Starfinder: Cardiac Accelerator (modified)

A modified version of the original cybernetic augmentation, so that I could use it for my cybernetic dinosaurs. As always, if you don't like it, don't use it, or go back to the original, or just modify it to suit your personal taste!
This implant plugs directly into your heart and can be triggered to overclock the performance of your heart and circulatory system. When you run, charge, or take a move action to move, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to increase your speed (in the relevant mode of movement) for that action. This extra movement is treated as an enhancement bonus.
Alternatively, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a reaction when you attempt a Reflex saving throw to gain a enhancement bonus to your roll.
When installed in a dinosaur, activating the heart is a free action, and lasts for 1 minute, no matter the model. After using the accelerator, the creature must rest for 10 minutes before using the item again. It can also activate the item as a free action to gain the listed bonus to any reflex saving throw.
Cardiac accelerator
System Heart
Name |
Level |
Price |
Speed Increase |
Reflex Save |
CA Mk 1 |
6 |
3,850 |
+20 |
+1 |
CA Mk 2 |
12 |
38,500 |
+40 |
+2 |
CA Mk 3 |
18 |
385,000 |
+60 |
+3 |