Starfinder: Deadly Aim (Modified)

This Starfinder Feat has been modified slightly for use with the augmented dinosaurs I have created.
Skirmisher Publishing is pleased to announce the release of “Mysterious Relics: Pantheon-Specific Temple Objects & Furnishings”! This RPG mini-sourcebook is available through DriveThruRPG and RPGNow (10 page, $1.99).
In addition to religious trappings common to the temples of many lands and gods — like altars and deities’ holy symbols — certain objects, furnishings, sacred animals, and other items of a ritual nature might be found only in the shrines of specific deities or pantheons. Relics also often have very narrow functions and are frequently affiliated with specific cults or sects within a temple, such as those that might use the item in question as part of secret rites in hidden areas. Depending on their uses, such items might either be in plain sight or concealed in special areas.
“Mysterious Relics” examines the various objects, furnishings, garb, accouterments, and items associated with temples and other holy sites and provides as examples a dozen ancient holy items associated with the classical Olympian deities. Descriptive text and three sidebars can be used for any fantasy role-playing game, and 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons stats for the holy items can be easily adapted to OGL-based RPGs or extrapolated from and used in other games altogether.
Aethiopian Pegasus Stallion
B4 A4 M1
100 Hits/15 Soak
Attack -1x4 Defend -1x4
• Size 1 (+5 Brawn rolls, Damage, Soak; -1 Dice Penalty to hit, defend, Agility)
• Flight 3 (15 Squares) Wings
• Bite Attack 1 x5+5
• GoreAttack 2: x6+5 Dmg
• Swift Strike: at a cost of 2 Energy, the Aethiopian Pegasus can bite and Gore as part of the same action, with a -1 Dice Penalty to each attack's "to Hit" roll.
• Tough Hide 1
• Enhanced Vision: Hawk-like Far Vision
Advantages: Frightening Presense, Non-Sentience
Skills: Athletics/Flying
29 pts
Young or "lesser" Aethiopian Pegasi could be minions, with 40 Hits, No tough Hide, and Attack/ Defense of 2 (Cost: 27 pts).
Displacement field generator
System: Skin
Name |
Level |
Price |
Miss chance |
Mk 1 |
3 |
5,000 |
20 % |
Mk 2 |
8 |
18,000 |
30 % |
Mk 3 |
12 |
52,000 |
40 % |
Mk 4 |
17 |
250,000 |
50 % |
Dilophosaurus, augmented Combatant CR 5 XP 1,600
Neutral Large animal
Init +9; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Low light vision; Perception +11
Defense HP 70
EAC: 17; KAC: 19
Fort: +9; Ref: +9; Will: +4
Immunities: Acid
Speed: 40 ft.
Melee: Bite +12 (1d6+10 P), or two claws +8 (1d8+10 S Crit bleed 1d4)
Space: 10 ft., Reach: 10 ft.
Offensive Abilities: Blinding spit, sadistic
Str +3; Dex +5; Con +2; Int -4; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Athletics +16, Stealth +11
Feats: Cleave, fleet, improved initiative
Gear: Acid resistant skin, concentrated molecular acid reservoirs , darkvision capacitors – standard, natural weapon sheathing – chromium
Environment: Any warm forest, jungle or plains
Organization: Solitary, pairs, small hunting packs (1d4+2)
Special Abilities
Acid resistant skin (Ex): The skin of the creature has been strengthened to resist acid-based attacks. As such, the skin automatically secretes a specialized chemical, which breaks down any type of acid instantaneously, rendering it harmless. As such the creature is immune to all acid-based attacks.
Blinding spit (Ex): As a standard action, the creature can spit a stream of caustic fluids into the face of an opponent. This is a ranged attack, and the target is allowed a Reflex save (DC 16). If the save fails, the target is blinded until they can wash away the spit. If the creature makes a critical hit with the spit, the target does not get a saving throw and the blindness is permanent. It can only use this ability once every two rounds, and it inflicts 1d10+5 acid damage). The blindness, if not permanent, will last until the victim is able to take at least 1 minute to wash away the chemical.
