Writing Female Characters - Links

This is just a couple of links to a video from San Diego Comic Con. I didn't go to the panel, or the Con [I WISH I had, to both.
For a while I had been considering writing a significant blog piece on writing characters for fiction and gaming, specifically a few ideas on female characters. Not because I Am an expert on it, but because it seems like so many people who do it aren't doing it very well, and I didn't think I could louse it up any further by sticking my oar in the water.
But then I saw this, and realized that I cannot hope to comment on the issues of female characters, or really any characters, as well as Kelly Sue DeConnick does. So here, listen to this:
The above link is clipped. You can hear the watch the full panel at the one below:
Note that there a words that some might call bad, so you might want to watch this with your headphones in place if you are at work.