing power to the targeting computer as well as providing power to the weapon itself. If the battery is removed, the weapon is rendered inoperable until it can be replaced.
The weapon’s computer-driven articulated arm allows for total recoil reduction, adding to the inherit accuracy of the weapon due to the high volume of fire. The computer also allows for independent tracking, moving the barrel of the weapon without the operator having to do so in order to fire upon a target. The operator can over-ride this with ease by simply physically aiming the weapon.
Rate of fire: Burst (4 round) or Full auto.
Magazine capacity: 150 or 600
Inherit Accuracy: +4
Base Damage: 4d4
Possible Variants:
- M57D "Dirty" Smartgun: This particular version of the weapon is particularly nasty and it is only sanctioned for use in the field under the most extreme circumstances. The weapon uses modified rounds, which burst into radioactive splinters inside their target. Those who survive being hit by the weapon are fated to develop all manner of serious health issues, including cancer. In game terms, the weapon inflicts not only normal damage, but those hit are subjected to High radiation (see page 403-404 of the Starfinder Core-book for more details).
- M57 Smartgun: The M57 is the latest variation to be produced to the M56 smart gun used for the better part of the last two decades. Unlike the M56 the M57's targeting system does not automatically track targets; instead the gun coordinates the programmed bursts. This increases fire rate significantly. It also means that once a target has been terminated, even rounds in flight will be re-assigned to the next target in the queue. In game terms this version of the smart gun fires eight rounds in a burst (allowing for double damage – see burst fire rules). If the target is neutralized rounds fired will automatically be redirected to the next target, requiring a new to-hit roll, with the -4 to hit, and only regular damage is inflicted. Cost is increased by $3,000
- M59/B Smartgun: This version is very similar to the original M56, although it features an upgraded computer system that will highlight all targets in the weapon's field of fire. As a result, the user will gain a +2 to hit (on top of the inherit accuracy bonus, giving a total of +6 to hit. This is similar to the M42C Scoped Rifle. All highlighted threats will be indicated with by a glowing box, which will remain even if the target is behind cover, walls and so on. The weapon’s powerful round is often more than enough to punch through such obstacles. Cost is increased by $4,500
M240 Incinerator Unit
This horrible and deadly weapon, sometimes known as the ‘Bake-a-Flake’, is a carbine-style flamethrower used by the United States Colonial Marine Corps. This weapon uses a detachable fuel container that is hooked up where a magazine would fit on other weapons, or for jobs requiring a great deal of fire, it could be hooked up through a connector located where the stock is and linked to a much larger back-pack style magazine. This connection can also be used to re-fuel the magazine attached.
This weapon uses a thick napthal fuel as a base stored under very high pressure. It is ignited when it leaves the end of the barrel by a pilot light and is capable of shooting a stream of flame up to 100 feet. Another method of firing this weapon is to leave the igniter shut off and to hose a target down. As the fuel tends to partially vaporize upon contact, this will create a fireball once the burner is re-ignited. The area of effect for this is 15 feet and those caught in the area of effect need a Ref save (DC 10+CR) for half damage.
This fuel does tend to stick to targets and will continue to burn even after the user stops firing. Each round if the victim does not try to put out the fire (water will not help, only suffocation of the flame or the use of a chemical fire extinguisher will help), the fire will continue to burn, eventually consuming all available fuel. It will continue to burn for 2d4 rounds, inflicting damage every round.
Another method of using this weapon is to literally bounce the stream of flame off a wall or other obstruction, allowing it to be fired around corners. Doing so is not as accurate and the user suffers a -4 to hit using this method.
The weapon is dangerous to use. If the tank is damaged (from a rendering attack) it has a chance to explode. If this happens, the burst radius is only 10 feet.
If the weapon is used on continuous mode, for each round it is fired, the user gains a +1 to hit on the next round, up to a maximum of +5 after five rounds.
Rate of fire: Single shot or continuous stream
Magazine capacity: Enough fuel for 30 individual shots, or 10 continuous rounds of fire.
Inherit Accuracy: +0
Base Damage: 1d6 Flame
MK221 Tactical Shotgun
The MK221 Tactical Shotgun semi-automatic shotgun manufactured by Weyland-Yutani and is mainly used by the United States Colonial Marine Corps.
This weapon is constructed using heat resistant alloys. It has an amazing durability and can withstand punishment that would damage or render other shotguns useless. Unlike many other shotguns, this weapon can be fitted with an under-barrel secondary weapon system, increasing the weapons lethality and effectiveness.
Rate of fire: Single shot
Magazine capacity: 8
Inherit Accuracy: -1
Base Damage: 1d12
Possible Accessories:
- ID16 Incendiary Shells
- Grenade Rounds
- A4 Stabilizing Stock
- C47 Box Magazine System
- S91 Dot Reflex Sight
- Laser Targeting System
- Motorized Cycling System
Net Gun
This small, hand-held weapon fires a large net at short distances. The weapon itself does not cause any initial damage, but those hit by the weapon must make a Reflex save (DC 10+ hunter’s CR) or become entrapped by the net it fires. This is not the worst that can happen. Once the next has struck a target and has it held firmly in place, the net will begin to constrict, inflicting damage each round until the prey escapes, or the net has been removed or neutralized. Each round the target may attempt an acrobatics (escape artist) roll with the DC being 10+ the hunter’s CR. Each round that this roll fails, the target will suffer the damage indicated, and after the third round of being trapped, will begin to bleed 1d4 points of damage due to the wounds inflicted. The strands are razor sharp and can only be cut, as trying to pull the strands free will inflict the listed damage to those touching it.
