BASHKrampusnacht! Better Late than Never!

I will not be posting a BASH Datafile today, as I have done for a number of Mondays in a row for a while now.
But I'm not taking a BASH-free day. NO, Instead, I am working on a scenario for all you folks who would like to get a game of BASH going over the Holidays!
I sort of gave away the subject of the scenario in the title, but here is a bit more as a teaser:
The Krampus is Santa Claus's evil opposite number in the folklore of Central Europe. Where Santa Claus would reward the good children with presents, the Krampus would torment the bad ones. And since this folktale has its roots in the dark ages or earlier, the torments were pretty, uh, grim. Whipping with birch switches, chained and dragged through town, even consignment to the netherhells, were all on the menu for how we treat bad kids - if we are the Krampus, or his pals, normal people who dress up like him and do their darndest to out do their evil master in his excesses.
Enter BASHKrampusnacht!
I wanted to have this scenario ready for actual Krampusnacht, December the fifth, but hey, you don't have to wait til next year. Just use another awesome comic book trope - the Wayback Machine - to wayback your game to that night.
That's all there is for now, but stay tune over the rest of the week for more BASHy good-, and evil-, ness!