'The Hunting Party' Released by Skirmisher!

Skirmisher Publishing is pleased to announce release of “The Hunting Party,” a scenario for its bestselling Ragnarok: Age of Wolves miniatures game! It is available at DriveThruRPG, RPGNow, and WargameVault by itself for 99¢ or as part of a 61% off 'Ragnarok: Age of Wolves' Bundle for just 1¢.
Venturing out to hunt in the early part of the Ragnarok is not for the faint of heart or for those who are unprepared, but obtaining provisions is essential to feeding a settlement that has run through most or all of its winter stores already. “The Hunting Party” provides an encounter between a band of Human warriors and a clan of the little folk known as Dvergar trying to defend a herd of their mountain goats.
“The Hunting Party” is designed for use with Skirmisher’s “Viking Warriors” and “Dvergar Warriors” factions for Ragnarok: Age of Wolves — which include stats for all the combatants mentioned in this publication — and its system-free sets of “Viking Warriors” and “Dwarf Soldiery” sets of Cardstock CharactersTM (all included in the afore-mentioned bundle). This publication also includes a sheet of 18 Mountain Goat miniatures that can be printed out on cardstock and assembled for use with this and other scenarios.
Ragnarok: Age of Wolves is a skirmish-level game for novice and experienced tabletop players alike that emulates the desperate small-scale actions that might result during the unending winter that is the first stage of the Viking Apocalypse. As crops fail and food grows scarce, banditry becomes rife as formerly good folk are driven to extremes and bad men take advantage of chaos and hardship. Beasts haunt the wilds and prowl the outskirts of palisaded settlement and isolated steading alike. Trolls and their ilk gather, marauders sweep brigands and more into their bands, and whispers abound of gaunt giant wolves and worse, glimpsed in the swirl of a snowstorm. And where such monsters and everlasting winter hold sway, Frost Giants cannot be far behind ...