Rate of fire: Single shot
Magazine capacity: 1
Inherit Accuracy: +0
Base Damage: 1d6
NSG 23 Assault Rifle
The NSG 23 Assault Rifle is a three-round burst assault rifle manufactured by Weyland-Yutani and used primarily by the United States Colonial Marine Corps and Weyland-Yutani PMCs. The weapon is heavier and bulkier than the standard M41A carbine, and is comprised of heavier alloys to give it better durability in the field and as such is more resistant to damage that can be inflicted upon it during combat conditions. It is chambered for a heavier caliber round (using the 7.62 cartridge). This particular weapon was designed for single shot or burst fire only, and is not set up to fire on full auto.
Rate of fire: Single shot and burst fire (3 or 5 rounds)
Magazine capacity: 30
Base Damage: 1d10
Possible Accessories:
- ID23 Incineration Unit
- H34 Fragmentation Rounds
- U7 Tac-Shotgun
- RE93 Absorbing Stock
- A9 Sound Suppressor
- S91 Dot Reflex Sight
- S4 2x Telescopic Zoom Sight
- SR4 Burst Fire Modification
P9 S.H.A.R.P. Rifle
The P9 Sonic Harpoon Artillery Remote Projectile Rifle (SHARP Rifle), was nicknamed the ‘Sharp Stick’ by the marines who had the pleasure of using this weapon during its initial live-combat test phase. This was mainly due to its unique ammunition. It has recently begun full-scale production and many USCMC units now carry this weapon into battle.
The weapon fires a time-delayed dart. It may not seem like much, but the dart is explosive-tipped, so that even if it fails to penetrate armor, the dart will explode, typically killing or disabling the enemy combatant. Unlike several of the other weapons used by the USCMC, this weapon does not come with a secondary launcher of any type.
Like most of the weapons used by the marines, this one was designed to be hearty and able to withstand the oft harsh abuse the marines could inflict on it, not to mention the conditions often encountered on the battlefield itself.
Due to the explosive nature of the rounds used by the weapon, the magazine was specially designed that in the case of a catastrophic blowout, the magazine would automatically eject from the weapon and seal itself. This would force the power of the detonating rounds to be forced through the bottom of the magazine, thus directing most of the killing energy towards the ground. There would still be an explosion, but it would be greatly reduced.
When fired, the weapon can often kill (especially with a head-shot) but more often than not the dart will fail to penetrate armor worn. Armor is often rendered useless when the dart explodes. It has a burst radius of only 5 feet, and anything in that radius is allowed a Reflex (DC 10 + CR of shooter) saving throw to avoid the damage. The target herself is not allowed a saving throw.
It should be noted that the dart will detonate on the next round after imbedding it into the target. It is possible to remove the dart, which will require a successful survival check (DC 10 plus CR rating of the shooter). Finally the dart must be thrown at least five feet to be safely out of the explosive radius. If the check fails, the dart will detonate.
Finally the shooter can set the rounds for detonation upon impact.
Rate of fire: Single shot or semi-automatic
Magazine capacity: 10 shots
Inherit Accuracy: +2
Base Damage: 2d4
Possible Accessories:
- S91 Dot Reflex Sight
- M41A Stock Iron Sight
- S4 2x Telescopic Zoom Sight
- Smart Targeting Scope
- Toxic Darts
Plasma Caster
The weapon of choice for seasoned hunters, the Plasma Caster is a shoulder-mounted weapon, capable of locking on and targeting independently of the hunter. This is often used when fighting multiple targets, or particularly dangerous opponents who are likewise armed with ranged weapons. The weapon is governed by a primitive AI, and controlled by the hunter through its wrist unit. The weapon will automatically scan and identify all targets in range, and will always pick the most heavily armed target (unless over-ridden by the hunter) as its primary target. Once chose, the hunter can concentrate on other targets and allow the shoulder-mounted caster to shoot once per round, using the hunter’s ranged attack bonus.
Rate of fire: Single shot
Magazine capacity: 30
Inherit Accuracy: +2
Base Damage: 2d10 E & F
Plasma Pistol
Similar in design to the Plasma Caster. The weapon is used by younger hunters, ones who have not yet ‘earned’ the right to use the shoulder-mounted weapons. The device uses the same technology but has an added benefit of causing electromagnetic damage to electronic devices held by the target. That is – if the target survives getting shot by the weapon! It is held in a single hand, and is still governed by the slow firing rate as the shoulder mounted weapon. It does not have the accuracy of the Caster, but can still be quite effective when used by a trained hunter.
Rate of fire: Single Shot
Magazine capacity: 10 shots
Inherit Accuracy: +0
Base Damage: 1d8 E & F
Plasma Vambrace
A staple for many newly-blooded hunters, the plasma vambrace is a small plasma caster mounted on the wrist of the hunter. This small, light-weight weapon is good for only a handful of shots, and is considered to be a weapon of last resort for new hunters. They are still learning the way of the hunter and are expected to make kills with their melee weapons instead.
The weapon is built into an elaborate vambrace, decorated with clan symbols and hieroglyphs, depicting the first kill the hunter ever made. To lose such a vambrace is considered to be a great insult to the clan itself, and often will lead to the death of the young hunter who lost the device.
Rate of fire: Single Shot
Magazine capacity: 10 shots
Inherit Accuracy: +0
Base Damage: 1d6 E & F
Power Glove
Another device in the vast arsenal of melee weapons employed by the hunters, this particular weapon is in effect, overpowered brass knuckles, used by various clans and members of the hunter’s race.
