‘City Builder’ Platinum Edition Kickstarter Update #6: ‘Caravanserai’ Unlocked!

‘City Builder’ Platinum Edition Kickstarter Update #6: ‘Caravanserai’ Unlocked!


Day six of our Kickstarter campaign for a "Platinum Edition" of Skirmisher Publishing’s City Builder: A Guide to Designing Communities moved along slowly but steadily and then, shortly after it ended, we unlocked our sixth Stretch Goal!

* When we hit $9,000 we unlocked the Caravanserai, a new service place that author and historian Clint Staples will write. From fortified rustic inns to walled campgrounds in deep deserts, secure rest areas along trade routes are often vital resources for everything from merchant caravans to adventurous character parties travelling from one land to another.

* When we reach the $10,000 mark we will unlock the Mortuary, a new tradesman place that game developer and LARP impresario William T. Thrasher will write. Properly preparing the deceased for burial or whatever other way their remains will be disposed of is important in all cultures, and can be even more essential in worlds where the dead do no always remain quiet.

* Original City Builder co-author Jim Clunie has agreed to write one of our upcoming Stretch Goal places, the Mint, and we are very pleased that we will be adding his expertise to this revised edition of the book. We are now even more eager to reach the $14,000 mark and unlock that entry for the Platinum Edition of this sourcebook.

Thanks to everyone who has come on board with this project and helped bring it this far! We would appreciate it if you would tell your friends why they should come on board with it well — and they will get a big, beautiful, useful book and might be very glad you did — and help us get out the word about it so we can take it as far as possible for all its supporters.

‘City Builder’ Platinum Edition Kickstarter Update #7: ‘Mortuary’ Unlocked!

‘City Builder’ Platinum Edition Kickstarter Update #7: ‘Mortuary’ Unlocked!

Skirmisher Launches Kickstarter for ‘City Builder’ Platinum Edition!

Skirmisher Launches Kickstarter for ‘City Builder’ Platinum Edition!