Concentrated molecular acid reservoirs: (Ex) The regular acid glands have been replaced by specialized reservoirs. The acid produced by these new cybernetic reservoirs is far more caustic than the biological version. As such the damage is increased and the DC to avoid the blindness is also increased by +2
Sadistic (Ex): Whenever the creature successfully blinds a target with its acid attack, it will automatically gain a free strike with both claws, as long as it is in striking distance.
Ceratosaurus, augmented Combatant CR 4 XP 1,200
Neutral large animal
Init +5; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Low light vision; Perception +10
Defense HP 50
EAC: 16; KAC: 18
Fort: +8; Ref: +8; Will: +3
Speed: 40 ft.
Melee: Bite +10 (1d6+10 P)
Ranged: Azimuth optical laser +10 (1d6+4 F Crit burn 1d6)
Space: 10 ft., Reach: 10 ft.
Offensive Abilities: cybernetic horn+14 (2d6+10 P Crit bleed 2d4), Head-blade slam +13 (2d6+10 B Crit save DC 15), rage
Str +5; Dex +1; Con +3; Int -2; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Athletics +15, stealth +10
Feats: Improved initiative
Gear: Cybernetic horn, dark vision capacitors – standard, natural weapon sheathing – steel, ocular targeting system Mk 1, optical laser - azimuth
Environment: Any tropical forest, jungle or plains
Organization: Solitary, pair or small pack (1d6+2)
Special Abilities
Cybernetic horn (Ex): The creature has a unique augmentation – the horn can be shot out of its skull like ranged weapon, allowing the creature to make a head-blade slam, but at a range of up to 60 feet. The head-blade is also covered with small, serrated teeth-like protrusions. This turns it into a piercing attack, and can cause severe bleeding in the target. It can be reeled in and must reset the firing mechanism, so it can only be used once every two rounds.
Enrage (Ex): If the creature sustains injury, it will automatically fly into a killing rage on its next round. When this occurs, the creature gains +2 to hit and damage, but suffers a -2 to both its EAC and KAC. The rage will last for 1d3 minutes, and once all enemy combatants are dispatched. Thanks to the cybernetic intelligence enhancement and control system, it will not attack any allies or others of its own kind, and can shut it off voluntarily after all enemy targets have been dispatched.
Head-blade slam (Ex): As a standard action, the creature can ram its head with the blade-like horn into an opponent. If the attack succeeds, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 13) or become stunned for 1d3 rounds.
Natural weapon sheathing (steel) (Ex): This cybernetic enhancement gives the creature an equipment bonus of +1 to hit and +1 damage.
Brontosaurus, augmented Combatant CR 13 XP 25,600
Neutral Gargantuan animal
Init +0; Senses: Darkvision 120 ft., Low light vision; Perception +23
Defense HP 225
EAC: 27; KAC: 33
Fort: +17; Ref: +17; Will: +12
Defensive abilities: Dermal plating Mk 4 (DR 8 / -), Fortified feet (DR 5/-, energy resistance 5)
Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: Stomp +26 (3d12+34 B), or bite + 23 (3d8+27 B)
Ranged: Absolute zero hail cannon +23 (6d8+13 C/P Crit staggered), or inferno agitator +23 (6d6+13 F Crit burn 3d4)
Space: 40 ft.; Reach: 50 ft., 80 ft. (neck and head and tail)
Offensive Abilities: Dragon gland (9d6+13 A/S Deafened), earthquake stomp, trample 4d10+27 B
Str +14; Dex +0; Con +4; Int -2; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Athletics +28, survival +23
Feats: Awesome blow, deadly aim, improved combat maneuver (bull rush)
Gear: Absolute zero hail cannon, dark vision capacitors – long range, dermal plating Mk 4, dragon gland (disruption), fortified feet, inferno agitator, personal upgrade (Str. +4), seismic vibration enhancers Mk 3
Other abilities: Carrier
Environment: Temperate and tropical forests, jungles and plains
Organization: Solitary, or small group (1d3+1)
Special Abilities
Carrier (Ex): The dermal plates were designed to be opened, allowing medium-sized creatures to ride. When a medium creature is riding in the plates, it gains the Brontosaurus’s EAC and KAC. The creature can carry up to 10 medium sized or smaller ‘passengers’.
Deadly Aim (Ex): The creature can take a -2 penalty to any attack it makes, and will gain a bonus of +7 to damage inflicted.
