Interview: Actor Craig Parker — d-Infinity
Interview: Actor Craig Parker

Interview: Actor Craig Parker


Following is an interview conducted by d-Infinity contributor John F. Kadolph with Spartacus and Legend of the Seeker actor Craig Parker. It appears in d-Infinity Volume #5: Full Circle

During the 2012 convention circuit I was able to catch up with Craig Parker and speak with him for a good while. d-Infinity Editor-in-Chief Michael O. Varhola was with me and we had a fantastic time talking with him (in fact, I think there was some whiskey involved as well!). Craig is so much fun, he is invariably tongue-in-cheek, and is a great guy to be around! Here is the interview I did with him, which appears in It appears in d-Infinity Volume #5: Full Circle

d-Infinity: Obviously we know the success of Lord of the Rings and Spartacus, but Legend of the Seeker became this huge phenomenon that is becoming something else. What did you like doing the most as Darken Rahl?

Craig Parker: I liked being cruel to people. I got to chain men and women to posts, and hurt them, and cause violence and ah, I am such a wuss in real life. I have never been in actual fights, I probably would just curl up and cry. So when you get to play someone who is just so convinced of their power, you can do cool, cool stuff. It’s so much fun. And I had a great wig, and that pretty much makes me happy. If I have really great hair in a shot, I’m really happy. And I had really great hair.

d-Infinity: Speaking of, was the goatee real as well? 

Craig Parker: In Legend of the Seeker, it was a real goatee. It changes, because I did it myself each morning and sometimes I would forget how much or how little it was, so in one episode and even sometimes in some scenes it would change during it. There was one day we had to make a stick-on one because I was doing something else at the time and I had to be clean shaven and it looked really stupid. So, the key is to always have your own facial hair, but a wig is always good to have as your real hair. Just a little tip there. 

d-Infinity: As far of the things you have done, what are you most proud of or what would you like to see done again or reprised?

Craig Parker: Do we have to do it again cause we didn’t get it right? (laughter) Um, I don’t know. Once things have finished I’ve always been kind of “What’s next?” rather than “Wow! That was amazing!” But, and strangely, it is often the latest thing you did you care the most about. I am so proud of Spartacus  as a series, so proud of what was achieved within television and by that group of people. There was such incredible talent that went into that show on all areas. The CGI, you know, is stuff that has never happened on a TV series before. That level of violence, and um, porn and filth, is held together by this amazing story, and fantastic actors who made it real. I love watching it as a viewer. I’ll happily sit down and watch the series just because I think it is a great show. I am looking forward to the next series, even though I’m not in it. 

d-Infinity (Varhola): You aren’t! Because, of course, you were killed! 

Craig Parker: Well, yeah, a little bit killed. I could have gotten better like Lucy [Lawless] after the first series … (laughter) But I get to see it as a spectator. 

d-Infinity: So, speaking of what is coming next, what are you looking forward to doing? Or , what would you like to do next?

Craig Parker: Next thing for the next few months is just drinking a lot and seeing friends. I am heading back to New Zealand for a couple of weeks to catch up with friends and then I’ve been in the visa process to live in America! So, I’m becomin’ an American! And processing that takes forever, so that kinda finishes in a couple of weeks, and I can start working again next year, so that should be good. 

d-Infinity: What are you going to miss the most about Australia? 

Craig Parker: I come from New Zealand, not Australia, so I am going to miss absolutely nothing about Australia! (laughter) It’s funny, when people ask me where I’m from, I say New Zealand and they say “Oh, I went to Sydney, I love that place.” (laughter)

d-Infinity (Varhola): I have just a couple of questions. One, will you have a slug of Whitetail Whiskey with me as long as you’re getting drunk anyway? 

Craig Parker: Well, all right! What’s Whitetail? 

d-Infinity (Varhola): (Goes on to explain that a Whitetail is a local breed of deer and brand of whiskey.)

Craig Parker: In New Zealand we have a White Tail, but it’s a spider whose bite leaves a really festering wound! (enjoys a slug) Damn! That’s really good! (laughter)

d-Infinity (Varhola): You can have some more.

Craig Parker: Naw, I have a few hours left here …

d-Infinity: That’s Michael’s job here, to get everyone drunk. (laughter)

d-Infinity (Varhola): Ok, now my serious journalistic question. Are you a fan of fantasy?

Craig Parker: I’ve read a bit, but I am sci-fi geek rather than a fantasy geek. 

d-Infinity: I just have one more question. Because I promised the folks at the Legend of the Seeker fandom that I would ask this. Are you one of the actors that would rejoin the cast if they were to do more? 

Craig Parker: If I was available and it was happening, I would absolutely consider doing it. I had such a good time on it and we all had a great time making it. When it finished we could have all gone on for another series, but it didn’t happen, you get used to it, and you move on. But, absolutely! 

d-Infinity: Well, great, it’s certainly good to hear that and we appreciate your time.

Craig Parker: Thank you! 

All of us at d-Infinity wish Craig the best with his future endeavors as an American, and look forward to seeing (and drinking with) him again during upcoming convention circuits! 

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