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Skirmisher Releases 'Game Retailer Guide'


Skirmisher Publishing LLC is proud to announce the release of the Game Retailer Guide, a how-to industry manual written by a veteran game store owner that contains everything you need to know in order to start and run a successful game-selling business ($14.99, SKPE1320, author Lloyd Brown III, 308 pages). This book is available as a PDF download through a number of online sales venues, including DriveThruRPG and RPGNow

Skirmisher Publishing LLC is proud to announce the release of the Game Retailer Guide, a how-to industry manual written by a veteran game store owner that contains everything you need to know in order to start and run a successful game-selling business ($14.99, SKPE1320, author Lloyd Brown III, 308 pages). This book is available as a PDF download through a number of online sales venues, including DriveThruRPG, RPGNow, Paizo, and e23

Topics the Game Retailer Guide covers include:

* Administration & Planning

* Building and Equipping the Store

* Competitive Analysis

* Products and Services

* Marketing & Advertising

* Operations

* Financials

* Advanced Lessons

* Growth

For anyone who wants to earn their living in a field they can enjoy every day, the Game Retailer Guide is the ideal resource and its topics start from the thought, ā€œIā€™d like to sell games for a living.ā€ We hope you will find it useful, enjoyable, and enlightening! And, if there are any sites or publications to which you contribute, we hope you will say positive things about it on them.