The weapon is typically a glove with heavy spikes moulded onto the first knuckles. When activated, the glove glows a ruby-red in color, and can inflict nasty wounds, even knocking targets down or away from the hunter. The weapon can also be used as a make-shift battering ram to smash through doors and walls.
Smart Disk
A particularly insidious weapon used by the hunters, this particular weapon can easily be carried on the hip. When not deployed, the weapon has several holes located along the interior, which coincidently enough, are designed to fit on the hand of the hunter using it. When it is activated, molecular-edged blades protrude from around the exterior, making the weapon exceptionally deadly against foes…. And this can also be just as deadly to the warrior using the weapon. When thrown, the weapon will strike the intended target, at ranges up to 75 feet. Whether the weapon hits the target or not, the weapon will then automatically return to the hunter’s hand, and can be used immediately. If the hunter rolls a natural 1 when throwing this weapon, it misses the target and the hunter must make a Ref save (DC 10 + CR of the throwing hunter), or suffer damage as if it was struck by the weapon. As is the case with most hunter weapons, this device was designed to be immune to the acid the Xeno’s use as blood.
Spear Gun
This weapon was designed to disable targets, rather than kill them outright. The small device is held in one hand and can fire tiny pronged spears. The weapon has a fairly short range, and is completely ineffective at ranges of 100 ft. or more. It can shoot up to three spears per round, which will then force the wielder to reload. The spears, when they strike a target, they send a tiny electrical current through the body of the target. The victim must make a Fort save (DC 10 + CR of the hunter), or they will have their movement rate by half for 1d6 rounds. The darts are not specialized, they are instead electrified before the weapon is fired.
Sawed-off Double Barrel Shotgun
This is one truly archaic weapon that is sometimes carried by individual colonial marines. It is a close quarters ‘room broom’ that can be devastating at close range.
The weapon was venerable back in the early to mid-twentieth century and other than changing the alloys needed to build the weapon, very little has changed.
It has two triggers that can be pulled one at a time or both at the same time. Another downside is that the weapon holds only two rounds of buckshot, one in each chamber and it needs to be reloaded after every shot.
Still the effect in close quarters is quite deadly and usually takes care of the enemy combatant in one shot.
Rate of fire: Single Shot / Double shot
Magazine capacity: 2 shots
Inherit Accuracy: +0
Base Damage: 1d6
Possible Accessories:
- ARMAT B15 Timed Explosive
- ARMAT R1 Flechette Rounds
- ARMAT M37A2 Stock Iron Sight
- Laser Targeting System
- ARMAT S11 Expanding Shot
- Grenade Rounds
- ARMAT S11 Expanding Shot
UA 571-C Automated Sentry Gun
This weapon is universally known as either the ‘sentry gun’ or ‘robot sentry’. It is a fully automated perimeter defense weapon system employed by the USCMC. This is a tripod mounted system and the main weapon is an M30 Autocannon.
The system is computer controlled and can be pre-set to fire upon hostile targets within a specified range. The system is equipped with a sensor unit that will continually scan the targets, sending out IFF signals. It will not fire upon those that pass the electronic ‘handshake’.
The weapon can also be controlled remotely by the operator, taking the AI out of the picture entirely.
The main sensors include thermal, low-light, motion, lidar, and ultraviolet. Even targets that are cloaked (invisible) will be detected by the system and fired upon, unless they meet the IFF requirements.
Despite the size of the weapon, it is surprisingly light-weight, coming in at just over 44 pounds. It is constructed of high-strength, yet light-weight alloys used by the MT Smartgun. The weapon even uses the same round as the smartgun system.
The system comprises the tripod, battery pack, the weapon itself, and a 500 round ammunition drum. The weapon is wirelessly connected to the main controlling unit, from which the weapon can be programmed or even over-written. It can be fully assembled and set up to fire in just under 90 seconds by a competent and trained operator.
The weapon has a full 360° arc of fire, which can be blocked by factors such as terrain. The barrel of the weapon can also be raised or lowered, increasing its effective line of sight.
Rate of fire: Full Auto (rapid fire)
Magazine capacity: 500 rounds
Inherit Accuracy: +2 manually controlled, +4 AI controlled.
Base Damage: 1d12
Possible Variants:
- UA 571-D: While broadly similar in operation, the D variant mounts a 20 Megawatt laser instead of the M30 Autocannon machine gun of the regular sentry. The weapon uses a massive battery pack (weighing 30 pounds, or in Starfinder terms Bulk 3). It is good for 500 shots and is laser (Fire-based). The damage remains the same, although a Critical hit will result in burn 1d12. Cost is doubled for this version.
- UA 571-F: The F version employs a 40 mm automatic grenade launcher. The weapon has a magazine capacity of 200 rounds. Damage and radius is based on the grenade type. Burst radius is always 20 ft., and cost is increased by 50% for the grenade. The cost for this version of the Sentry gun is increased by 1,200.
- UA 571-M: This version is fully mobile and is mounted on a tracked chassis. The weapon moves at 25 ft. per round. Otherwise it uses all the statistics of the immobile version. It can use both the 20 Megawatt laser or the 40 mm grenade launcher. This model costs and additional $1,700
- Ammunition canisters: The weapon can be attached to higher capacity canisters of either 1000 or 2000 rounds. These are more commonly used in permanent defensive positions. The canisters have bulk of 1 for 1000 and 2 for 2000. Cost is based entirely on the type of ammunition used.
