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‘City Builder’ Platinum Edition Kickstarter Update #12: ‘Water Feature’ Unlocked!


Day twelve of our Kickstarter campaign for a "Platinum Edition" of Skirmisher Publishing’s City Builder: A Guide to Designing Communities continued to progress nicely and by the evening we had unlocked a new Stretch Goal! 

* When we reached $13,000 we unlocked the Water Feature, new service place that original City Builder author Michael O. Varhola will write. From natural oasis and springs to public wells in town squares, places where people can obtain fresh water are essential to communities of all sorts and sizes.

“Some of my most vivid memories are of places like this, from ornate fountains in cities throughout Germany, Spain, and Italy, to massive public works projects like the Pont du Gard Roman aqueduct near Nîmes in France and the Basilica Cistern of Istanbul in Turkey,” Varhola said. “I am not wild about the name ‘Water Feature,’ which we adopted as placeholder but does not adequately convey what we want with regard to places like this, and we are looking at alternatives that are a little less antiseptic in tone.”

* When we hit the $14,000 mark we will unlock the Mint, a new Craftsman Place that will be written by original City Builder co-author Jim Clunie. Coinage is one of hallmarks of sophisticated mercantile societies and the places devoted to creating money are among those most closely guarded from bandits, foreign agents, and other enemies.

Thanks to everyone who has come on board with this project and helped bring it this far! Please also tell your friends why they should back it as well and help us get out the word about it so we can take it as far as possible for you and all its other supporters.