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‘City Builder’ Platinum Edition Kickstater Update #9: Free 38-Page Preview!


We want to make sure you know about the special 38-page preview of the "Platinum Edition" of City Builder that we created and have made available for download at d-Infinity Online game magazine, at https://d-infinity.net/sites/default/files/CB_Platinum_Preview%2808-04-2019%29.pdf

Since we launched this Kickstarter campaign last Monday we have thus far managed to unlock eight terrific Stretch Goals. They include 12 full-page, full-color images that artist Amanda Kahl has already started working on; three new places original City Builder author Michael O. Varhola will be writing, the Pilgrimage Route, Hermitage, and Farm; two new places Medieval historian Clint Staples will be writing, the Tournament Ground and Caravanserai; and two new places game developer William T. Thrasher will be writing, the Observatory and Mortuary.

We have identified eight additional earnest and useful places that we would still very much like to unlock during this campaign. They include the Animal Trainer, where characters can have exotic creatures they find in their adventures trained; the Colosseum, where spectacles like gladiatorial combats and mock naval battles are held; the Laundry, a fundamental institution in urban cultures; the Map Maker, where those skilled at cartography of all sorts can be found; the Mint, where those ubiquitous gold, silver, and copper pieces are manufactured; the Taxidermy Shop, where creatures of all sorts can be preserved for posterity; the Trade Fair, where commerce, entertainment, and holidays come together; and a Water Feature of the sort around which a community might be built. 

And if we hit $20,000 we are going to do something very special and create a large “meta-place” that will be at least twice as large as other entries, and for every $1,000 after that we will write an additional specific place associated with it. We are working on the details right now and know you will be really excited by it! 

Thanks to everyone who has come on board with this project and helped bring it to the point it is currently at. Please tell your friends why they should come on board with it as well and help us get out the word about it so that we can unlock all of our Stretch Goals and take it as far as possible for everyone. 

Shown below is the table of contents for the Platinum Edition of City Builder as it stands now and to which we will be adding the places associated with the Stretch Goals we unlock.