Xeno Armor
This is a type of armor rarely used by the Hunters except in dire situations – such as when a Xeno outbreak has occurred and the hunters need to deal with them on a massive scale. The armor is made of the Xeno’s exoskeleton, and retains the black, biomechanical appearance the creatures are known for. This armor provides descent protection, but also makes the wearer completely immune to the effects of the acid the creatures use for blood. Worn over the chest and back, the wearer also straps the exoskeleton to the upper and lower arms, thighs, calves and groin. Optionally the skull of a Xeno can be trimmed and worn to give full protection to the head and neck. Some of the suits are also equipped with the creature’s claws and even a tail. The claws can be used in combat. The armor also comes with the Infrared capability built in and this does not take away an upgrade slot.
Overall AC Bonus: EAC +15, KAC +17
Level: 10
Price: 18,700
Max Dexterity Bonus: +2
Armor Check Penalty: -4
Slots: 5
Bulk: 3
XM99A Phased Plasma Pulse Rifle
This weapon is one of the few energy weapons used by the USCMC. It fires a stream of super-heated plasma energy that is devastating on impact and typically will take out even a heavily armored foe at long range. The downside is that for the weapon to be truly effective, the trigger must be held down and the weapon held on the target and it cannot be fired on the first round.
This weapon is barely out of the prototype phase, and has only been issued to a handful of USCMC battalions across known space. There is very little customization available for the weapon, but enterprising marines have found ways – including creating experimental modifications.
There are two major drawbacks when it comes to the weapon – despite the amount of damage it can inflict. First is that it takes time to charge the plasma stream before it is fired (this means holding the trigger for a full round and firing on the second round). The second drawback is the amount of energy the weapon uses. A standard power cell will last for only four shots. Note that the damage inflicted is half thermal, half kinetic, and regular armor is considered +2 levels worse. It also tends to ignore all but thermal damage reduction.
The advantage is that the weapon is constructed of light-weight thermal-resistant alloys, which reduce the amount of damage it sustains if exposed to heat. Also the weapon is more inherently accurate and as such makes an excellent sniper weapon.
Rate of fire: Single Shot
Magazine capacity: 4 shots
Inherit Accuracy: +3
Base Damage: 2d8
Possible Accessories:
- S4 2x Telescopic Zoom Sight
- Smart Targeting Scope
- XM2 Plasma Accelerator
- XM5 Power Conservator
- XM7 Plasma Refiner
Armor Upgrades
Camouflage Cloak
This upgrade renders the wearer completely invisible, with all the benefits of the spell. It can be activated as a standard action and deactivated as a free action. The invisibility effects will last for a maximum of 4 minutes, and then it cannot be used again until the next day. Higher level versions are available and as such increase the length of time the cloak will remain active, but the price goes up accordingly as well.
Level: 4
Price: 2,500
Slots: 1
Armor Type: Any
Bulk: L
This device is typically used to ensure the armor does not fall into the hands of those who could turn it against the original owners or their comrades. When the wearer dies, or if the wearer chooses to activate the device, it will begin a countdown, which will last at most 6 rounds. The wearer can pre-set this to activate as little as two rounds, but never less, and never more than 6 rounds. During this period, it can be deactivated by a Disable device check. The DC is always 20 + the CR or level of the creature or person having set the device. It is a quick task, taking a single round to complete. When the device activates, it will detonate, affecting a 20 ft. radius. All in the radius take 1d6 points of E damage per level of the device. So it a Level 5 device is detonated, then all those in the blast radius will take 5d6 damage. A Reflect save (DC 10 + Level of Device) will result in half damage. To calculate the cost of the self-destruct it is simple - $1500 each level.
Level: 5
Price: 7,500
Slots: 1
Armor Type: Heavy
Bulk: L
Strength Enhancement
Improved nanotech infused micromusculature structure in the armor gives the user a bonus of +4 to their Strength when wearing the armor Note this is to the statistic – so if the character has a 14 Strength, then the character’s strength statistic is increased to 18, but only when wearing the armor! The drawback is the enhancement can only be used for 10 minutes maximum per day, and will automatically reset after 24 hours has passed. This does not require any additional power or magic to operate. As with other mods, it requires only 10 minutes to move to another suit of armor.
Level: 8
Price: 8,000
Slots: 1
Armor Type: Any
Bulk: L
Weapon Accessories
The following list contains the different types of accessories which can be purchased and added to specific weapon systems. It requires 10 minutes to add an accessory to a particular weapon, and it is up to the individual GM what can and cannot be used on a weapon. Simple logic dictates that an accessory for a plasma weapon will not work on a projectile weapon, or that a weapon cannot have two different scopes, or use two different types of silencers.
