Skirmisher Events at Comicpalooza

Skirmisher Events at Comicpalooza


Following are the games, seminars, and other events Skirmisher Publishing LLC will be running at the Comicpalooza fan convention, being held May 23-26, 2014, at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston! We will continue to add more tabletop RPGs, LARPs, miniatures games, and other events between now and the convention. Click on the hotlinked titles for descriptions, times, and to register for them. 

Following are the games, seminars, and other events Skirmisher Publishing LLC will be running at the Comicpalooza fan convention, being held May 23-26, 2014, at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston! We are currently scheduled to run 40 sessions totaling about 120 GM hours and will continue to add more tabletop RPGs, LARPs, miniatures games, seminars, and other events between now and the convention. Click on the hotlinked titles for descriptions, times, and to register for them. Events added since the last time we updated this page are marked with an asterisk. Icons representing some of the games being played on various days are hotlinked to pages containing more information about them. 

FRIDAY (9 events, 29+ hours)

d-Infinity's Pavilion of Many Games (Multiple Games/Systems) (10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Walkups Welcome)

War of the Little Orcs (Day 1) (Noon-8 p.m.; Walkups Welcome)

Dagon Rising! (Mythos boardgame) (Noon-1 p.m.; Registration Required)

Orc General Staff Training: Giants (2-3 p.m.; Registration Required)

The Return of Cyrus Crane (Cthulhu Live LARP) (2-5 p.m.; Registration Required)

Saga of the Wyrm's Son: Rescue at Hrafnsholt (Chevauchee scenario) (3-4:30 p.m.; Registration Required)

* Skirmisher Announcements/Gaming Your Way (Media Conference) (4-5 p.m.; Registration Optional/Walkups Welcome)

Saga of the Wyrm's Son: Lair of the Wyrm’s Son (Chevauchee scenario) (5-6:30 p.m.; Registration Required)

One Starry Night (Call of Cthulhu RPG) (6-8 p.m.; Registration Required)


SATURDAY (13 events, 36.5+ hours)

d-Infinity's Pavilion of Many Games (Multiple Games/Systems) (10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Walkups Welcome)

War of the Little Orcs (Day 2) (10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Walkups Welcome)

Beneath the Mountains of Madness (Savage Worlds Adventure) (10 a.m.-Noon; Registration Required)

Cave of Seven Mists (Sagas of Old RPG adventure) (11 a.m.-Noon; Registration Required)

Saga of the Wyrm's Son: Rescue at Hrafnsholt (Chevauchee scenario) (11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Registration Required)

Dagon Rising! (Mythos boardgame) (Noon-1 p.m.; Registration Required)

Saga of the Wyrm's Son: Lair of the Wyrm’s Son (Chevauchee scenario) (1-2:30 p.m.; Registration Required)

Mutant Future Character Creation Tutorial (1-2 p.m.; Registration Required)

The Ruins of Woebrook (Mutant Future Adventure) (2-6 p.m.; Registration Required)

Orc General Staff Training: Wizards (2-3 p.m.; Registration Required)

The Ageless (Cthulhu Live LARP) (2-5 p.m.; Registration Required)

* Quactica: Battles for the Soul of Middle Aesopia (Tutorial) (3-4 p.m.; Registration Required)

Quactica: Battles for the Soul of Middle Aesopia (Introductory scenario) (4-5:30 p.m.; Registration Required)


SUNDAY (12 events, 33+ hours)

* d-Infinity's Pavilion of Many Games (Multiple Games/Systems) (10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Walkups Welcome)

War of the Little Orcs (Day 3) (10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Walkups Welcome)

Temple of the Dreaming God (OGL/d20 Adventure) (11 a.m.-1 p.m.; Registration Required)

In the Clutch of Hunger (Sagas of Olde RPG adventure) (11 a.m.-1 p.m.; Registration Required)

Dagon Rising! (Mythos boardgame) (Noon-1 p.m.; Registration Required)

Orc General Staff Training: Heroes (Clerics, Paladins, Necromancers) (1-2 p.m.; Registration Required)

Muerte al Chupacabras! (Cthulhu Live LARP) (2-5 p.m.; Registration Required)

Pretty Princesses of Kingwood (Skirmish!/MILFs scenario) (3-4:30 p.m.; Registration Required)

Quactica: Battles for the Soul of Middle Aesopia (Tutorial) (3-4 p.m.; Registration Required)

Quactica: Battles for the Soul of Middle Aesopia (Introductory scenario) (4-5:30 p.m.; Registration Required)

* Enter the Jester Dragon's Lair (OGL/d20 seminar) (5-6 p.m.; Registration Optional/Walkups Welcome)

'd-Infinity Live!' Comicpalooza Special (Live Webcast) (8-9 p.m.; Registration Optional/Walkups Welcome)


MONDAY (6 events, 22+ hours)

d-Infinity's Pavilion of Many Games (Multiple Games/Systems) (10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Walkups Welcome)

War of the Little Orcs (Day 4) (10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Walkups Welcome)

* Meet d-Infinity Magazine (Seminar) (Noon-1 p.m.;  Registration Optional/Walkups Welcome)

Dagon Rising! (Mythos boardgame) (11 a.m.-Noon; Registration Required)

Orc General Staff Training: Elementals (1-2 p.m.; Registration Required)

The Gunman of Red Canyon (Cthulhu Live LARP) (2-5 p.m.; Registration Required)


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