‘City Builder’ Platinum Edition Kickstarter Update #16: ‘Animal Trainer’ Unlocked!

‘City Builder’ Platinum Edition Kickstarter Update #16: ‘Animal Trainer’ Unlocked!


We have moved steadily into the second half of our Kickstarter campaign for a "Platinum Edition" of Skirmisher Publishing’s City Builder: A Guide to Designing Communities and on day seventeen unlocked yet another new Stretch Goal! 

* When we reached $16,000 we unlocked the Animal Trainer, a new tradesman place that original City Builder author Michael O. Varhola will write. Whether they need to purchase guard dogs and mounts or have creatures like griffons and dragons trained, many characters will at some point visit the facilities of animal trainers of various sorts.

“About half the campaigns I have played in over the years would have been well-served by a writeup on a place like this and I am very much looking forward to developing it for this project,” Varhola said. “Parties in combat-heavy games often try to boost their striking power with wardogs and other beasts, while mounts like horses and elephants can be actual force multipliers if trained and used properly. It is also often only a matter of time until characters acquire a young monster, or an egg from which they hope to hatch one, and want to have it trained. So, I think many storytellers will appreciate having this place to refer to.”

* When we hit $17,000 we will unlock the Map Maker, a new craftsman place that Varhola will write. Characters needing to navigate their way across foreign lands or distant seas may seek information about such strange places from those skilled at creating maps of all sorts.

Thanks to everyone who has come on board with this project and helped bring it this far! We hope you have been enjoying this campaign and the previews of the Platinum Edition of City Builder and what will be in it. This project continues to become an increasingly better value for its backers, so please help us get out the word about it so that we can take it as far as possible for everyone.

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