Weapon Accessory Table
Accessory |
Level |
Price |
Bulk |
A4 Stabilizing Stock |
2 |
750 |
L |
A7 Suppressor |
4 |
1,600 |
L |
A9 Sound Suppressor |
2 |
420 |
L |
A14 Barrel Extension |
5 |
3,250 |
L |
A19 High Velocity Round |
5 |
500 per 25 rounds |
- |
A27 High Velocity Rounds |
1 |
60 per 40 rounds |
- |
ARMAT B3 Barrel Choke Tube |
4 |
1,775 |
L |
ARMAT B15 Timed Explosive |
1 |
+50% |
- |
AMRAT C8 Custom Loading Port |
4 |
2,000 |
L |
ARMAT M37A2 Stock Iron Sight |
1 |
300 |
- |
ARMAT R1 Flechette Rounds |
1 |
100 |
- |
ARMAT S11 Expanding Shot |
1 |
100 |
- |
C43 Extended Magazine |
1 |
250 |
- |
C47 Box Magazine System |
1 |
300 |
L |
Full-Auto Action Replacement |
2 |
1,100 |
- |
Grenade Rounds |
1 |
+25% |
- |
H34 Fragmentation Rounds |
5 |
650 per 25 rounds |
- |
ID16 Incendiary Shells |
1 |
85 per 25 rounds |
- |
ID23 Incineration Unit |
3 |
1,050 |
L |
Laser Targeting System |
7 |
7,125 |
- |
Magazine Accelerator |
3 |
1,250 |
- |
M41A Stock Iron Sight |
1 |
275 |
- |
M5 Extended Magazine |
2 |
500 |
- |
Motorized Cycling System |
3 |
1,250 |
L |
Prox-Mine Launcher |
5 |
4,000 |
L |
RE93 Absorbing Stock |
5 |
3,500 |
L |
S4 2x Telescopic Zoom Sight |
2 |
825 |
L |
SR4 Burst Fire Modification |
4 |
2,200 |
L |
S6 Reflex Sight |
3 |
1,200 |
- |
S91 Dot Reflex Sight |
2 |
475 |
- |
Smart Targeting Scope |
7 |
7,500 |
L |
Toxic Darts |
1 |
Based on toxin used. |
- |
U1 Grenade Launcher |
1 |
300 |
L |
U7 Tac-Shotgun |
2 |
700 |
L |
XM2 Plasma Accelerator |
2 |
700 |
L |
XM5 Power Conservator |
4 |
2,550 |
L |
XM7 Plasma Refiner |
6 |
4,350 |
L |
- A4 Stabilizing Stock: Remove the initial inherit accuracy penalty and reduce recoil, increasing the inherit accuracy to +0. Cost $750
- A7 Suppressor: Supresses the sound of the weapon firing, increases stealth. The penalty for firing this weapon is -10 instead of -20. Cost $1,600
- A9 Sound Suppressor: Supresses the sound of the weapon firing, increases stealth and reduces the penalty from -20 to -15. Cost $400
- A14 Barrel Extension: Increases Range increment by 50% and damage by +1. Cost $3,250
- A19 High Velocity Round: which exits the rifle's barrel at a significantly higher velocity than the standard M4RA rounds and causes +3 points of damage. Cost $500 per 25 rounds.
- A27 High Velocity Rounds: Increase range of weapon by 50%, no reduction in damage. Cost $60 per 40 rounds.
- ARMAT B3 Barrel Choke Tube: This new barrel threads into the M37A2 regular barrel and ensures a more efficient release of pellets, resulting in tighter spread. The maximum cone width is 10 feet from 21 to the weapons maximum range. Cost $1,775
- ARMAT B15 Timed Explosive: This gives the weapon a 10 ft. burst radius. Anything within the target is subjected to damage based on the type of explosive used. Those in the area of effect allowed a Reflex saving throw (DC 10+CR rating) for half damage. If it succeeds, those in the burst radius take half damage. Note any type of explosive can be used instead, but the cost of the explosive goes up by 50%
- AMRAT C8 Custom Loading Port: Weapon modification consisting increases the reloading rate of the weapon and allows for one additional shot per round. Cost $2,000
- ARMAT M37A2 Stock Iron Sight: Standard configuration ARMAT M37A2 iron sight gives a +1 to hit. Cost $300
- ARMAT R1 Flechette Rounds: This shotgun round is filled with tightly packed needles, rather than round shot. It is not very effective against heavy armor. Anyone wearing such armor gains a DR of 8 against these rounds. When used against soft armor or unarmoured targets, the damage is increased by 50% (rounded up). The weapon is really on effective at very short ranges, and as such the range increments for shotguns are reduced by 50%, with minimum range being 5 ft., maximum being 25 ft. This type of ammunition can carry toxins, poisons and so on. Also the inherit accuracy increases to +1. Cost $100 per 25 rounds (more if coated with poison or chemicals)
- ARMAT S11 Expanding Shot: An anti-personnel solid slug that is designed to mushroom upon impact. Against heavily armoured targets, the wearer gains a DR of 4, but against lightly armored targets, the damage is increased by 50% Cost $100 per 25 rounds.
- C43 Extended Magazine: Increase capacity to 30 rounds. Cost $250
- C47 Box Magazine System: This increases the magazine capacity to 16 rounds. Cost is $300
- Full-Auto Action Replacement: Converts from semi-automatic to fully-automatic fire. Cost $1,100
- Grenade Rounds: The weapon can fire standard grenades instead of shotgun rounds. The cost of the grenade is decreased by 25% (round up), and the effective radius is reduced to only 10 ft.
- H34 Fragmentation Rounds: Replaces the standard 7.62 round with explosive tipped fragmenting rounds. The damage remains the same but the weapon now has a burst radius of 5 ft. All targets in the radius are subject to 1d10 damage per round, and are allowed a Ref save (DC 10+CR rating) for half damage. Cost is $650 per 25 rounds.
- ID16 Incendiary Shells: This type of shotgun shell inflicts flame damage instead of regular damage. Cost is $85 per 25 rounds.
