Skirmisher has released TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG), a diceless improv storytelling game designed for a storyteller and one or more players that can easily be played anywhere!
Skirmisher has released TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG), a diceless improv storytelling game designed for a storyteller and one or more players that can easily be played anywhere!
This is a statement from d-Infinity sponsor Skirmisher Publishing on the proposed changes to Wizards of the Coast’s Open Game License.
This rod can be used to exert control over the various slimes, oozes, and jellies, with chances for success varying with the creature in question and loss of sanity being a possible consequence for failure.
For a variety of reasons, I enjoy tapping into real-world mythology and folklore when creating new races for my games.
This mixed bag of items from my old game notebooks includes Permanent Potions, Devouts of Earth, Spoof Names, the Spell Memory, and an Iron Lamp with silver lettering.
Narasinhai are humanoid lions, fierce warriors who believe themselves to be the earthly descendants of a deity of the same form who laid waste armies of infernal opponents in ages past.
Recently, I came across a number of not just interesting but actually significant things, one being an old game notebook containing about 200 pages of printed material I developed for D&D during the period 1989-91, including hundreds of monsters, spells, and magic items.
Hellios is a creature of elemental Fire and Positive Energy who looks like a brightly incandescent winged humanoid about the size of a large Halfling.
This post contains an unkeyed version of the keyed dungeon map that appears in Skirmisher Publishing’s just-released “At the Shrine of Othrys” campaign-length adventure for D&D 5E!
You're not really an alchemist unless you've survived a few laboratory explosions. But suppose you want to cause an explosion on purpose?
In my Curse of Strahd campaign I was compelled to introduce new items, magical or otherwise. Sometimes this was to fill a specific story need, other times to reinforce the horror of the setting, and other times just to flex my creative muscles. Now that the campaign is ended, I’m sharing those items here.
As a GM I rarely take structured notes and almost never run prepackaged campaigns, but for Curse of Strahd I wanted to do something different.
This page is dedicated to bonus content for In the Footsteps of Hercules, a system-free sourcebook devoted to a pilgrimage trail that can be used in conjunction with any fantasy role-playing games!
This post includes stats for two typical sorts of Myrmidons, both an Infantrymen and a Corporal, just in case they need supervision.
This complex astrological clock accurately reproduces the motions of all the heavenly spheres and celestial bodies, running ceaselessly despite its lack of motor or mainspring.
This video demonstrates how to assemble Skirmisher Publishing’s Cardstock Characters™ paper miniatures and will work for any sets of them, as well as for many produced by other companies!
Deceptively simple in form and ferocity, no two gray oozes are alike, coming as they do in a variety of flavors, textures, and consistencies distinguishing one breed from the next.
In this flashback strip in Antarctica, Joyce meets a new coworker and reveals that she really is the worst roommate ever ...
While developing 5th Edition D&D material for my Skirmisher Publishing, I found myself wishing I had a list of all the Necromancy spells from the Player's Handbook, and so I went ahead and created one and posted it here for others to use!