Thanks to some new and some BOOSTED backers we are $47 away from 2K!


Fellow friends and adventurers,
I would like to offer a HUGE thank you to "Rise of the Cult of Nagfa" 's newest backers and also to a couple who have raised their pledges for some of the advanced award levels!  I can tell you that we will have the honor of immortalizing one of our amazing fans in a most COMPLETE way!  One backer has pledged enough to "create and name" the Ranger pregen AS WELL AS become the LIKENESS of his Ranger in this and all future projects!  Thank you so much for your multiple level pledges!  I cannot wait to begin working with you to iron out all the details!
That means we have several special award levels still remaining.  You can still "create and name" the Paladin, Druid, Sorcerer, Monk and Bard!  You can name the Mayor's beautiful, headstrong Niece and mysterious and missing Nephew.  Also still available (and I cannot believe this, btw,) is the Town's discount adventure gear outfitter!  He is one of the special NPCs that is the most fun to run as a GM;  old, washed up, rickety but feisty ex-hero who wants desperately to have one last go of it!  Will the party allow him to tag along, or will they miss out on his wisdom and knowledge of the lands?  If they take him along, they will gain important knowledge but be hindered by his clumsy antics - forced to protect him as if a child in battle.  If they leave him behind, they might miss something which could turn the tides against them and seal their fate in the swamps!  Either way, if YOU name him, you will have his fate on your hands.
The realm's crest is still up for grabs!  Design the crest that will represent the realm in all future publications.  It is yours to design; in words or in the form of artwork.  It will be featured prominently.
All but the Ranger likenesses are still available - Immortalize your likeness in this and all future adventures the character appears in!  
2 WEEKS LEFT! Tell your friends and family.  Heck! Tell SANTA!!! Just tell somebody!  We are $47.00 away from the next stretch goal and $797.00 away from the Counter Sheet add-on!  Lets see how far we can go together in two weeks!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
John F Kadolph
Odds and Ends

Odds and Ends

Spell Design and Mutation Modifiers