- ID23 Incineration Unit: A flame-thrower attachment that causes 2d4 thermal damage, good for 8 shots and has a range of 25 ft. Cost $1,050
- Laser Targeting System: Side-mounted red LED targeting laser. + 3 to hit. Cost $7,225
- Magazine Accelerator: Motorized ammo feed mechanism increases rate of fire. Adds 1 additional shot per round on single, and five shots per burst on burst mode. Cost $1,250
- M41A Stock Iron Sight: Standard configuration ARMAT M41A iron collapsible ghost ring sight. +1 to hit. Cost $275
- M5 Extended Magazine: Increase capacity to 72 rounds. Cost $500
- Motorized Cycling System: Increases the rate of fire by 1 shot per round. Cost $1,250
- Prox-Mine Launcher: Fires an explosive mine up to 100 ft. away. Magazine capacity 4. The mine is a modified grenade (see page 178 of the Starfinder core book), so the cost is increased by 50%, while the damage remains the same. The explosive radius is increased to 30 ft. Triggered when anything larger than a small dog enters within the radius of the mine. All targets in the radius are allowed a Ref save (DC 10+CR) for half damage. Cost is $4,000
- RE93 Absorbing Stock: Spring-loaded rifle stock designed to absorb a significant portion of a weapon kick. This gives the user a +1 to hit, and allows bonus damage equal to half their Dex modifier, rounded down, a minimum of 1 point of damage. Cost is $3,500
- S4 2x Telescopic Zoom Sight: Optical refracting telescope sight. Doubles the range when calculating penalties. Will stack with the A14 modification. Cost $825
- SR4 Burst Fire Modification: +2 Rate of Fire. Increases the number of rounds fired from three to five per burst. Cost $2,200
- S6 Reflex Sight: Zero magnification holographic reflex sight; replaces iron sight. +2 to hit. Cost $1,200
- S91 Dot Reflex Sight: +1 to hit Cost $475
- Smart Targeting Scope: a built-in computer system that automatically tracks all targets and highlights possible enemy combatants This gives the user a +3 to hit as well. Cost $7,500
- Toxic Darts: Instead of explosive darts, they can instead be filled with chemical compounds (poison or other toxins). Some can also be filled with an aerosol toxin that will have a burst radius of 10 ft. The duration the toxin will remain active depends on wind or air-currents. See Starfinder core rule book for more information.
- U1 Grenade Launcher: Underslung grenade launcher (standard issue) (4 round magazine capacity. The damage is based on the type of grenade used and has a maximum effective range of 100 ft.). Note that the grenade will not detonate until it has travelled at least 30 ft. Cost $300.
- U7 Tac-Shotgun: Under-barrel mounted 12 Gauge shotgun (1d6 P damage crit knockdown, 4 round magazine capacity 50 ft. range.) Cost $700
- XM2 Plasma Accelerator: An experimental attachment that greatly accelerates the speed in which the plasma is heated, allowing the weapon to be fired on the same round, but at a reduced rate. Damage is only 1d10. Cannot be combined XM5 modification. Cost $700
- XM5 Power Conservator: By tweaking the power-drain system, the weapon is able to fire six rounds per battery, but at the cost of the damage inflicted. The weapon will do only 2d6 points of damage. This cannot be combined with the XM2 or XM7 modifications. Cost $2,550
- XM7 Plasma Refiner: This special plasma ignition chamber refines the plasma to a greater degree, and increases the heat produced. The weapon does an additional +4 damage, but after firing 8 shots the weapon has to be allowed to cool down for 2d6 rounds (there is a special indication gauge built into this modification) or the weapon will be destroyed and the user suffers 1d10 fire damage. Cannot be combined with the XM5 modification, but it can be used with the XM2. Cost $4,350
Alternate Weapon Rules
The Starfinder Core book only allows for single shot, or firing off an entire magazine to hit a specific area of effect.
The following rules add new optional rules for the GM to use in their Starfinder game. These are not official rules and are to be used at the discretion of the individual GM. Who knows, if I ever decide to try and get these published, you’ll see the following rules in those publications.
Until then, enjoy!
Burst Fire
This is an optional rule which allows the shooter to fire a single ‘burst’ of rounds. The average burst is usually 3-4 rounds per pull of the trigger. Firing a burst incurs a penalty of -4 to hit, but the damage of the attack is increased by 50% (round to nearest) for a 3 or 4 round burst, and 75% for a 5 or more round burst. The burst will affect only a single target.
Any weapon determined as a shotgun has special rules covering their usage. First, if the weapon is fired within 5 feet, the damage is increased by 50% (rounded up). The weapon then fires in an arc. From 6-20 feet, the cone is 5 ft. wide. Targets (typically only one) are subject to regular damage. From 21-50 feet the cone increased to 10 feet in width, and all targets are subject to the attack. Any targets hit suffer only 75% (round to nearest) damage. Finally from 51 to maximum effective range, the weapon’s cone increases to 15 feet and anything in the area of effect suffer only 50% damage (rounded down, minimum of 1 point).
Controlled Burst (Combat)
You are able to control the burst fire of your weapon more effectively.
- Prerequisites: Str 13, base attack bonus +3.
- Benefit: 3 or 4 round burst does an additional 75% damage (round to nearest), while a 5 or more round burst does double damage. The penalty is halved.
- Normal: Firing a burst incurs a penalty of -4 to hit, but the damage of the attack is increased by 50% (round to nearest) for a 3 or 4 round burst, and 75% for a 5 or more round burst. The burst will affect only a single target.
Rank (drawback)
Type: Plant
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: No
Range: Power score in feet
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Burrowing Splinters
Type: Plant
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Touch
Duration: See description
AI Recognition: None
Damage: See description
Uses: Constant
Hunter (Operative Explorer - Combatant) CR 15 XP 51,200
Neutral Medium Humanoid
Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +26
Defense HP 275
EAC 29; KAC 31
Fort 19; Ref 17; Will 13
Defensive Abilities evasion, toughened.
