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Game Theory Expo (September 29, 2018, Houston, Texas)


Game Theory Events LLC (GTE), in partnership with Skirmisher Publishing LLC, is proud to announce the opening of Game Theory Expo (GTEX), a one-day gaming convention focused on the independent and small publisher side of the industry. GTEX will take place on September 29, 2018, at the Gilruth Center, a public conference facility at NASA's Johnson Space Center. 

Game Theory Events LLC (GTE), in partnership with Skirmisher Publishing LLC, is proud to announce the opening of Game Theory Expo (GTEX), a one-day gaming convention focused on the independent and small publisher side of the industry. GTEX will take place on September 29, 2018, at the Gilruth Center, a public conference facility at NASA's Johnson Space Center. 

"Our goal with GTEX, and by extension GTE, is to shine a spotlight on local designers and publishers. By giving them a place to gather, to discuss their work and the industry as a whole, we feel we can bring more than just exposure to these dedicated individuals," said GTE Chief Marketing Officer Jason Yarnell. "Our purpose is to make the connections between those in the industry, at all levels, and those who are trying to get into it. GTEX will be that vehicle." 

Game Theory Events is currently looking for the inaugural class of local game designers and publishers who want the opportunity to show off their designs to fellow gamers and game stores throughout the Greater Houston area. In addition, successful game designers from Texas will be on hand to give advice and participate in panels throughout the day. For more information about how you can become a part of this new tradition in Houston, email us at info@gametheoryevents.com

GTEX will be more than just an industry meet-and-greet, and will feature plenty of table space for gaming available to the general public, as well as a game library and special events sponsored by local game stores. 

“Dedicated to providing a welcoming atmosphere for everyone interested in tabletop gaming, GTE’s premiere event, GTEX, promotes community through gaming by uniting players, new developers, and industry professionals in creating new and innovative games whose diversity rivals that of the people themselves,” said GTE Chief Operating Officer Joe Charles. “Join us for a day of gaming and be sure to check out the companies and games in development for a chance at some prizes.” 

“We are really excited to be part of this terrific new event,” said Skirmisher Publishing founder Michael O. Varhola. “Houston has a really active gaming community that we have enjoyed getting to know over the past several years and we are looking forward to treating them to the very newest and best things that we will be releasing over the summer this year.”

About Game Theory Events
Game Theory Events began in 2017 in Houston, Texas, when four friends recognized the need for a flexible company with the skills to add or repair gaming programs for existing conventions.

The founders met in 2013 when Joe and Traci Charles were volunteering for Comicpalooza. Joe was managing the gaming track alone that year and met Jason and his wife Anne through a mutual friend. Jason was already running his own game company, D3 Adventures, and quickly volunteered to add his own skills to the Comicpalooza gaming track for 2014. The two of them ran the gaming track for Comicpalooza from 2014 to 2016, growing it by 270% during that time.

Then, in 2017, Joe, Traci, Jason, and Anne decided to pool their talents and form Game Theory Events. In addition to its focus on gaming conventions and programs, it also emphasizes working with smaller, independent game designers and publishers and playing matchmaker between those in the business and those who wish to enter it.

About Skirmisher Publishing
For more than a decade, Skirmisher Publishing has been recognized throughout the game industry as a publisher of earnest and useful role-playing game supplements, rules, and sourcebooks.

This Texas-based company has published more than 200 wargaming, fiction, and roleplaying titles. Its products include the Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting and shared world fantasy fiction project; numerous licensed D&D/d20 publications and universal sourcebooks; the Wisdom from the Wastelands rules supplement for post-apocalyptic role-playing games; the Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition horror live-action roleplaying game (LARP); the H.G. Wells' Little Orc Wars miniatures wargaming system, which uses live catapult fire to resolve combat; a line of pre-painted resin Orc miniatures; and the "Quactica" line of white metal miniatures.

Skirmisher’s mission is to make gaming fun, appeal to intelligent gamers, and produce gaming materials unlike those being produced by other companies.