Dragon Gland, standard disruption (Ex): As a full round action, the creature can breathe a cone of disruptive energy. Anything caught in the area of effect is allowed a Reflex save (DC 19). If the save fails, the target will suffer 9d6 acid / sonic damage and if the target fails by more than 5, the target is also deafened until cured.
Earthquake stomp (Ex): As a full round action, the creature can rear up on its hind legs and come crashing down. This has an area of effect of 60 feet and anything in the area must make a Reflex save (DC 19) or suffer 3d8+27 B damage and automatically be knocked prone.
Tail Sweep (Ex): As a full-round action, the creature can ‘sweep’ an area with its massive tail. This is treated like a 30 ft. cone for area of effect. Anyone caught in the cone must make a Reflex save (DC 19) or take 3d10+25 B damage and automatically be knocked prone. Those who make the save do not take any damage.
Trample (Ex): As a full-round action, the creature can move up to twice its speed and literally run over any opponents at least one size category smaller than itself. The creature merely has to move over the opponents in its path. The creature does not need to make an attack roll; each creature whose space it moves through takes damage. A target of a trample can make a REF save (DC 19) for half damage. If it attempts the save, it can’t make an attack of opportunity against the trampling creature due to the creature’s movement. The creature can deal trample damage to a given target only once per round.
Mincing Throat Apparatus
System: Throat
Level: 5
Price: 7,500
Brachiosaurus, augmented Combatant CR 9 XP 6,400
Neutral gargantuan animal
Init +0; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Low light vision; Perception +17
Defense HP 145
EAC: 22; KAC: 27
Fort: +13; Ref: +13; Will: +8
Defensive Abilities: Dermal Plating Mk 3 (DR 6)
Speed: 30 ft.
Melee: Stomp +21 (2d12+20 B), or bite +18 (1d8+18 B) or Deadly aim stomp +19 (2d12+26 B), or deadly aim bite +16 (1d8+24 B)
Ranged: +20 White star conqueror (3d12+9 E&F Crit wound) or Squad nil grenade launcher +20 (alternating between Frag III and Incendiary III damage is always increased by +9). Or deadly aim -2, damage increased by +6.
Space: 30 ft., Reach: 50 ft.
Offensive Abilities: Trample 4d6+18 B
Str +9; Dex +0; Con +4; Int -2; Wis +0; Cha +0
Skills: Athletics +22
Feats: Awesome blow, deadly aim, improved combat maneuver (bull rush)
Gear: Darkvision capacitors – standard, dermal plating Mk 3, ocular targeting system Mk 2, seismic vibration enhancers Mk 2, White Star conqueror and Squad nil grenade launcher.
Environment: Temperate and tropical forests, jungles and plains
Organization: solitary, pairs, or small herds (1d6+2), medium herds (2d4+3), large herds (2d6+5)
Special Abilities
Deadly Aim (Ex): The creature can take a -2 penalty to any attack it makes, and will gain a bonus of +6 to damage inflicted.
Tail Sweep (Ex): As a full-round action, the creature can ‘sweep’ an area with its massive tail. This is treated like a 30 ft. cone for area of effect. Anyone caught in the cone must make a Reflex save (DC 16) or take 2d10+18 B damage and automatically be knocked prone. Those who make the save do not take any damage.
Trample (Ex): As a full-round action, the creature can move up to twice its speed and literally run over any opponents at least one size category smaller than itself. The creature merely has to move over the opponents in its path. The creature does not need to make an attack roll; each creature whose space it moves through takes damage. A target of a trample can make a REF save (DC 16) for half damage. If it attempts the save, it can’t make an attack of opportunity against the trampling creature due to the creature’s movement. The creature can deal trample damage to a given target only once per round.
Deadly Aim (Combat)
Your can strike your enemies’ weak points and deal more damage.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: When you take the attack or full attack action with weapons (including a Solarian’s Solar Manifestation, but not Spells or other special abilities of any kind), you can take a –2 penalty to your attack rolls. If you do, those attacks deal additional damage equal to half your base attack bonus (minimum 1).
When it comes to dinosaurs, take the total bonus to hit as listed in AA 1, and then subtract the Strength modifier. This will give the approximate BAB, which then is halved (minimum of +1) to damage.