Vulnerabilities: Atmospheric vulnerability
Speed 60 ft.
Melee Two claws, +24 (1d12+22 S) or Grandmasters sword (8d12+22 S bleed 6d6)
Ranged Plasma caster +25, (5d8+15 E & F)
Space ft. Reach ft.
Offensive Abilities Multiattack mastery, natural weaponry, quad attack, trick attack +8d8
Str +7; Dex +5; Con +5; Int +2; Wis +2; Cha +0
Skills Acrobatics +26, athletics, +26, perception + 23, stealth +35, survival +30
Languages Common, hunter
Other Abilities Darkvision, Imposing presence, mimicry, quick movement +30 ft., skilled hunter, uncanny agility
Gear hunter’s assault armor, hunter’s glaive, hunter’s wrist blade, plasma caster, smart disk,
Organization Solitary, small hunting bands (2d3), large hunting bands (4d8) or clans (6d12)
Special Abilities
Debilitating Trick (Ex) When you hit an enemy with a trick attack, you can make the creature flat-footed or off-target until the beginning of your next turn. You might learn exploits that grant you additional options for your debilitating trick, but you can select only one option each time you hit with a trick attack.
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save against an effect that normally has a partial effect on a successful save, you instead suffer no effect. You gain this benefit only when unencumbered and wearing light armor or no armor, and you lose the benefit when you are helpless or otherwise unable to move.
Ever Vigilant (Ex) You’ve been on enough solo missions to know that you can’t let your guard down, even while sleeping. You take no penalties to Perception checks for being asleep, though you still can’t succeed at purely visual Perception checks while asleep. You can always act on the surprise round, though if you choose to do so when you would otherwise be surprised, you use your initiative result or the initiative result of the first creature that would have surprised you – 1, whichever is lower.
Imposing presence (Ex): As a species, the hunters are physically imposing and exude an air of confidence and strike those who view them with unease – the same way many predators in the wild do. The hunters gain a +4 to Intimidate.
Into the Unknown (Ex): At 11th level, you gain a +4 bonus to Culture and Survival checks. While you’re outside both the Pact Worlds and your home star system (if different), you gain a +2 bonus to initiative checks. At the GM’s discretion, in games centered around a different star system than the Pact Worlds, replace the Pact Worlds with that star system.
Natural Weaponry (Ex): The hunter’s hands come equipped with powerful claws. This gives the species a natural claw attack. The damage inflicted is 1d4+STR. Also the hunter cannot be disarmed.
Mimicry (Ex): The hunters are capable of mimicking almost any vocalization they hear. This can be used to lure potential prey into a position where the hunter would gain the advantage. This is considered to be a bluff check, with the hunter gaining a +4 to the bluff roll. If it fails, the hunter will gain the advantage and for the first round of combat, the hunter gains initiative and the prey is considered to be flat-footed.
Quick Movement (Ex) As long as you are unencumbered and wearing light armor or no armor, your land speed increases by 10 feet. At 9th level, your land speed instead increases by 20 feet, and at 15th level, your land speed instead increases by 30 feet.
Skilled Hunter (Ex): Having been groomed in a society where the hunt is the most important aspect of their lives, the hunters gain a +4 to both stealth and survival.
Toughened (Ex): These creatures are taught to resist pain and suffering as they mature, through excessive physical testing and combat. As a result, the hunter gains a +2 to Fortitude saves.
Hunter Racial Traits
Ability Adjustments: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Cha
Hit Points: 7
Darkvision: Ancestrals possess Darkvision of 60 ft.
Size and Type: Medium Humanoid
Atmospheric Vulnerability (Ex): The chemical mixture of the Hunter’s natural atmosphere is different than many of the worlds they visit when hunting. They can still breathe the atmosphere, but it has a detrimental effect on the species. Without their helmets, the species must make a Constitution check every two hours. After the first check fails, the hunter is considered fatigued. When the second check fails, then the hunter is Exhausted. Finally once at this category, the hunter must continue to make checks or suffer 1d4 points of Constitution damage per failure. When the Constitution reaches zero, the hunter dies. Once the hunter has regained its mask, or is returned to its natural atmosphere, the hunter will regain 1 point of lost constitution every 30 minutes, and once the Constitution score has returned to normal, they will lose their exhausted and then fatigued condition after 2 hours.
Imposing presence (Ex): As a species, the hunters are physically imposing and exude an air of confidence and strike those who view them with unease – the same way many predators in the wild do. The hunters gain a +4 to Intimidate.
Natural Weaponry (Ex): The hunter’s hands come equipped with powerful claws. This gives the species a natural claw attack. The damage inflicted is 1d4+STR. Also the hunter cannot be disarmed.
Mimicry (Ex): The hunters are capable of mimicking almost any vocalization they hear. This can be used to lure potential prey into a position where the hunter would gain the advantage. This is considered to be a bluff check, with the hunter gaining a +4 to the bluff roll. If it fails, the hunter will gain the advantage and for the first round of combat, the hunter gains initiative and the prey is considered to be flat-footed.
Skilled Hunter (Ex): Having been groomed in a society where the hunt is the most important aspect of their lives, the hunters gain a +4 to both stealth and survival.
Toughened (Ex): These creatures are taught to resist pain and suffering as they mature, through excessive physical testing and combat. As a result, the hunter gains a +2 to Fortitude saves.
Directionally Challenged (drawback)
Type: Mental
Frequency: Very common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Animate Matter
Type: Mental
Frequency: Rare
Power Score: Yes
Range: 50 plus four times the power score in feet
Duration: Power score in minutes or turns – see description
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: One plus the power score modifier per day
Animate matter table
Power Score |
Ability |
Effect |
3-5 |
Move |
The mutant is able to move matter by causing it to either sprout small appendages similar to legs, or using such appendages. It can cause matter that weighs up to the power score in pounds to move. The movement rate is equal to two times power score per round. |
6-8 |
Entrap |
The mutant is able to manipulate the matter at a molecular level, causing it to flow and assume new shapes. It can use this ability to literally mould matter around a targets feet, limbs etc. Treat this as a grapple check. The strength of the grapple is equal to the power score. Any targets entangled will not be able to move until they break free (requiring a successful grapple check). This can only be used to trap a target and prevent it from moving. It cannot be used to harm the target in any manner. Depending on the type of matter being used, the target may suffer a negative to the grapple check. See the following chart. |
9-11 |
Squeeze or Bash |
The mutant is able to animate matter in such a way that it can lash out at any target within the power score in feet. This attack can be used once per round and uses the mutant’s melee attack score. The damage inflicted is based upon the type of matter (see below) plus the power score modifier. Negative power score modifiers will detract from the damage inflicted! |
12-15 |
Armour |
The mutant is able to use the matter to cover its own body. It gains a bonus to its armor class based upon the type of matter being used. See the chart below. This armor will last for a number of rounds equal to the power score. |
16-20 |
Enhance |
The mutant is able to enhance any non-powered matter in such a way that it will increase the damage done or the protection provided. For example, a mutant has a power score of 16 (modifier of +2) and decides that it wants to increase the damage that a short sword will do (it normally does 1d6). By re-arranging the matter at a molecular level, the mutant is able to radically increase the damage the weapon does. This increases the damage to 1d12 (two steps, from 1d6 to 1d8 to 1d12). At the same time the mutant is able to enhance the armor class by two points per power score. For example chainmail has an AC of 5; the mutant could increase the armor class of the chainmail to 1 by using this mutation. |
21+ |
Animate |
The mutant is able to cause matter to into a small creature that it can use to attack or defend on its behalf. The animated creature will have a number of hit dice equal to half the power score (the hit point dice will be determined by the composition of the matter) and an armor class of 8, which is then modified by the material it is composed of. It will be able to make one attack for every six points (round up) of the mutant’s power score per turn, doing damage based on the composition plus the power score modifier per attack. The mutant can control a number of these animated creatures equal to the power score modifier. They will be under the control of the mutant for a number of turns equal to that of the power score. Once the time has elapsed, the matter will return to its normal state. Finally, the animated creature will have a movement rate of 90’ (30’). |
Animate matter information table
Matter |
Damage / Hit Dice |
Grapple Bonus |
Armor Class |
Crystal |
1d6 |
+0 |
-0 |
Earth |
1d3 |
+0 |
-1 |
High-Tech Alloy |
1d8 |
+5 |
-5 |
Metal |
1d6 |
+3 |
-3 |
Plastic |
1d4 |
+1 |
-1 |
Stone |
1d4 |
+1 |
-2 |
Enlarged Cerebellum (drawback)
Type: Physical
Frequency: Uncommon
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: +2
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
The mutant’s brain is literally too large for its skull. The result is that the mutant suffers two plus the power score modifier permanent penalty to both Intelligence and Will Power due to the pressure on the brain. If any attack strikes the skull, the mutant must instantly make a saving throw versus death or be reduced to 1d10 hit points and is unconscious for 30 minus the power score in hours. Anyone looking at the mutant will see where the brain tissue is pressing against the skull itself, deforming the head.
Type: Physical, plant
Frequency: Common
Power Score: No
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None or +1 (see description)
Damage: None
Uses: Special
Prey Scent (drawback)
Type: Physical, plant
Frequency: Common
Power Score: Yes
Range: Personal
Duration: Permanent
AI Recognition: None
Damage: None
Uses: Constant
Hunter’s Hound (Combatant) CR 4 XP 1,200
Neutral medium Animal
Init +9; Senses Low-light vision 60 ft.; Perception +15
Defense HP 50
EAC 16; KAC 18
Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +3
Defensive Abilities 5 DR against all piercing; immunities Acid
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Bite +12, (1d8+7 P), or two claws +8 (1d6+7 S) or ram +12 (1d10+7 P Crit bleed 1d6 per round)
Space 5 ft. Reach 5 ft.
Offensive Abilities Rake, trip
Str +3; Dex +5; Con +1; Int -4; Wis -2; Cha -2
Skills Athletics +10, stealth +10, survival +10 (tracking +15)
Feats Improved Initiative
Languages None
Other Abilities Improved tracking
Gear None
Environment Temperate or tropical locations only.
Organization Small groups (1d4), or packs (4d4)
Special Abilities
Improved tracking (Ex) The hunter’s hound has incredibly keen senses, giving it a bonus of +5 to both Perception and to tracking.
Rake (Ex) If the two front claws successfully hit, the creature is able to use its rear claws to attempt to disembowel the victim. First, the victim is automatically knocked prone (as is the creature) and then the creature gains a +4 to its attack giving it a +14 to hit and if it succeeds, it automatically inflicts 3d6+5 S Crit bleed 1d6 per round. It can stand up from this attack as a free action.
Trip (Ex) The creature can attempt to trip its opponent as a Free Action without provoking an attack of opportunity if it hits with the specified attack. If the attempt fails, the Creature is not tripped in return.